(134) March 2012 Testers! 41 BFPs! Find your TTC/Bump Buddy Here!

Ok, I just religiously poured over my notes, and I came up with this-

+OPK on the night of the 27th- -OPK night of the 28th-
Tiny spot of bleeding that weekend (2nd and 3rd) with some minor cramping
Sore boobs the entire week following, typical after ovulation.
Weekend of 9th/10th another spot of blood mixed with cm; pretty rough cramps/headaches.
Cramps continue through the 11th.

I was assuming the first spot of blood on the 2nd and 3rd was the implantation bleeding, but could that have been ovulation bleeding? And that the weekend after was actually the implantation bleeding?

If so - and I had implantation bleeding on the 10th- that means that I'd be only 5DPO and no chance of a BFP... AF didn't come yet because she's not due, because ovulation was so late...

Does this make sense? Or am I just grasping at straws because lack of AF and lack of a BFP is driving me crazy...?

Thoughts, opinions, a slap across the face to bring me to reality...?

Love you guys for being my support system - you're better than a bra :haha:

I think it sounds good for you!! I've had cramps for days now and it's so unusual for me. I'm terrified AF will start at any moment, but she isn't due for another week.

please keep sharing! I agree that it helps so much. Fingers crossed...:dust:

Oh thank you so much usamom, I am so glad that it's not just me grasping at straws. I hope that you and I get our BFP's this month. Yes, this whole forum thing helps so much, I would be crazy without all you amazing ladies. :hugs: I just wish we would all get our bundle of joy so we can get out of the TWW and over to the First Trimester forum :haha:

Here's hoping that every time we run to the bathroom (I am pretty sure my coworkers thing I have a veryyy active bladder) it's just lots of early preggo cm and NOT THE START OF THE :witch:!!!

Sorry I didn't get on to report the results of Clomid Round #2. I got beta results back that indicated thata I didn't ovulate again. Third cycle is already in effect. This may be the last one. It's too depressing. I have had a tumultuous past 2 years, and just thought that we were ready to move on and move forward with out lives. My family really wants this baby, and we are hoping for a miracle. I just can't forget about everything that I've already been through, and whether or not I'm strong enough to keep going. I almost can't help the sadness. I got the results of my progesterone level check and just shut down. Anywho, if it's always darkest before the dawn, the only dawn I want to see is my BFP. Congrats BFPs. I know I'm new here and haven't spoken to anyone personally, but I appreciate any opportunity to interact with those who share a common goal/dream.
blueskies, Here's to hoping we can be bump buddies! :flower: The :witch: needs to stay away!
Sorry I didn't get on to report the results of Clomid Round #2. I got beta results back that indicated thata I didn't ovulate again. Third cycle is already in effect. This may be the last one. It's too depressing. I have had a tumultuous past 2 years, and just thought that we were ready to move on and move forward with out lives. My family really wants this baby, and we are hoping for a miracle. I just can't forget about everything that I've already been through, and whether or not I'm strong enough to keep going. I almost can't help the sadness. I got the results of my progesterone level check and just shut down. Anywho, if it's always darkest before the dawn, the only dawn I want to see is my BFP. Congrats BFPs. I know I'm new here and haven't spoken to anyone personally, but I appreciate any opportunity to interact with those who share a common goal/dream.

Oh Sookies, so sorry to hear that you're having a difficult path to a BFP. I completely understand how bad a family wants a baby, as if we don't have enough pressure? It is always the darkest before the dawn, and I am sure your BFP is on the horizon. We're all such wonderful amazing women and I think you'll find that the support here is immeasurable. If you need a shoulder or something, feel free to message me - we're all wanting the same thing- a God given, beautiful boy or girl lying in our arms :)

:hugs: stay positive, it WILL happen!
blueskies, Here's to hoping we can be bump buddies! :flower: The :witch: needs to stay away!

YES! Let's be buddies, I will send you a friend request now... :hugs: I am trying to keep to on the forums with people who understand - poor OH knows wayyy to much about conception, implantation, mucus, AF than he ever wishes to know about :haha:
blueskies, Here's to hoping we can be bump buddies! :flower: The :witch: needs to stay away!

