I'm not sure if I'm seeing a nub, but what I think might be the nub (bright white thing on the baby's bottom) looks like it's angled up, which would indicate boy. Potty shots are really not helpful at this stage because the boy bits and girl bits still look very similar at that point. (From that angle, anyway.) The only medically proven method for guessing gender based on ultrasound at 12-13 weeks is the nub theory. Skull theory is not proven. There was no nub in my pictures (and 11 weeks is a bit too early for that to be reliable anyway), and yet everyone seems to think it is a boy based on the the skull shots I provided... which all look completely different from each other. LOL. I've since spent an embarrassing amount of time looking at confirmed girl ultrasounds and comparing the skulls to the shots I have from ultrasound. I found many that looked nothing like mine... and many that did. My conclusion is that skull theory is a fun idea, but the accuracy isn't far off from a 50/50 guess. Nubs, on the other hand? Very accurate if read right. I'm no expert, though, so I'm not even sure if I'm seeing the nub in your picture.
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