19, in Uni and trying for a baby.

Aw that would be so cute if it was for his birthday.

Wishing ~ I'm not taking anything except folic acid, and not charting although use the occasional OPK. I was doing more before and found it was just stressing me out.
It did, thank god. I'm okay just nauseous and barely ate today. The hubby was mad I only had a apple till he came by around 8. I love drinking orange soda every now and then but it taste horrible now.. Either my taste buds are wacky or there's a chance I'm still pregnant and bleeding. Oh how much I want to take a test but I have to wait a week!

How are you?

sounds like me when i was pregnant lol. i lost 11lbs in the first tri cos i just couldnt eat or keep things down! they wanted to admit me to hospital lol and i had it throughout the pregnancy...the first thing i did after giving birth was throw up for the last time :haha: and i used to love lucozade. but after throwing it up so many times (sometimes so violently it came out my nose lol) i cant drink it anymore :(

hope its good signs for you! you definitely have more restraint than I do waiting a week lol

Its the worst thing ever! I had bagel Thursday and it came right out once when I was done. I was so late to class. It was horrible. I was afraid to eat another bagel again! lol. I told the hubby about what you replied and he laughed saying that's going to be but with chocolate. I'm a chocolate head till now. I can't eat it with out me gagging, vomiting minutes later and it upsetting my stomach.

haha for most of my pregnancy i lived off chocolate and cheese and onion crisps. though i woke up one day wanting to eat lipstick :shrug:. but you figure out what to do to avoid throwing up after a while! i couldnt eat anything saucy, or that had a strong smell. i couldnt eat cheerios or bacon or drink tea. and lucozade as i said! i couldnt eat anything first thing in the morning, and i couldnt eat too fast. but i learned how to identify when i was going to get sick, so i would stop eating, sit back and allow my stomach to settle before carrying on lol.

sounds like you definitely could be on the baby train! keeping fingers crossed!

I am. I'm super happy right now... :sex::angel::blush: It think taking a break was a good idea since I haven't been in the mood since I went to the ER in the beginning of Sept. Now its like bam we are refreshed, relaxed, motivated and energized! :dust:

I hope it does work. I want someone to be pregnant already! :blush:
Am I the only one who isn't taking anything and charting? :wacko:
That would also be cute. Telling him that on his birthday. You should try finding one of those funny birthday cards and tell him. Maybe by even giving him a ultrasound picture instead of using words?

I'm omly taking pregnacare conception (though before my fertile week i take agnus castus ) but i stopped temping and taking opks when i found it just stressed me out!
I haven't used anything but preseed, hoping it would help get me pregnant.

Please don't tell me that. I love bacon! I think I the bagel fast since I was in a rush to leave for school. It was the first time it happened to me, vomiting what I ate withing minutes that is.

It really does sound like I'm pregnant but I got the witch.
I haven't used anything but preseed, hoping it would help get me pregnant.

Please don't tell me that. I love bacon! I think I the bagel fast since I was in a rush to leave for school. It was the first time it happened to me, vomiting what I ate withing minutes that is.

It really does sound like I'm pregnant but I got the witch.

I know you have the :witch: but if you didn't, how many dpo would you now be?
Also, I'm taking folic acid and Vitamin B Co, just to be on the safe side, as I've read that it's better to be on especially Folic Acid (Vitamin B9) if you have been on bc for a while (how true it is, I don't know?), and when you conceive, it'll do the baby good that first few weeks you don't know you are pregnant. Also with the temping, I'm not letting it stress me out, in fact, me and DH find it very interesting to see the temp shifts (also tracking because of being on bc for so long)
I haven't used anything but preseed, hoping it would help get me pregnant.

Please don't tell me that. I love bacon! I think I the bagel fast since I was in a rush to leave for school. It was the first time it happened to me, vomiting what I ate withing minutes that is.

It really does sound like I'm pregnant but I got the witch.

i had no AF at first, but i had bleeding at 11weeks! they couldnt explain it but it was so much i thought i was miscarrying!
I haven't used anything but preseed, hoping it would help get me pregnant.

Please don't tell me that. I love bacon! I think I the bagel fast since I was in a rush to leave for school. It was the first time it happened to me, vomiting what I ate withing minutes that is.

It really does sound like I'm pregnant but I got the witch.

i had no AF at first, but i had bleeding at 11weeks! they couldnt explain it but it was so much i thought i was miscarrying!

Damn but everything was okay? and my hubby wanna know how long did it take for your belly to pop? What you're telling me is giving him so much hope lol. Its cute. :hugs:
I haven't used anything but preseed, hoping it would help get me pregnant.

Please don't tell me that. I love bacon! I think I the bagel fast since I was in a rush to leave for school. It was the first time it happened to me, vomiting what I ate withing minutes that is.

It really does sound like I'm pregnant but I got the witch.