YES! Let's be buddies, I will send you a friend request now... :hugs: I am trying to keep to on the forums with people who understand - poor OH knows wayyy to much about conception, implantation, mucus, AF than he ever wishes to know about :haha:

:happydance: I have a buddy :thumbup:
My OH just looks at me like I'm :wacko: LOL!
Sorry I didn't get on to report the results of Clomid Round #2. I got beta results back that indicated thata I didn't ovulate again. Third cycle is already in effect. This may be the last one. It's too depressing. I have had a tumultuous past 2 years, and just thought that we were ready to move on and move forward with out lives. My family really wants this baby, and we are hoping for a miracle. I just can't forget about everything that I've already been through, and whether or not I'm strong enough to keep going. I almost can't help the sadness. I got the results of my progesterone level check and just shut down. Anywho, if it's always darkest before the dawn, the only dawn I want to see is my BFP. Congrats BFPs. I know I'm new here and haven't spoken to anyone personally, but I appreciate any opportunity to interact with those who share a common goal/dream.

:hugs: I'm sorry you're having to go through all this, TTC is so emotionally draining. We are always here on BnB to keep you company!
@DB thanks again! I had no idea about being more fertile after--BFP or bust! Where are you in your cycle??

Yes, I keep having flashes of movie scenes where an unsuspecting woman finds out, much to her delight, that she 'somehow' got pregnant--like Tina Fey and Amy Poehler both in Baby Mama and Julianne Moore in that one movie, lol. Not to mention the Office...kind of seems like i watch too much tv...how long have you web TTC?

TTC irl - 9 cycles...but I didn't stumble across BnB until cycle 4. I've seen a lot of ladies get their BFPs and I'm hoping to join them soon! :)

How long have you been TTC?

Ok, I just religiously poured over my notes, and I came up with this-

+OPK on the night of the 27th- -OPK night of the 28th-
Tiny spot of bleeding that weekend (2nd and 3rd) with some minor cramping
Sore boobs the entire week following, typical after ovulation.
Weekend of 9th/10th another spot of blood mixed with cm; pretty rough cramps/headaches.
Cramps continue through the 11th.

I was assuming the first spot of blood on the 2nd and 3rd was the implantation bleeding, but could that have been ovulation bleeding? And that the weekend after was actually the implantation bleeding?

If so - and I had implantation bleeding on the 10th- that means that I'd be only 5DPO and no chance of a BFP... AF didn't come yet because she's not due, because ovulation was so late...

Does this make sense? Or am I just grasping at straws because lack of AF and lack of a BFP is driving me crazy...?

Thoughts, opinions, a slap across the face to bring me to reality...?

Love you guys for being my support system - you're better than a bra :haha:

Definitely possible that you ovulated later than you thought previously and that's why there's no sign of AF or a BFP. And it would have been way early for implantation bleeding on the 2nd/3rd if you ovulated on the 29th (12-24 hours after the pos opk). So I think your new theory is probably the right one. The ovulation bleeding that you said you get every month probably happened on the 2nd/3rd. The second spot of bleeding could have been IB... Fx is was. Though, did you BD around the 2nd/3rd as well?

Hope AF stays away!
well 13dpo n negative on a clearblue digi but on to next time, Santa might bring me a christmas baby. I'm trying this positive mental attitude lark :thumbup:
Remember digi's aren't as sensitive as line tests Gnome. You're not out until the witch shows :)
aww thanks ickle pand but i know i ent pg. So bizarre as first 8 dpo had the most immense symptoms n even pink cm but havent a clue why now. Just hoping it me body getting all fertiley for next ov! good luck every1 back in 10 days to catch up x
Good morning.
BFN for me this am. But, then again I think I am at 9dpo, and that is only if I ovulated yet. :/ Still wondering about that. We'll see what happens, I might have to hop onto the April board with this cycle.
I dreamed about BFP's. Nice dark lines instantly.
feeling slightly deflated this month been really poorly with flu symptoms so have not been able to bed much im on clear day 21 with tons of white thick cm which according to most web pages can mean anything but no other symptoms what so ever, have a feeling march is not going to be my month.. not much pma going on here i know sorry girls... next month will be month 10 ttc!!
Ok, I just religiously poured over my notes, and I came up with this-

+OPK on the night of the 27th- -OPK night of the 28th-
Tiny spot of bleeding that weekend (2nd and 3rd) with some minor cramping
Sore boobs the entire week following, typical after ovulation.
Weekend of 9th/10th another spot of blood mixed with cm; pretty rough cramps/headaches.
Cramps continue through the 11th.

