1dpo anyone else? lets keep each other company

Scooby that sounds SO promising!!! I had the cramping/pulling pains from 6-8dpo and it was def implantation. Im so eager for you all!! When will you test??

Bxsr - so that makes you 1dpo today right? Hope the 2ww goes quickly for you!!

Rose - sorry to hear you are sick again! Hope you feel better soon. Can't help you with the chart as Ive never temped so I don't know much about it. How many dpo do you figure you are right now? When will you test?

Yes Scooby, they should be able to give me an accurate EDD at my ultrasound on Monday :) Coming soon now, hopefully I keep nice and busy over the weekend and it will be here before I know it! Thinking of you all! xo
Scooby, I hope those are good signs! Your chart is looking really promising, especially the temp dip and then huge rise! We're due for another BFP in this group, let's hope you get one!

Redrose, looks like you got a nice temperature rise today! I've heard some people experience cold symptoms around the time of implantation, so I'll cross my fingers that's the case for you! I hope you feel better!

Ashpea, can't wait to hear about the ultrasound! I guess your EDD should be sometime around the holidays right?

I really have no idea if I've o'ed yet. Today my temp increased a bit, but not above the coverline. I also had cramping and ewcm today, so maybe it's today? I sure hope I get that temp rise soon so I can get on with waiting! I am so tired of bding too, it's been 5 days straight... but I don't want to stop until I know for sure that I o'ed. Ugh..the joys of ttc!
I know how you feel we usually get sick of it think ive ovulated then we miss it! So this cycle ive gone with the flow its been very 2 to 3 days max so that's not bad considering in past cycles weve easily goje a week maybe two without bd and missed o completely
I wish I had the willpower to do that Redrose, but every time I plan to, I end up getting paranoid that it isn't enough....maybe next cycle though...
redrose- I'm sorry you're not feeling well again :( Mabe bxsr is right about implantation though! I hear you about the BDing schedule around O. One month we did SMEP and that was exhausting lol.

ash- Okay you just got me really excited! Mine was a little earlier though, most noticeable from 4-6DPO. Last night was strong enough that I used a heating pad, but today so far I feel nothing. I'm going to try and hold off testing until next Tuesday (11DPO). But if my temps are still up, I may test on Monday. I'm excited for your u/s! Don't forget to check in on us after and let us know what happened :)

bxsr- Thanks! What day of your cycle are you on now? Do you usually O on the same day? Did you get an increase this morning? Sometimes my temp rises slowly. Good luck!

AFM, cramps seem to have disappeared today, but my boobs are even more sore. I also got a wave of nausea in the shower this morning. Surely it's too early for that??
Scooby, I'm really excited for you, it sounds so good! The cramps sound like they were pretty bad if you needed a heating pad. Mine were intense too and I was convinced it was a huge cyst or something. If you did implant at 6dpo and you're 8dpo today (?) then its possible you could be getting symptoms especially if your body is super sensitive to hcg! I got my bfp at 10dpo and it was very faint. I tested from 7dpo so had 3 bfn before that. The longer you can hold out to test the better :) Good luck!!

bxsr - that's a lot of baby dancing! Good for you, I don't think I could keep it going for that many days in a row! I was always getting paranoid also that we weren't doing it enough around O so would do for sure 3-4 days in a row and that was exhausting enough! This last month (when I conceived) we skipped actual O day :)O I know right?!) and did the day before and the day after. I was convinced it wouldn't catch since we missed the most important day but lo and behold! It also helped me not get my hopes up that it would catch so was able to get through the 2ww without symptom spotting or stressing. Good luck to you hun, sounds like you O yesterday, how was your temp this morning?

Rose - How are you feeling?? Sounds like you had a really great month of BDing! I really hope we get some BFP's in here this month!

bxsr - my EDD should be mid to late January as far as I can tell :)
Scooby, I'm excited for you, I bet this is going to be your month! Weren't you saying that people are sometimes more fertile after a HSG. That would be awesome if it turns into a lucky month for you! I don't know how you're going to wait so long..you have crazy willpower! Keep us updated :)

Ashpea, mid to late January sounds perfect! It'll be nice that the holidays will be over with for your little ones birthday..then you have another thing to look forward to in the winter! Can't wait to hear about the US!