I know you have the :witch: but if you didn't, how many dpo would you now be?
Also, I'm taking folic acid and Vitamin B Co, just to be on the safe side, as I've read that it's better to be on especially Folic Acid (Vitamin B9) if you have been on bc for a while (how true it is, I don't know?), and when you conceive, it'll do the baby good that first few weeks you don't know you are pregnant. Also with the temping, I'm not letting it stress me out, in fact, me and DH find it very interesting to see the temp shifts (also tracking because of being on bc for so long)

I have no clue! :blush:
Hope the sickness clears up asap. So not fair to have a visit from the :witch: AND have sickness!
I haven't used anything but preseed, hoping it would help get me pregnant.

Please don't tell me that. I love bacon! I think I the bagel fast since I was in a rush to leave for school. It was the first time it happened to me, vomiting what I ate withing minutes that is.

It really does sound like I'm pregnant but I got the witch.

i had no AF at first, but i had bleeding at 11weeks! they couldnt explain it but it was so much i thought i was miscarrying!

Damn but everything was okay? and my hubby wanna know how long did it take for your belly to pop? What you're telling me is giving him so much hope lol. Its cute. :hugs:

everything was absolutely fine! :) i had pre eclampsia, but that wasnt related lol. my belly started to show around 20 weeks, but i only really started to look pregnant at 6 months lol though i was seriously skinny when i fell pregnant, so i had a lot of space to grow out before it started to 'show' so to speak. i started noticing it around 15 weeks :)
i hope im not giving you false hope! but from what you've said it really does sound like you're pregnant! keeping my fingers crossed!
I haven't used anything but preseed, hoping it would help get me pregnant.

Please don't tell me that. I love bacon! I think I the bagel fast since I was in a rush to leave for school. It was the first time it happened to me, vomiting what I ate withing minutes that is.

It really does sound like I'm pregnant but I got the witch.

i had no AF at first, but i had bleeding at 11weeks! they couldnt explain it but it was so much i thought i was miscarrying!

Damn but everything was okay? and my hubby wanna know how long did it take for your belly to pop? What you're telling me is giving him so much hope lol. Its cute. :hugs:

everything was absolutely fine! :) i had pre eclampsia, but that wasnt related lol. my belly started to show around 20 weeks, but i only really started to look pregnant at 6 months lol though i was seriously skinny when i fell pregnant, so i had a lot of space to grow out before it started to 'show' so to speak. i started noticing it around 15 weeks :)
i hope im not giving you false hope! but from what you've said it really does sound like you're pregnant! keeping my fingers crossed!

I know. I'm trying not to think about it until I see with my own that I got a :bfp:
Whenever one of the hubby friends or family sees me they ask him. Apparently I'm rounding out.
I hope Lerp & Kazine are okay.
Maybe one of them got a :bfp: ?
everything was absolutely fine! :) i had pre eclampsia, but that wasnt related lol. my belly started to show around 20 weeks, but i only really started to look pregnant at 6 months lol though i was seriously skinny when i fell pregnant, so i had a lot of space to grow out before it started to 'show' so to speak. i started noticing it around 15 weeks :)
i hope im not giving you false hope! but from what you've said it really does sound like you're pregnant! keeping my fingers crossed!

I know. I'm trying not to think about it until I see with my own that I got a :bfp:
Whenever one of the hubby friends or family sees me they ask him. Apparently I'm rounding out.

haha maybe you're further along than you think! if having periods during pregnancy is a family thing for you, maybe you're 8 weeks along instead of 4! :haha: or 12!!! :p

when is it you're planning on taking your test? :)
Wishing - How you feeling? You should let us know when you are testing k?

Destiny - Are you ttc #2?:baby::p
I am also 19, in college and also TTC. I knew I was ready when I met my fiancee, i knew he was the one we moved in together 3 weeks after we met and have been in bliss since. We have everything for our apartment and have even started purchasing some baby needs, some white onsies,grooming kits,saftey prep kit,baby monitor breast pump and other things. I am on cycle number 7 (hopefully the luck of 7 compels my ovaries lmao). I am on clomid this month for the very first time and on CD 13 today 10/17/13. No postive ovulation tests yet but its coming I feel feel it! I unfortunately have PCOS and I do not ovulate on my own and I have never been pregnant at all sadly. BUt, you are not alone :) :dust::dust::dust::dust: lots of baby dust to all!
Wishing - How you feeling? You should let us know when you are testing k?

