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1dpo anyone else? lets keep each other company

Redrose, I'm so glad to hear that everything went well! It must be so nice having the peace of mind and knowing that everything's ok. It must be almost BD week for you soon too right? Crossing my fingers that this month is the lucky one!

Scooby, good luck on your tests! I swear, getting yourself through the door is usually the hardest part. At least you will know if everything is ok, or if it is not, start taking the steps you need. Let us know how it goes!

Ashpea, what an awesome craving to have! Hopefully it sticks around after the pregnancy and makes healthy eating that much easier! I'm glad the morning sickness is pretty manageable for you. Can't wait to hear about your first scan!
Thanks for the moral support you guys! I'm still nervous, but I just found out one of my other friends on here got her BFP this weekend and I'm so happy for her! Her doctor told her she didn't even ovulate this month- whoops! Lol. It's always so encouraging to hear a positive outcome. It reminds me that people really do get their happy endings :)

I'll check back in after the tests and let you all know how it went.
HSG went well! Pretty painful for a few minutes there but it passed quickly. Both tubes are clear :) I'll have the results of the ultrasound in a few days.
Glad it went well Scooby! That's good news about the tubes. Hoping the good news continues from the ultrasound :)

How's everything going for everyone?
Great news Scooby about the results. Sorry to hear it hurt but hopefully totally worth it. Let's hope we both get bfp after our hsg now I heard a lot of women do get pregnant after.
I'm ok so bloated and been eating loads of craps food that I shouldn't. Don't feel hopeful for this cycle as were not bd a lot mostly my fault. I just not in the mood. Any thoughts? I try to tell myself just do it and this is also why I'm probably not pregnant yet I've such a low sex drive these days no energy
More good news ladies. Got the results back from the ultrasound already and everything looks great! :happydance: She said I have a tiny endometrial polyp but nothing that would interfere with fertility. I also have a retroverted uterus, which is no big deal but means some positions may work better than others.

So looks like everything is okay on my end. DH is supposed to do his SA on Saturday, but I'm supposed to ovulate on Friday or Saturday so I sort of think he should save things up for where they're needed most ;) He can get it done next week instead, no biggie.

ashpeababy- So weird to hear you're happy about morning sickness but at the same time I totally get it! It's wonderful that you're eating healthy and taking such good care of yourself. Just one more week until your first scan right?

bxsr- How many cycles have you been TTC, if you don't mind me asking? I know for me it really started to get into my head that I had major problems and that's why it's been taking awhile. I still don't know about DH but now I feel like it's just been stress/worry getting in the way, and probably some bad timing too. I did have a short luteal phase too, that couldn't have been helping the situation.

redrose- Yeah to be honest I'm still a bit sore! I spotted quite a bit too and still am a little. But I googled pregnancy after HSG and there's lots of really promising stories out there! So a little pain would be totally worth it. Try not to stress about this cycle. I think taking a break can actually really help sometimes. As for the low sex drive, I think I read that maca can help with that? Also for me sometimes it's just about getting enough sleep!

I have a really great feeling that we're all going to get our BFP's soon! :)
All my temps seem to be high I think from the weather warming up, Ff now seems to think I'm 3 dpo I did have of ewcm around then, but no ovulation cramps. Well see I guess . I got spotting after mine as well I was told it's totally normal x
So happy to hear the hsg went well (although painful) for you Scooby!! And that all the results say you're working as you should be!! That's such great news! I agree with getting your DH to postpone his SA for a week, you definitely will need those swimmers this weekend! I hope you feel a lot better now going into this cycle, knowing theres no problems on your end (and hopefully not his either!) and you get your BFP! :D

Sorry about the low sex drive Rose. TTC sure can take a toll on the enjoyment of bding hey? I hope you catch it this month despite that, especially post hsg!

bxsr - how are you getting on hun??

Also I'm not sure I asked this before or not but have any of you used preseed? I ended up using it once the cycle I got pregnant. I'm not sure if that's just a coincidence or if it really helped those swimmers get where they needed to be, but maybe worth a shot?? :D Fingers crossed for you all!
Scooby, thats good news about all the tests! It's nice you know so you can alter things a bit! Hope this is the month for you! Can't believe you're almost already in the TWW again. Time is flying! This is my 6th cycle trying, so I know it's early to be concerned. I wish I could do tests as well though just to rule everything out. My doctor doesn't want me to come back until I have been trying for a year though. It's frustrating because I really don't want to wait that long if there is something that may just be a simple fix. Maybe it's time to switch doctors...

Redrose, I know what you mean! It can be so hard to BD over and over again during those few days. Last cycle I tried Maca and it seemed to really help with the sex drive.

