(134) March 2012 Testers! 41 BFPs! Find your TTC/Bump Buddy Here!

OOOooo where can I get soy from? :D Im from Australia. Is it prescription?

Or is it a food source :)
Strange that your temps are above coverline still... Maybe you still have a chance.. Maybe ib??

Afm : still no af this morning.. Since I tested last night I didn't bother testing this morning .. I didn't temp this morning because I stayed up waiting for oh to get home from work.. We went to bed about an hour before I normally temp.. Hopefully I can temp tomorrow..

Skeet, I hope this doesn't seem insensitive for me to ask, but would you mind telling me some of your symptoms when you had ectopic and chemical? I got AF today, for sure, though I had awful, awful nausea last night and this AM and threw up quite a bit. I also had really bad lower back pain and THE WORST cramps. I usually get them bad but this was really bad. And also got spotting and period early this cycle. I did an hpt in the AM that was negative and turned faintly pink positive later---I know I'm not supposed to look outside the test time window, but I just have/had a feeling that it might be an early mc. I am currently between insurance and can't go to a doc to test, which is why I wanted to ask you. If you don't mind sharing, that would be really appreciated.
I might go on clomid I think, I hope my doc lets me.... What else do you have to take medical wise with clomid?? and how is it taken, when to take it and how many days to take it in the the cycle.?
Realistically we have been NTNP for nearly 1 year, (no condoms, no BC no pull out method)..... :huh:.
And really TTC for 5-6 months.
Part of me is telling me to wait 6 more months and part of me is telling me to go get some fertility advice.... hhmmmm
The catch is, OH works away out of town. His roster away from home is 8 days and his days off and home for 3-4 days. His roster used to be worse.. Away for 11 days and home for 3 days... It so hard for us to bd around my fertile days..

I had a miscarriage at 11 weeks in on 28th October 2009 if that helps my ttc story..?

Have you tried using soy? I don't know much about it but it apparently acts as a herbal clomid.. There was a thread about it in the ttc section.. Might be worth a try before clomid.. Especially since clomid can get expensive depending on where u are and your benefits

Has anyone tried progesterone cream? That you put on your hand or hip or whatever? The kind made with Wild Yam that you can get at Whole Foods? I also want to do Vitex...did it for a long, long time and my doc said is suppresses FSH, so not to get back on it, but I have a feeling that it might help me with my luteal phase spotting and low temps, etc. Haven't had progesterone tested but suspect it's low.
OOOooo where can I get soy from? :D Im from Australia. Is it prescription?

Or is it a food source :)

I don't know if you have walmarts there but apparently you can get it there.. I'm not to best resource for soy as I've never taken it, but I'm sure if you post a thread in the ttc section their are several ladies that are very experienced :)
Strange that your temps are above coverline still... Maybe you still have a chance.. Maybe ib??

Afm : still no af this morning.. Since I tested last night I didn't bother testing this morning .. I didn't temp this morning because I stayed up waiting for oh to get home from work.. We went to bed about an hour before I normally temp.. Hopefully I can temp tomorrow..

Skeet, I hope this doesn't seem insensitive for me to ask, but would you mind telling me some of your symptoms when you had ectopic and chemical? I got AF today, for sure, though I had awful, awful nausea last night and this AM and threw up quite a bit. I also had really bad lower back pain and THE WORST cramps. I usually get them bad but this was really bad. And also got spotting and period early this cycle. I did an hpt in the AM that was negative and turned faintly pink positive later---I know I'm not supposed to look outside the test time window, but I just have/had a feeling that it might be an early mc. I am currently between insurance and can't go to a doc to test, which is why I wanted to ask you. If you don't mind sharing, that would be really appreciated.

Nope it's not insensitive at all.. I don't mind talking about it.

My chemical pregnancy I got a :bfp: on an frer 1 day before af was due.. I tested again each day because I'm a poas addict.. The day after af was due I tested and the line disappeared.. About an hour later I had the worst cramps ( front and back) that I'd ever had.. Which was followed by the worst period ever. I had to change my tampon every half hour for the first day, then every hour the day after ( sorry if tmi) it was also full of clots.. I went to my dr and he told me it was a chemical and they are very common .. If the hpt showed neg then I was to continue on as If nothing happened ( easier said then done)

As for my ectopic, I Had missed a cycle the month before and gave up testing.. So after my af didn't show up a second time I tested and got a + on an hpt. A day later I went and got my bloods tested.. The dr told me that my levels were 102 ( which are low) but figured it was just still early.. That day I had cramps and spotting .. I also had some shoulder pain but unsure if it was caused by ectopic or falling in soccer two days before. I called a tele health nurse and they recommended I go to the hospital. I did and all they did was bloods and my levels were up to 158 .. I thought things were progressing nicely.. And the spotting had stopped.. I went in for a second round of bloods with my dr and they were up to 360.. So he told me he'd refer me to my ob.. I went away to the cottage that weekend and felt great except my lower back pain( it was really bad) I summed it up to early preg .. Had no spotting all weekend. Monday at work I started getting more pains and the spotting started again.. I called my ob and she brought me in.. She ran more bloods including progesterone. And told me she would try to get me in for an early scan. That night I had horrible pains in my right abdomen that were shooting into my groin and down my leg.. I didn't sleep all night because of the pain and thought that I was mc. The next morning I went in for a scan to find out it was ectopic and they were rushing me into surgery.