Destiny - Are you ttc #2?:baby::p

yup! expanding my already perfect family. i want a boy. purely so i can have 1 of each, but dh wants another girl. and i think that'd be pretty adorable too lol. whats funny is i had 35 day cycles before DD. and started af on the 1st of october. meaning next af will probably begin on the 5th of november. which was the date of my last known period with dd. meaning if i get pregnant next cycle, my due date will be the exact same due date i had with dd. and she arrived exactly on time :haha:

I am also 19, in college and also TTC. I knew I was ready when I met my fiancee, i knew he was the one we moved in together 3 weeks after we met and have been in bliss since. We have everything for our apartment and have even started purchasing some baby needs, some white onsies,grooming kits,saftey prep kit,baby monitor breast pump and other things. I am on cycle number 7 (hopefully the luck of 7 compels my ovaries lmao). I am on clomid this month for the very first time and on CD 13 today 10/17/13. No postive ovulation tests yet but its coming I feel feel it! I unfortunately have PCOS and I do not ovulate on my own and I have never been pregnant at all sadly. BUt, you are not alone :) :dust::dust::dust::dust: lots of baby dust to all!

hi and welcome! i knew with my dh i was ready too :) i met him at 16, got engaged at 18, moved in together at 19 (woulda been sooner if immigration laws allowed it lol) got pregnant, married and had dd at 20! now im 22 (23 on the 29th of this month) and trying for baby numbrr 2!
everything was absolutely fine! :) i had pre eclampsia, but that wasnt related lol. my belly started to show around 20 weeks, but i only really started to look pregnant at 6 months lol though i was seriously skinny when i fell pregnant, so i had a lot of space to grow out before it started to 'show' so to speak. i started noticing it around 15 weeks :)
i hope im not giving you false hope! but from what you've said it really does sound like you're pregnant! keeping my fingers crossed!

I know. I'm trying not to think about it until I see with my own that I got a :bfp:
Whenever one of the hubby friends or family sees me they ask him. Apparently I'm rounding out.

haha maybe you're further along than you think! if having periods during pregnancy is a family thing for you, maybe you're 8 weeks along instead of 4! :haha: or 12!!! :p

when is it you're planning on taking your test? :)

Imagine?! I would be so freaking happy!! :haha: around 4 something in the morning it felt like my tummy had a pulse. It was SO weird. I felt it, it was that strong and it aslo felt like movements. It was just weird!

Hopefully by the end of next week!!! :dance: :dust: :bfp:
Wishing - How you feeling? You should let us know when you are testing k?

Destiny - Are you ttc #2?:baby::p

I'm okay BullsBabe. Besides the weird feeling in my tummy a few hours ago and not getting some rest. I'm okay. Since I wasn't able to sleep I just watched a movie. I went to bed a few minutes before 5 and was woken up around 7 because of my puppy playing with my sisters dog. I'm going to school looking like a bum/zombie!

How are you? Have you taken a test? I think everyone here is praying that you get a :bfp: in time for your dad's birthday!! Lots & lots of :dust: for you! My fingers and toes are crossed! :dust:
I am also 19, in college and also TTC. I knew I was ready when I met my fiancee, i knew he was the one we moved in together 3 weeks after we met and have been in bliss since. We have everything for our apartment and have even started purchasing some baby needs, some white onsies,grooming kits,saftey prep kit,baby monitor breast pump and other things. I am on cycle number 7 (hopefully the luck of 7 compels my ovaries lmao). I am on clomid this month for the very first time and on CD 13 today 10/17/13. No postive ovulation tests yet but its coming I feel feel it! I unfortunately have PCOS and I do not ovulate on my own and I have never been pregnant at all sadly. BUt, you are not alone :) :dust::dust::dust::dust: lots of baby dust to all!

Welcome! :hugs:
I am also 19, in college and also TTC. I knew I was ready when I met my fiancee, i knew he was the one we moved in together 3 weeks after we met and have been in bliss since. We have everything for our apartment and have even started purchasing some baby needs, some white onsies,grooming kits,saftey prep kit,baby monitor breast pump and other things. I am on cycle number 7 (hopefully the luck of 7 compels my ovaries lmao). I am on clomid this month for the very first time and on CD 13 today 10/17/13. No postive ovulation tests yet but its coming I feel feel it! I unfortunately have PCOS and I do not ovulate on my own and I have never been pregnant at all sadly. BUt, you are not alone :) :dust::dust::dust::dust: lots of baby dust to all!

Welcome. Wishing you lots of luck for the month ahead! x
everything was absolutely fine! :) i had pre eclampsia, but that wasnt related lol. my belly started to show around 20 weeks, but i only really started to look pregnant at 6 months lol though i was seriously skinny when i fell pregnant, so i had a lot of space to grow out before it started to 'show' so to speak. i started noticing it around 15 weeks :)
i hope im not giving you false hope! but from what you've said it really does sound like you're pregnant! keeping my fingers crossed!

I know. I'm trying not to think about it until I see with my own that I got a :bfp:
Whenever one of the hubby friends or family sees me they ask him. Apparently I'm rounding out.

haha maybe you're further along than you think! if having periods during pregnancy is a family thing for you, maybe you're 8 weeks along instead of 4! :haha: or 12!!! :p

when is it you're planning on taking your test? :)

Imagine?! I would be so freaking happy!! :haha: around 4 something in the morning it felt like my tummy had a pulse. It was SO weird. I felt it, it was that strong and it aslo felt like movements. It was just weird!

Hopefully by the end of next week!!! :dance: :dust: :bfp:

omg lol thats what it felt like when dd started moving. for me it was around 18 weeks that i first felt her, and it felt like butterflies in my stomach :P but more...localised in 1 part of my stomach.

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