(134) March 2012 Testers! 41 BFPs! Find your TTC/Bump Buddy Here!

How are you ickle pond at 5dpo? I'm having no symptoms except a couple of little twinges here and there
I'm managing to resist testing so far ocean pearl. I make sure I go for a wee first thing before I even think about testing and that helps me through lol!

No symptoms yet, just a weird tension low in my belly. I did do the 30 Day shred DVD on Monday and it has lots of ab exercises in it, so maybe it's just that. Doesn't feel like a sore muscle though. Lots of creamy CM though, more than I usually have. Hopefully that's a good sign :)
I'm managing to resist testing so far ocean pearl. I make sure I go for a wee first thing before I even think about testing and that helps me through lol!

No symptoms yet, just a weird tension low in my belly. I did do the 30 Day shred DVD on Monday and it has lots of ab exercises in it, so maybe it's just that. Doesn't feel like a sore muscle though. Lots of creamy CM though, more than I usually have. Hopefully that's a good sign :)

Sounds good, this really is limbo bit as implantation doesn't occur yet so we wouldn't get symptoms yet anyway! Hope the days go quicker. Im resisting too, really hard but there's no point yet x
Blueskies - I don't want to put a dampener on things but you can get a +OPK and then not ovulate. I wouldnt go by the fact you've ovulated on the 27th for the past 3 months because the months are different lengths so that's a different cycle day every time, which is more relevant. Do you chart or follow any other ovulation signs?

That being said, I hope you are pregnant and it's just not showing up in tests yet.

Thanks Ickle, I want as much honesty as possible! In all truth, I know I ovulated because I always get ovulatory bleeding right before my positive OPK. Happens to me the past 4 months. I called my doctor in a panic last time and he was like "Oh that's wonderful great for TTC!" and I was like "oh yeah? two periods in one month? that is just wonderful" *immense sarcasm*

Although this morning 3 different kinds of tests said BFN... :(
BFN for me this morning... Not really sure when I o'd, but I'm CD28 today. My cycles usually aren't too long (29-35 days), so thinking this wasn't my month (as 10mIU test should have picked it up by now). I guess I'll just wait for AF and move onto April!
i was negative on digi today 12dpo but % of positives shoots up from 56% 4 days early to like 86% on 3 days early so will test again tomorrow morning n if neg will start tabs then n hope AF dont still manage to bite me for hols thanks for info x
Helloooo MARCH Maddness!!!!

TUESDAY:cake: Happy Birthday BUTTERWORTH's DF!:cake:





Sending a warm welcome to all the new joiners FLUTERBY429, USAMOM, KEL21, SPECIALK, and MEDIC76097 hoping this is Your month! I am so sorry that some of you are here from January/February threads!! GL FXD!:dust:


:bfp:ALERT CONGRATULATIONS NEWLYWEDMELLY Wishing you a Happy & Heathy 9 months!!! Come on over to this thread (https://www.babyandbump.com/pregnan...9-dragon-babies-2012-dec-apr-2012-bfps-8.html ) while you continue to stalk your TTC buddies here.

Sorry that I was gone for a while ladies, I had alot of testing over the past couple of days as the docs wanted to get as much done prior to my b-day and the surprise trip. I will be without internet access until March 22nd.... Oh how I have missed you all in just a couple days, so I know I will be having complete withdrawls until next Thursday....

LIZLOVELUST I can't remember your insurance situation, but I know that the last couple of months, I have been hoping that you would stop into the doc to get things monitored and looked at. You have had numerous cycles that were wacky and hard to pinpoint. I personally think that it would be well worth it for you to visit the doc Hun... GL FXD!:dust:

GNOME86 so sorry that you had a BFN and now have had to start your medication. I hope that your next cycle will be successful. Also, I have been using preseed with all of my BFPs, it isn't just for dryness, it is actually a helpful enviornment for the sperm to swim in, so it can be worth the try. GL FXD!:dust:

20SOMETHING See you in May! Thread just went up today Hun!:dust:

OCEAN_PEARL I agree with FF and TIGERLILLIE, CD16, the help that ICKLE gave made it a much easier chart to give. I absolutely love charting, it has taught me so many tings about my cycle and shown me that what I "thought" about it was incorrect. GL FXD!:dust:

TIGERLILLIE So sorry that the doc gave news that wasn't favorable, I hope those levels improve... I am ESCTATIC to see that you are not giving up with just his word! FXD!:dust:

USAMOM Hey Hun! Have to give a most special :wave: to you as one of my very 1st BnB friends! I hope we will also be Bump Buddies soon!:dust:

BLUESKIES good job standing your ground and waiting to test.... FXD that you will be seeing some dark pink BFP lines Saturday on my b-day!:dust:

MOMMY2BE7772 I hope you can get an appt ASAP and the doc has plenty of information to help you out!:dust:

SHARNW I am not sure what stores you have, but you can find SOY ISOFLAVES in the vitamin section of any store. It is a a natural clomid.... I've tried it, GL FXD!:dust:

TAURUSMOM05 so sorry AF flew in, you don't suppose your future LO was holding out in order for you and I to be Bump Buddies?? So glad that you can now pinpoint your LP, it is oh so helpful in the TTC arena Hun! TTC with you next month!!! :dust:

PEPSICHIC and KARRY1412 welcome back to us Huns! Sorry that AF spoiled the party, but I will definitely see you in April! Where we are sure to be SHOWERED with BFPs!:dust:

SAMJ732 some people don't have luck with ICs, I am one of them, every other PG I did. GL FXD!:dust:

DBZ34 YAY! FXD for a quick TWW!:dust:

MEDIC76097 YAY! for that +OPK! Now go BD :sex::dust:

:hugs: so very sorry that AF has flown in on you CALISTA20, 20SOMETHING, RAFWIFE, MOMMY2BE7772, TAURUSMOM05, PEPSICHIC, ANDREAW, SUE_88, SHARNW, FRAGGLEROCK, and KARRY1412 I hope that you will join us again in the April thread! Where I am sure you will see dark pink BFP lines!:dust: (listed on 1st page)

>>>On 8DPO end your post with a little SS (symptom spotting) to help everyone here as we all go through the TWW...

Ladies When you need the TTC perspective to carry you through the day, click back to page 94 to see where your egg is on its journey (The “Path”). There is a very helpful diagram that I am going to post on WEDNESDAYS. Stop by, check it out, see your eggy and get an idea of when you should test (+3 days!)

(https://www.babyandbump.com/pregnan...9-dragon-babies-2012-dec-apr-2012-bfps-8.html ) Join in and meet Bump Buddies! While you continue to stalk your TTC buddies here.

AFM... Hi Ladies, I am so sorry to have been gone the last couple of days. I was doing testing the doc scheduled and was completly wiped out. I have bruises on my arms from being drained off any blood I had to spare. They wanted to get as much testing in before my b-day and trip. I should be getting results start filetering today and for the next week. The FS has decided that I need to have an HSG done and I had an U/S done. I should be back to TTC in April they suggest... I have written a proper post in my journal.... Nooooww… Counting down to my b-day vacay! T-1 days to take off. Of course, routing on my BnB ladies working for that BFP:dust:

*First Page Updated*
Ok time for a stats update. We're currently at 15% BFP rate and we can expect around 30% each month. That means there are another 17 out there up for grabs :)

I've decided to go a little bit more in depth this time. AF sadly caught up with 23 ladies so far. That means that there are 73 of us still in.

17 BFP's between 73 of us means that we have roughly a 1 in 4 chance.

There are lots of ladies who haven't yet updated us, so make sure you remember to come back here and update us whether it's bad news or good so we can celebrate or commiserate with you.
I seriously think I'm going nuts, I think the lymph nodes in the sides of my breasts are swollen? Because something certainly is in there, I can feel it and it hurts. Other symptoms include backache, stiff neck, some funky cramps, and thiirsty. I felt awesome yesterday! And today I'm back to the misery :) I woke up a little nauseous too. I am too afraid to test and see a BFN, plus technically I'm two days early to test as AF is due on Saturday. I'm thinking of making a doc appt about the swollen bbs tho!
Swollen sore lumpy boobs are a sign of AF/early pregnancy thanks to the progesterone. It's nothing to be concerned about unless it's still there after AF has started :)
Well gosh, its so freakin weird! They have hurt since O day and just keep getting worse and worse. So I suppose AF is around the corner then. Great.
Thank you MrsMM,

I'm no quitter lol

8DPO and feeling great had a couple of major twinges on CD6-7 and a little nausea last night and little light headiness, also have tender to the touch boobies but that could be either pg or AF causing them, I'm trying not to symptom spot as I don't want to get my hopes up.......easier said than done.

