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1dpo anyone else? lets keep each other company

thanks scoobybeans its not til next friday thank god because af is still here.
i hope af stays away for you!

ashpeababy id say try not to worry too much, you are pregnant and just enjoy the fact their is no nausea it could come full force soon lol.

ive been doing so much exercise this week im so sore.. i was gonna take it easy tomorrow, im going to the city to get my sons birthday presents and then we are having a bbq for my dads birthday which was wednesday.
af is still here but i think slowing down. next week will be important and luckily dh is coming with me because im so nervous about it hurting :'(
Hey Ladies, hope everyone is doing well!

Rose - good luck hun with the hsg scan! I hope its not too painful for you, definitely take something strong before you go in :) Fingers crossed it will help you get pregnant next cycle!

Toxiclove, so sorry about the BFN :( Those are the worst. Has AF shown yet? How are you feeling?

Bxsr & Scooby - sounds like you ladies are doing really well this 2ww!! Are you both testing Sunday? Maybe its a really good sign you don't have many symptoms (as opposed to other months!). That's what happened to me last month, virtually no symptoms and what do you know, got my bfp! Fingers tightly crossed for you both!

afm - I'm feeling really good! Got back on the elliptical yesterday, first time since getting my bfp, so that felt great! Hoping to keep it regular from here on out. 6 weeks today, which feels like quite a milestone ;) Am eager for my ultrasound in a few weeks, its weird not feeling sick, like it makes me a little worried. But I then remember I had no sickness with my 2nd child either so it doesn't mean anything. I took my last clear blue digi 2 days ago and it said 3+ so I feel like my levels are climbing like they should. Too bad they don't make those tests go past 3+, lol. They'd make a lot of money from poas addicts like me!!

Hope you all have a fabulous weekend! xoxo

No AF yet! Getting ewcm so a little confused hahaha.... no cramping, nipple soreness went down. I have had a terrible cold all week... coughing, sneezing, puking, painful eye sleepies, sore throat, and Voice went out. Not fun. Haven't tested since last bfn on 25th. It was stark white. Only time I DTD this mid cycle was the 11th, so I'm sure something would of shown by 25th... counted myself out... af needs to hurry to just get it over with lol
Hey well I'm 7dpo today

Below are my symptoms so far

CD 20-4dpo - cramps, gassy, skin break out and tearful
CD 21-5dpo - diarrhoea, peeing more, heavy feeling down below like AF was coming super early, tearful
CD22-6dpo - peeing more, fatigue, severe backache never known anything like it, headache lingering, irritability, nausea, tearful
CD23-7dpo - headache, nausea, tearful, slight cramps, running nose and woke up with a sore throat

I know it's early days but I'm a nightmare for symptom spotting in the TWW
Welcome babydust, I know how hard it is to avoid symptom spotting. Hopefully some of the symptoms turn into a BFP for you! When are you testing?

Ashpea, thanks for the reminder! I see everyone writing that they experience nausea or food aversions in their TWW and it can be discouraging...I'm glad to hear that few symptoms can still turn into a BFP. I can't believe you're 6 weeks already! You must be so excited to get your first scan! Good for you for keeping up with the exercise too, that would be a great routine to get into!

Scooby, how are you today? Any more cramps or did your temp go back up? Hoping that the dip and cramps were implantation, not AF. Keep us updated!

Redrose, that's great that your DH will be able to go with you for support. I hope you have fun with the birthday shopping!

Toxiclove, everything sounds like a good sign. Is AF officially late now? When will you be testing again?

As for me, yesterday I had a crazy amount of cm (sorry for the tmi). I have never had that much before and it is still here today. Other than that, no symptoms to report. I'm planning on testing tomorrow, but may try to wait until Monday to avoid the chance of a BFN due to early testing.
AF is due 8/6 so I'm trying to hold out to next weekend if I can.
I can't bare to test and get a BFN it just stresses me and brings me down. My sore throat has lasted all day today and been walking round a museum with my friend and her little boy, couldn't stop yawning and kept having dizzy spells like I was about to faint, each time I sat down I could've easily gone to sleep.

Surely it's too soon for all these symptoms tho? X x
Welcome babydust, I know how hard it is to avoid symptom spotting. Hopefully some of the symptoms turn into a BFP for you! When are you testing?

Ashpea, thanks for the reminder! I see everyone writing that they experience nausea or food aversions in their TWW and it can be discouraging...I'm glad to hear that few symptoms can still turn into a BFP. I can't believe you're 6 weeks already! You must be so excited to get your first scan! Good for you for keeping up with the exercise too, that would be a great routine to get into!

Scooby, how are you today? Any more cramps or did your temp go back up? Hoping that the dip and cramps were implantation, not AF. Keep us updated!

