Thank you all for your help, advice, and personal experience, that means a lot to me. I love to hear all about your experiences so feel free to type away, I usually read all of the stories no matter how long/short.
Thank you, happy and healthy nine months to you as well. Lol, I know.. Men!
not many people know about my pregnancy yet, I'm too worried to tell anyone, if I even have a normal stomach ache or anything I freak out that something is going wrong lol.
Thank you, happy and healthy nine months to you as well (even though your almost done the nine months.. How exciting!!!!). I would love to hear about your pregnancy so far, hope all has went well and continues to do so
Thank you, happy and healthy nine months to you as well..oes it worry you at all that you didn't know until you were 2 months? It worries me, but I get worried about a lot. Like I wish I was taking folic acid.. And I wish I had eaten better and just everything really. Lol. His mom told him that stuff too but he didn't quite get the memo yet lol. I'm sure he will understand better when I start showing a little more of a belly. He is excited about the pregnancy so hopefully that will help. He doesn't really have a father figure.. Him and his dad don't get along well at all and his step dad didn't have any kids. So not many dad's that he knows.. Maybe a couple of his friends from his old town tho.
Thank you, happy and healthy nine months to you as well. I hope he will eventually just realize. But he's a great guy, they just don't understand
gotta love him no matter what lol. But yes, I think he would trust my opinion and if I thought he should read something to get a better understanding he more than likely would be willing to do so.
Thank you to all of you, I'm here if you need to talk
didn't expect anyone to reply so fast. I does anyone know what helps with back pain? :-\
Thank you all very much