Had a great visit to the U/S sonographer today, she did an external and internal scan, and I have been told that everything inside is as it should be, she also confirmed ovualtion and said that I had a 3cm Corpus luteum cyst which is very normal and healthy. She couldn't see anything else as she said it can take 4-6 weeks to see anything if we have caught the egg this month, but as far as she was concerned there was nothing to worry about. she will check again in 6 weeks time which is when i am due for or will have AF if I haven't caught the egg this month to make sure that it has gone down as it should

Told her what the crazy doc said and she was dumb founded and told me to lay a complaint as I definately was not POST menopausal.....
March ladies--some input/feedback??

So AF came on 3/13 for me and came in like a lion--horrible, horrible cramps and headache, clots, woke with the worst heartburn I'd ever had the night before (I don't get that!) and vomited a lot, then vomited the next day. I had what looked like an evap on a $ store hpt the day before (after the time window closed), but it was pink and the test I took the next day showed a very gray and hard to see evap line....Also my AF was 3 days early, so I suspected chemical and early mc.

Here's where I feel concerned/totally freaked out:
My bbt dropped below the coverline on 9 and 10dpo last cycle, then went back up the day my period started...they stayed a few 10th's of a degree above for two days, then today shot way, way up. Like 6/10ths of a degree. If I did have a chemical there wasn't enough hcg in my system to get a strong positive on a test, so I don't think that there's any residual hcg making my temp high...Could I have an ectopic?? That's my biggest fear, especially because I don't have insurance at the moment (should be approved for a new plan in the next day or two, but no guarantee)--so I can't go to the doc at this point! Help!! The vomiting and severe pain of AF on that first day really scared me--I really don't usually get that intense of a first day. Does this sound like something scary going on to any of you ladies who have had ectopic or similar symptoms?? Thanks...kind of freaking out, if my punctuation didn't already show you that :)
Lauren - If you did have a chemical, which is what it sounds like might have happened, then you're AF will be a bit all over the place. Your temps can be unpredictable during a normal AF so I imagine it'd be worse with a chemical.

I think that if you had an ectopic then you'd be having pain centred on one side or another but I'm sure one of the ladies that has actually been through one will be able to give you better advice.
AF must be around the corner. Just did a FRER and BFN. I had to use second morning urine but I didn't drink anything after I woke up today just for that reason. Gosh, I really thought this was my month :cry:


I tested this morning with a 10 mIU IC... BFN. Not really having any symptoms, but also not sure of when I o'd. I'm CD28 of ? (usually 29-35). Not really feeling hopeful, but I guess it's not over until AF shows! So I continue to wait...
March ladies--some input/feedback??

So AF came on 3/13 for me and came in like a lion--horrible, horrible cramps and headache, clots, woke with the worst heartburn I'd ever had the night before (I don't get that!) and vomited a lot, then vomited the next day. I had what looked like an evap on a $ store hpt the day before (after the time window closed), but it was pink and the test I took the next day showed a very gray and hard to see evap line....Also my AF was 3 days early, so I suspected chemical and early mc.

Here's where I feel concerned/totally freaked out:
My bbt dropped below the coverline on 9 and 10dpo last cycle, then went back up the day my period started...they stayed a few 10th's of a degree above for two days, then today shot way, way up. Like 6/10ths of a degree. If I did have a chemical there wasn't enough hcg in my system to get a strong positive on a test, so I don't think that there's any residual hcg making my temp high...Could I have an ectopic?? That's my biggest fear, especially because I don't have insurance at the moment (should be approved for a new plan in the next day or two, but no guarantee)--so I can't go to the doc at this point! Help!! The vomiting and severe pain of AF on that first day really scared me--I really don't usually get that intense of a first day. Does this sound like something scary going on to any of you ladies who have had ectopic or similar symptoms?? Thanks...kind of freaking out, if my punctuation didn't already show you that :)

I wouldn't be concerned about your temps during AF. They tend to be all over the place normally and will rise and fall due to your body balancing its hormones. And if you did have a chemical, I'm sure the first few temps are bound to be wacky. But, rises and falls are normal to see on a chart during AF. So, try not to worry about it.

If you had an ectopic, the pain associated with it gets worse as time goes on. You might also experience lots of pain in your back and shoulders. If it terrible cramps and pain went away after the first day of AF, you're probably fine and the pain you experienced had more to do with the suspected chemical. I've also read that ectopic symptoms don't show up until around 5-6 weeks into a pregnancy...

But if you're truly concerned, it won't hurt to speak to your doctor about it.

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