Sorry it's do long.. I kind of gave you a story instead of just symptoms
@skeet - No, that's great! The story and all the info are really helpful. I am suspecting I may have had a chemical. I felt like I KNEW I had conceived this month, and that faint pink and the nausea the day before, coupled with the early period and super bad cramps and really fast onset of heavy bleeding leads me in that direction...I suppose it could have just been a heavy, early period, though. Had a bad, bad pinching in my uterus, too. Anyway. Did your doc say that the chemical could affect future chances of conceiving? Thanks so much for sharing all of that!
Just came in to say the witch got me. Surprisingly not as sad as i thought I'd be... but I can say now I know I have a 12-13 day LP... So this cycle I won't be in limbo with it! I've got a.good feeling about April! Good luck to those still waiting to test!!
Just came in to say the witch got me. Surprisingly not as sad as i thought I'd be... but I can say now I know I have a 12-13 day LP... So this cycle I won't be in limbo with it! I've got a.good feeling about April! Good luck to those still waiting to test!!

Wish you LOADS of :dust: for april taurusmom!!
Well apparently I'm still 3dpo!!!!!!!!

FF gave me crosshairs this morning for cd17 being my ov day but I really don't agree!!

Can you have a look?

I really hope I didn't ov on that day because we didn't bd at all around that time

If AF comes again, I'll keep temping and will just have sex every other day from cd12-20 I think otherwise I'll never catch the egg.

I'm trying to stay positive still, had a huge amount of creamy cm this morning. Which is good I hope x
Hi Again all,

After a night of alot of tears and then searching the internet, I have decided my doc is enitrely wrong about what he told me yesterday. My chart still puts me at 7DPO and looking like a definate O on CD18

I have read that the levels of my bloods are consistant with mid cycle levels FSH was 38 and most sites suggest between 30-50 mid cycle is normal and my LH was 15 which is also in the normal bracket. Also almost all sites i went to said never check your FSH levels during this time, its making me wonder what planet he is on grrrrr,
Ocean pearl - Blue crosshairs are usually for an override. Try taking that off and see what day FF gives you by itself. What day do you think you ovulated? Even you did ov on CD17, you bd'd 2 days before which is fine. Spermies can live for up to 5 days so don't worry :)

Tigerlillie - Was it your GP who tested them? Mine didn't have a clue! He insisted on testing my progesterone on CD21 but some cycles I don't ovulate until after then. The fertility clinic were so much better. Maybe find some articles about when the tests should be done, print them off and go back to them and insist they are done on the correct days.
Ocean pearl - Blue crosshairs are usually for an override. Try taking that off and see what day FF gives you by itself. What day do you think you ovulated? Even you did ov on CD17, you bd'd 2 days before which is fine. Spermies can live for up to 5 days so don't worry :)

Tigerlillie - Was it your GP who tested them? Mine didn't have a clue! He insisted on testing my progesterone on CD21 but some cycles I don't ovulate until after then. The fertility clinic were so much better. Maybe find some articles about when the tests should be done, print them off and go back to them and insist they are done on the correct days.

I tried to override but it didn't move the ch. That's what FF thinks.

Ive removed it now hun.

I really think I ov earlier especially as my cycle is 27 days :wacko:
Ocean pearl - What's the reason for the open circle on CD17? Did you take it at a different time to normal? You could try correcting it (under the Data tab on FF) and see if that makes a difference. Keep a note of the original temp though in case you want to change it back lol!
Ocean pearl - What's the reason for the open circle on CD17? Did you take it at a different time to normal? You could try correcting it (under the Data tab on FF) and see if that makes a difference. Keep a note of the original temp though in case you want to change it back lol!

Hi hun, I've done it. Basically I woke up top early, usually temp at6.45am but I woke up at 6.10am. It's now moved my ov day to cd16. Seems more likely, thank you :flower:
Ooo it's given you solid crosshairs rather than broken ones too :) Definitely looks better.

I'm 4DPO too, when are you thinking of testing? I'm dying to already lol!
Ooo it's given you solid crosshairs rather than broken ones too :) Definitely looks better.

I'm 4DPO too, when are you thinking of testing? I'm dying to already lol!

So why the hell did it put it at cd17 first?! :wacko: weird FF! :haha:

Still annoyed we dtd so much around cd14!!

It says to test on the 29th, yeah right! I'm a poas addict so will be testing from Sunday with IC just incase I did ov earlier :haha:

Oooh we're both 4dpo! :flower:
I'm planning to start testing on Monday but only because I know I'll cave and test over the weekend lol! Hopefully we can be bump buddies together :)
I'm planning to start testing on Monday but only because I know I'll cave and test over the weekend lol! Hopefully we can be bump buddies together :)

Awesome! :thumbup:

So basically I've discovered using FF that I ovulate later than I thought and therefore have a short luteal phase of 12 days rather than 14, which is good in that I don't have a tww anymore but a 11 day wait but bad in that it's harder to conceive with a SLP as the egg has less time to attach to the womb as it already starts preparing to shed.

I think im making myself feel nauseous :( i hate the last days of the tww..
Charting is great - it's amazing how many people think they might have fertility problems but it turns out they just didn't ovulate when they thought they did. I love knowing what's going on in my body.

A 12 day LP is nothing to worry about, it's if it's less than 10 days that you need to get help. Most implantations happen between 6 and 12 DPO so you'll be fine :)

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