12 +2 skull and nub pic. Pink or blue, help me guess xxx

Bump...due 3 days xxx any last guesses? X
Quick update, I've had my baby on Saturday 18th April and my yellow bump turned PINK 😂👍😂, I had quite a few boy guesses on here and I was convinced boy myself so just goes to show even tho she looked like she had a boy skull she was all girl xxxxx
Congratulations!!! What have you named her? :pink:

Sorry not replied sooner, been so busy with baby and toddler.

Her name is Millie Ellen Phyllis and she weighed a whopping 10lb 4oz , I had a 4 hour labour and did it all on gas and air.
I now feel my family is complete but you never know, I may be back here again in a years time 😊xxx

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