The annoying thing is she went to the doctors each month about pains in her lower back and she had to send urine samples which first came back clear. then last month she sent a sample and got asked to send another sample and then it came back there's an increase in white blood cells. Doctor asked her to come in for a follow up as to why that is happening but then she has shown a very high number of symptoms this month including spotting for o and ibIv had back pain, right in my lower back. and i got my BFP yesterday!
omg! thats terrible!
my doctors are shit too! xx
Oh my god!
what the hell. how bloody cheeky. id say stuff ya mate!
Im diabetic and will need more attention while carrying my child. more scans more blood tests the lot. and im lucky most of it will be at the hospital otherwise id kick off.
Half of my docs cant understand english, they dont wanna know, they palm you off with something.
you have a phone call of the doctor and the doctor decides if you need an appointment or not, if you need an appointment you have to phone first thing on the morning you want the appointment.
ITS DAFT. the whole NHS is stupid now! xx
I guess docs are just trying to rule EVERYTHING out.
im sure its nothing, shes either pregnant or period pains. i got/get backache with both xx
Im 12DPO today!
I got my first positive yesterday! x