Today is day 16 for me and my temp stayed the same as yesterday. Usually it is consistently on day 14 or 15. The temperature is a little high but not above the cover line. I'm starting to think that my BBT may be messed up though because it is on low battery. All my temperatures have been a bit weird this month and I've been questioning the reliability of them. I'm going to go pick up some OPK's today to get a better idea. I'm also officially going on BD strike after today
ash- Thank you! Yeah the cramps were pretty bad. If I hadn't just gotten those tests done, I would have thought cyst or something too. At one point I was convinced AF was coming over a week early! It was worst at 6DPO and mostly gone by 7DPO. What did you test with? I have two FRER but I'm definitely holding out until 10DPO. I've seen too many BFNs! How are you feeling? You must be getting so excited for Monday!

bxsr- Thanks! I'm trying to remind myself that good temps don't necessarily mean BFP, but it was up again this morning and my chart just looks sooooooo promising! Yeah. Supposedly the dye they inject can push minor blockages out of the way and clear the path for :spermy: Lol for going on BD strike! As for your temps, if you look at my chart you can see the first few are just barely above the coverline. I wouldn't worry too much! It's kind of an imaginary line. As long as you see a trend upwards, you're all good:)

So I'm 8DPO today. No more cramping, but my bbs are still sore and my coffee tasted a little off to me this morning. I'm still tired and sleeping really well at night.
I woke with my voice gone and also a huge spike mostly from being sick I think


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Sorry you're still feeling sick Redrose! When is AF due for you? When are you planning on testing?

Scooby, I'm glad to hear the cramps are subsiding. You must be so excited to test! Hopefully the coffee is a good sign and the sleeping well. Are you doing anything exciting this weekend to keep your mind off of it?

My temp finally went up this morning. I was googling though and apparently low battery can cause faulty temperatures, so I'm going to take all my temperatures with a grain of salt and just assume that I oe'd 3 days ago with the first temp dip.

Happy weekend everyone!
redrose- Hope you're feeling better today! When are you planning on testing?

bxsr- I'm glad you finally got a nice temp raise and a BD break lol. Do you know approx how many DPO you are?

My temp jumped again this morning, by a LOT. So I used a FRER and BFN :nope: I'm 10DPO so from what I'm reading online it seems like I'm pretty much out. The only thing that's making me hold out hope is that I had to pee in the middle of the night, so I only tested on about a 2 hour hold. Maybe there's just not enough HCG yet? Me and DH are really disappointed. :( We both had such a good feeling this month.

ETA: ash- good luck on your scan today!!!
my usual 12 dpo spotting began so im out will be cd 1 by tomorrow :/
Scooby, you're not out yet! I've heard of lots of people who don't get BFP's until way later! Your temp rise looks so promising! When is AF due for you? Have you had any signs that AF may be on the way?

Redrose, sorry to hear about the spotting. Keep us updated if AF shows tomorrow.

FF finally gave me crosshairs, so it looks like I'm only 3 DPO today. It's too bad I'm so far behind you guys, the next week or so is going to just DRAG by... :(
redrose- I'm sorry :(

bxsr- Thanks for being such a good cheerleader :) But my temp dropped way down this morning and I got another BFN. I think I'm out this month. I'm getting so tired of staring at negative tests... On a happier note, I'm glad you're in the TWW now! I'll live vicariously through you ;) Really hoping it's your month!
aww Rose so sorry about the spotting :( and Scooby!!! I was SO sure this month was your month!! You're not out till the :witch: shows though! I will just be completely shocked if its not this month for you! I tested first using an IC and then when I got a super faint positive on that did a frer a few hours later and that came up with a faint but clear line. That was at 10dpo but lots of ppl implant later and so they get a bfp later. Im still holding out hope for you!!

bxsr - at least you are IN the 2ww! Im never sure whats worse, waiting for the 2ww to arrive or actually being in it ;) I hope it goes quickly for you and you have lots to keep your mind busy! Fingers crossed hun!