Ashpea, I've been using preseed for the last few months. No BFP from it yet, but it definitely increases the comfort when you can't use regular lube. How's the morning sickness going? Still craving veggies?
well im sure today is the day, temp tip, watery cm and lots of cramps. we dtd last night and ill try tonight too. i just hope the next couple of temps will go up to confirm, last cycle was cd 20 so if it dips even more i will assume its tomorrow instead but either way i think my 2ww is nearly here :)
so excited!
who else is in their 2ww soon?
ashpeababy- Thank you! I definitely feel relieved. It's such a weight off my mind knowing that everything is ok. I'm back to eating healthy and still taking all of my vitamins, and overall just feeling great. We use preseed too! Not every time, but it's awesome stuff.

bxsr- Thanks! :) I have short cycles (25 days) so I feel like I'm always in the TWW lol. This is my 7th cycle trying, but one got screwed up because my DH was sick, and one or two were screwed up because my luteal phase was still only 8 or 9 days. So I feel like this is about the 4th "for real" cycle. Honestly, if I were you I'd switch doctors. I ended up doing that and I'm so glad I did. The way my new doctor phrased it, we're ready now so it's time now. Why wait? I had the CD21 blood test for progesterone, the HSG and the ultrasound, and those are the three basics to rule out any issues (plus your DH getting a SA of course). For me it's just given me peace of mind, and it helped me feel like I was being proactive. Good luck!!!

redrose- Hooray for O! I should be joining you in the TWW soon :) FF.net is saying I'm going to O tomorrow but I don't buy it. (My OPK's are still pretty light.) I'm thinking either Sat or Sun, so I should only be a couple of days behind you.
Hey everyone, sorry I've been MIA for the last few days, I went away for the weekend. Scooby, when did you end up O'ing? Redrose, how is the beginning of your TWW going? What DPO are you now?

I should be entering my TWW in the next few days. I stopped temping because I was away, so I need to pick up some OPK's. Hopefully it happens soon!

Hoping this is a lucky month for all of us :)
bxsr- Hey, glad you had fun on your weekend away! It was gross and humid out most of the weekend so we just stayed in the air conditioning :) Not sure on when I O'd to be honest. FF.net is giving me a maybe for Friday, but only if I discard a high temp I got after my HSG. But my first positive OPK wasn't until Saturday, so...? As usual, it's a big mystery lol. I guess we'll go with FF and say I'm 3DPO.

Anyway, hope you have an easier time than I did this month. And I'm throwing out lots of :dust: for all of us to get our BFP's this time around!!!

redrose and ashpeababy, hope you two are both doing well :)
Scooby, that's strange that the OPK's are conflicting with your FF...from your chart, I would agree with FF but that really doesn't explain why you would get a pos OPK next day. Hopefully you've covered both possible days so it doesn't matter?

As for me, it looks like I may have o'ed yesterday (on cd12...which seems super early). Since I haven't been temping consistently and have yet to buy new OPK's, that's just a guess based on the last few days temps. I'm happy to get this wait started again though! It seems like the cycles are going so much faster in the summer because we're all so busy...it's easier to keep your mind off of it.

How's your TWW going Redrose? How are you feeling Ashpea?
Ladies my chart is being all weird lol i must admit last week i did alot of waking around 3 or sometimes 5 am so some of the temps could be out abit but a friend of mine reckons im definitely in the 2ww since this week my temps look overall higher. What do u ladies think?


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bxsr- The only thing that makes sense is that the OPK I took the day before was early in the day. So maybe if my LH surged quickly, by night time it would have been positive. It's weird that FF says Friday though, because I had O pain all day on Saturday. I don't know. My temps are really low this month too. I'm trying not to stress, there's really nothing I can do about it. So you're 2DPO now? Nice, we can do the TWW together again :) They do seem to be coming fast!

red rose- I'm not sure that's the exact O day but you definitely seem to be trending upward. I'd say you O'd for sure :)
yay for all 3 of you being in the 2ww together!! Fingers crossed for great news! I had a dream last night that one of you got your BFP this month!! Eek! I hope that's true and that ALL of you do!

I'm feeling okay, extremely tired every day. I'm looking forward to Summer Holidays starting mid next week and I don't have to get up at 6 every morning to get my daughter ready for school! Otherwise the nausea hasn't been too bad the last week, mostly just in the evening. Ultrasound is in 5 days...very eager to find out how this peanut is doing!
Good to see you back on here Ashpea! I hope your dream was a premonition for all of us :) I hope you can sleep in a bit in the summer! I can hardly wake up and I'm not even pregnant, I can't imagine how tough it would be once the fatigue starts to kick in! Glad you're doing well though!

Scooby, that could definitely be it..you never know. It's always frustrating when it's not as cut and dry. Your chart is looking really good though! Any symptom spotting yet?

Redrose, I agree with Scooby. Even though you have a few dips, it looks like you did O. When are you going to start testing?

As for me, I thought I o'ed early but I had a big temp dip today so I'm thinking it may be today instead. We'll see with tomorrow's temperature. Today would make more sense as it is the same day as the past few months.
ash- Aww, I hope your dream is right! It would be awesome if we all got pregnant around the same time :) I can't wait to see pics from your u/s next week! That's when they give you an expected due date right?

bxsr- Yeah, the more I think about it the more I'm pretty sure FF is right. So I guess that makes me 6DPO! My temp went up this morning, which was nice to see. How about you, did you get your temp rise this morning? I hope so!

redrose- How are you feeling? Any signs/symptoms yet?

So I have to be honest, I do feel a little different this month. The main thing is that I've had mild cramping/pulling pains since the weekend. I've been getting them on and off all day, and last night it got a little stronger. Also my boobs are sore, which is very unusual for me. I've been really tired, too! I'm trying not to read into it too much but it's hard not to get hopeful. :)
Hiya ladies i woke feeling sick another cokd and sire throat it happened around the same time last cycle, ive got another spike in temp not sure what to thonk this happened around 8dpo last cycle


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