I was assuming the first spot of blood on the 2nd and 3rd was the implantation bleeding, but could that have been ovulation bleeding? And that the weekend after was actually the implantation bleeding?

If so - and I had implantation bleeding on the 10th- that means that I'd be only 5DPO and no chance of a BFP... AF didn't come yet because she's not due, because ovulation was so late...

Does this make sense? Or am I just grasping at straws because lack of AF and lack of a BFP is driving me crazy...?

Thoughts, opinions, a slap across the face to bring me to reality...?

Love you guys for being my support system - you're better than a bra :haha:

Definitely possible that you ovulated later than you thought previously and that's why there's no sign of AF or a BFP. And it would have been way early for implantation bleeding on the 2nd/3rd if you ovulated on the 29th (12-24 hours after the pos opk). So I think your new theory is probably the right one. The ovulation bleeding that you said you get every month probably happened on the 2nd/3rd. The second spot of bleeding could have been IB... Fx is was. Though, did you BD around the 2nd/3rd as well?

Hope AF stays away![/QUOTE]

Haha yeah, if I ovulated around the 2nd/3rd I definitely think that I could have caught it -- BD'ed twice Friday (the 2nd), once on Saturday (3rd), twice on Sunday (4th) and then again on Monday (5th). I ravaged poor OH :blush:... looking back it makes complete sense if I was O'ing..

hehehe... here's hoping f'xed!
Still no AF or any other signs, my breasts have been itchy and sore with stabbing pains here and there...
Tested again this morning (CD29)... BFN. My last cycle was 29 days, so we'll see if she shows today.
feeling slightly deflated this month been really poorly with flu symptoms so have not been able to bed much im on clear day 21 with tons of white thick cm which according to most web pages can mean anything but no other symptoms what so ever, have a feeling march is not going to be my month.. not much pma going on here i know sorry girls... next month will be month 10 ttc!!

If it makes you feel better I only dtd once during the whole fertile time! I had decided to stop actively trying until nearer summer to get a spring 2013 baby - ended up with an unexpected BFP and a November baby.
As for cm I got bad thrush right after conceiving which is new for me.
Got my test results back from GP and apparently it was negative! I did a cb digital and it came up with 2-3 weeks pregnant, it is 'officially' 5 weeks tomorrow according to lump but ticker reflects ov 2-3 days early.

Not quite sure why GP test would be wrong - got a BFP on boots digital the same day which is 25miu, the same day. Inconclusive I could understand but not a negative?
Sorry I didn't get on to report the results of Clomid Round #2. I got beta results back that indicated thata I didn't ovulate again. Third cycle is already in effect. This may be the last one. It's too depressing. I have had a tumultuous past 2 years, and just thought that we were ready to move on and move forward with out lives. My family really wants this baby, and we are hoping for a miracle. I just can't forget about everything that I've already been through, and whether or not I'm strong enough to keep going. I almost can't help the sadness. I got the results of my progesterone level check and just shut down. Anywho, if it's always darkest before the dawn, the only dawn I want to see is my BFP. Congrats BFPs. I know I'm new here and haven't spoken to anyone personally, but I appreciate any opportunity to interact with those who share a common goal/dream.

Oh Sookies, so sorry to hear that you're having a difficult path to a BFP. I completely understand how bad a family wants a baby, as if we don't have enough pressure? It is always the darkest before the dawn, and I am sure your BFP is on the horizon. We're all such wonderful amazing women and I think you'll find that the support here is immeasurable. If you need a shoulder or something, feel free to message me - we're all wanting the same thing- a God given, beautiful boy or girl lying in our arms :)

:hugs: stay positive, it WILL happen!

Thanks for that. I know, the women here are great. You're all so tough to keep trying month after month. It's been 5 years since I jumped on the TTC roller coaster. My journey wasn't too long before but that was then. Much to my surprise I haven't been responding to clomid. Hubby and I always thought we could wait, but low and behold, waiting has put us in a pickle. My PCOS has changed. Here's to hoping I can persevere as well as the rest of you ladies. And now, :coffee:.
Got my test results back from GP and apparently it was negative! I did a cb digital and it came up with 2-3 weeks pregnant, it is 'officially' 5 weeks tomorrow according to lump but ticker reflects ov 2-3 days early.

Not quite sure why GP test would be wrong - got a BFP on boots digital the same day which is 25miu, the same day. Inconclusive I could understand but not a negative?

Go to a different clinic? They must have done something wrong!

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