Redrose, that's great that your DH will be able to go with you for support. I hope you have fun with the birthday shopping!

Toxiclove, everything sounds like a good sign. Is AF officially late now? When will you be testing again?

As for me, yesterday I had a crazy amount of cm (sorry for the tmi). I have never had that much before and it is still here today. Other than that, no symptoms to report. I'm planning on testing tomorrow, but may try to wait until Monday to avoid the chance of a BFN due to early testing.

I was just going to wait and if not here by next week then I'll test. I'm on cycle day 36, normal for me is 28-30 days. So about a week late

What dpo are you?
Welcome babydust, I know how hard it is to avoid symptom spotting. Hopefully some of the symptoms turn into a BFP for you! When are you testing?

Ashpea, thanks for the reminder! I see everyone writing that they experience nausea or food aversions in their TWW and it can be discouraging...I'm glad to hear that few symptoms can still turn into a BFP. I can't believe you're 6 weeks already! You must be so excited to get your first scan! Good for you for keeping up with the exercise too, that would be a great routine to get into!

Scooby, how are you today? Any more cramps or did your temp go back up? Hoping that the dip and cramps were implantation, not AF. Keep us updated!

Redrose, that's great that your DH will be able to go with you for support. I hope you have fun with the birthday shopping!

Toxiclove, everything sounds like a good sign. Is AF officially late now? When will you be testing again?

As for me, yesterday I had a crazy amount of cm (sorry for the tmi). I have never had that much before and it is still here today. Other than that, no symptoms to report. I'm planning on testing tomorrow, but may try to wait until Monday to avoid the chance of a BFN due to early testing.

I was just going to wait and if not here by next week then I'll test. I'm on cycle day 36, normal for me is 28-30 days. So about a week late

What dpo are you?

Not sure if that was to me, I'm 8dpo today.
Wow you're strong to hold back from testing now that AF is late. Fingers crossed for you and lots of babydust. Xx
Wow Toxiclove, I would definitely not have that willpower...I am impressed. I am 10 DPO(ish) today and was able to avoid testing, but I'm guessing tomorrow or the next day, I will end up caving.

Did you test today Scooby?
redrose- Oh I'm sorry, I misunderstood you and thought it was last Friday. I don't blame you for bringing DH along, I'm nervous about getting mine done too! Hope you had a good weekend :)

bxsr- My temp went up a bit on Saturday so I went ahead and tested since I was still pretty convinced I O'd on CD12 and not CD14. I had a very, very light line on an IC that I would have called an evap except it showed up within the time limit. So I took a FRER and nothing. Sunday I did another IC and another FRER. Similar light line on the IC and nothing on the FRER. I spotted lightly Friday- Sunday but nothing so far today. However, when I put my temps into FF this morning it finally moved my O date back to CD12. That makes me 13DPO today. I didn't test this AM because my temps went down again so I'm pretty much figuring AF is on her way. How about you??? Fingers crossed it's better news for you! :dust:
Wow Scooby, that's so confusing! It seems odd that there would be faint lines on two IC's as a coincidence. Hopefully you'll have some good news soon! That's good news about the spotting stopping today as well. Let us know what happens tomorrow!

As for me, I had one instance of spotting yesterday, but nothing today. On and off cramping for the last few days that feels like AF. I had a BFN on an IC this morning, so I am planning on waiting until Wednesday to test again. The good news is that this is the latest in the cycle that it's been without real spotting in the last few months. I think AF may show up in the next few days though. Crossing my fingers.

Any news Babydust or Toxiclove?
Yeah, it was a weird coincidence but they must have been evaps. AF ended up showing yesterday afternoon :(

I hope AF stays away for you! Good luck testing tomorrow :) That's great news about the spotting. Sounds like things are beginning to get back to normal for you.

I have to admit, I took this BFN pretty hard. We timed everything so well, I was pretty hopeful. So that's 6 cycles actively TTC now with nothing to show for it. My OBGYN wants me to get an ultrasound and an HSG done, and she wants my DH to get a SA. I'm pretty sure there's something wrong now, so I guess it's time to find out what's going on and try to get some help.
Aw Scooby so sorry to hear about AF. I know what you mean about trying everything and still not having success. I'm getting worried and frustrated too. The good news is that it sounds like you have a doctor who is on top of things and is doing the necessary tests. I'm hoping that everything is alright for you! Make sure you treat yourself during AF!
Scooby, I'm so very sorry about AF showing hun :( Its very hard knowing you are doing everything right and timing it all perfectly and it still doesn't catch :( I had that for several months also so I understand the disappointment and just feeling like you're 'broken' somehow. So sorry its been 6 months. I'm glad your doctor is being proactive and supportive about it though, I've heard of some woman who's doctors won't do further testing until they've been trying for a full year! I really hope you get some answers and you're able to have that little bean soon! Keep us posted on your tests please! Hugs.