I had my scan yesterday and got to see the little peanut!! So amazing every single time! I got all emotional and it became really real! I am measuring exactly where I thought I should be from when I ovulated, 9w3d yesterday! So happy I had my dates bang on! So that gives me a Jan 22 due date :) All of a sudden the nausea and exhaustion and just feeling totally run down seems so much more worth it again! Im so excited and looking forward to trimester 2! Hopefully just a few more weeks of this yucky feeling and Ill be in the fun stage! Im really pulling for you all and cannot wait for you to join me!! xoxo

p.s. ill post the u/s pic when I get it uploaded to my computer, its really not very clear at all, looks like a fuzzy blob which was disappointing. Some ppl seem to have such clear pictures at 9/10 weeks where you actually see a little gummy bear baby, but alas, I did not have such luck.
Aw Scooby, I'm sorry to hear that. I was like Ashpea, totally positive you were going to be the next BFP! When is AF due? At least your LP seems really nice and long now (weren't you saying it used to be shorter before?). Keep us updated, I'll be crossing my fingers that your temp goes back up tomorrow! I know what you mean about the negative tests. I also tell myself I'm going to stop testing early for that exact reason, but then never manage to. TTC can be such a downer :( If you don't get your BFP this month, maybe next month will be it because now you know about the positions and everything. Here's hoping!

Ashpea, that must have been such an awesome experience for you! You were dead on with your due date prediction! I can't believe you're already almost in your second trimester! I can imagine how seeing that image must have made everything else seem so irrelevant. When's your next scan? Are you going to find out the gender?

Redrose, anything today?

Thanks everyone for the cheerleading. The days feel like they're dragging by so slowly, but I'm hoping everything picks up soon and that my TWW is over!
Weirdly no af yet.. and my temps was still high this morning and Ff changed my ov date! I dunno I'll be waiting.

How's every one xx
That's exciting Redrose! How much did FF change your date by? Any other signs of AF yet?
Aww, thanks for rooting for me you guys :) I was feeling great about this month too but it wasn't our time I guess. I started spotting/cramping this morning and my temp dropped again, so I didn't bother to test today. I'm about 99% sure AF will be here by tonight/tomorrow morning.

So, onto cycle #8! I already bought some IC's so I'm prepared for next month. It's a different brand I got off Amazon called Sure Predict. (I was using the ones from early-pregnancy-tests.com, but they were giving me horrible evaps and partial pink lines. Never again!) Any of you guys ever use this one before? Seems pretty good so far.

ash- Aww, I'm so glad that everything went well at your scan and the baby is measuring right on schedule! I'm a January baby too :) I can't believe how fast it's going. I didn't realize you were already so close to the 2nd trimester! Hope you start feeling better soon. Lol at "gummy bear baby", that's so funny.

bxsr- I went from ovulating about day 15/16 with an 8/9 day luteal phase to a ovulating day 12 with a 12/13 day luteal phase. I feel like the vitex and B6 really helped balance out my hormones. And even though my temps faked me out this month, it was nice to see everything rise slowly the way it's supposed to. You said you were taking B6 too, right? Have you seen a difference yet? I hope this is a fast TWW for you!!!

redrose- How exciting! Please keep us updated on what happens. I'd absolutely love to see you and bxsr get you BFP's this month! :dust:
Scooby, I've been taking the B6 for about 1.5 months now. Last month, the spotting held off for one extra day. I'm wondering if the B6 is contributing to my delayed O (although you would think it would be opposite)... we'll see what happens this month.

I always buy my tests from the dollar store. They're only a dollar and I haven't had any evaps or weird results from them. I've heard lots of horror stories about IC's, so hopefully this new brand is better for you!

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