Bxsr - are you testing this morning? Im glad your spotting held off so long this cycle, that's a great improvement! I hope you get good news this morning, fx!

Rose - I hope you're doing okay in the days leading up to your hsg! So glad your dh can be there with you for support! Will be thinking about you Friday, hope it goes well and is not too painful for you!

toxiclove - Our bodies can be so unpredictable hey?? So weird that you're so late this cycle :( and frustrating!! Will you test again this week or wait till next? I hope either you get a bfp soon or AF shows so you can start with the next cycle!

afm - doing well, still not sick :) Very tired but kids keep me up most nights as it is. My u/s isn't for 3 weeks yet so a bit of a wait. Thinking of you all and wishing you all the very best! xx
So good to see you on here Ashpea, that's great that you're still feeling so good! I guess the kids keeping you up is just practice for the next one! The 3 weeks will go by before you even know it! Do you have any hunches if it's a boy or a girl?

As for me, I had a tiny bit of spotting yesterday morning but nothing since. In the past few months, every time I spot, it gets worse each day, so this is a bit different. I tested this morning but it was a BFN. We'll see if AF shows up on Friday. I have a feeling it will, but I'm holding onto the slight possibility that maybe I will have good news.

Best of luck on Friday Redrose! Keep us updated on how it goes. We'll be thinking about you :)
Thanks ladies im getting nervous now. How is everyone?
Good luck today Redrose! Hope the test goes well!

No good news on my end. AF showed up yesterday with a vengeance. Onto the next cycle...
I was so so nervous while waiting it felt uncomfortable but it didn't hurt at all!! I was delighted to learn my tubes are open and womb nice shape and healthy looking. Let's hope it gave me a boost anyway though.
Sorry bxsr about af I hope hope this cycle. Be it for us
Hey everyone! Hope you're all having a great weekend so far. Watching American Pharoah win the Triple Crown was so exciting!

bxsr- I'm sorry AF showed up for you. I know you must be just as frustrated as I am! I took your advice and treated myself to some wine with my DH last night, and I hope you remember to do something nice just for you too :)

ashpeababy- I'm so glad you're still checking in with us, and hope we all get to come over to the first trimester boards soon! That's awesome that you're not feeling sick yet. I think I just read that 10-20% of women don't get morning sickness at all, so it does happen! I can't wait to see your first u/s pics (if you're willing to share, of course).

redrose- Hooray for a successful scan! I'm glad to hear it didn't hurt and that everything is looking great. Not only should that give you some peace of mind, there are a lot of stories out there about women getting pregnant within 3 months afterwards. Fingers crossed so hard for you! Are you doing any other tests?

AFM, I'm actually going in for both a standard ultrasound and an HSG tomorrow afternoon. Between the two tests, they'll be able to get a lot of information. I've been dragging my feet on it because I'm worried about finding out that something is wrong, but on the other hand I just want to know at this point. I'm nervous!
Bxsr - I'm so sorry hun that AF showed :( I hope you do treat yourself, you deserve it!! Big Hugs! And best of luck next cycle!!

Rose - So glad to hear the hsg went well and things look good!! That is very positive news! Lets hope that was the little kickstart you needed to get a sticky babe soon! Fx!

Scooby - Best of luck to you tomorrow with your u/s and hsg!!! I hope you get good news also, fingers crossed! Please keep us posted. I'm sure its very nerve wracking being worried about what they might find but also its probably for the best that you find out now and you can figure out where to go from there! Ill be thinking of you, hugs!!

Toxiclove - anything going on with you hun? Af show yet?

AFM - Morning sickness is setting in!! I'm actually happy about this if you can believe it, but I haven't been throwing up or anything yet either ;) Mostly its just nausea randomly throughout the day, a bit of gagging, a sick empty feeling in the pit of my stomach even after I eat a big meal, some food aversions especially to meat, and craving fresh fruit and veggies (I seriously cannot get enough). Im 7 weeks so 2 weeks till my u/s! Ill for sure share a picture with you ladies :D I'm getting pretty excited, I think it will really sink in once I get to see the little babe :) I'm banking on it being a boy again this time around, which would be great as my current baby is a boy so they would have a blast growing up together! But secretly I'm hoping for a little princess to finish off our family :) Either way I will be thrilled, just praying he/she will be healthy!

Ill be sure to check in with you lovelies again soon!! xoxo
Not too positive when OD was... but I have so many symptoms, afraid to test, waiting until friday. ):

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