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1dpo anyone else? lets keep each other company

Aw, I hope AF stays away for you Toxiclove...when are you due for it?

Scooby, how's your TWW going?

Due tomorrow. But no cramps like normal but nips hurt really bad so we will see :) it feels so weird to feel pregnant and find out your not. Lol I was gonna test if it's not here by Tues
Af got yesterday but I'm kind of delighted, sure I'd of prefer a bfp but its my first cycle I correctly predicted af due to temping. Turns out dh and I didn't time bd very well we only dtd on the day of ovulation so we need to try get more in beforehand. Plus I'm getting a hsg scan Friday week :)
Sorry to hear that Redrose! Glad you're keeping such a positive attitude about everything though! Hopefully all the changes you've been making all lead to a happy outcome soon!

Any news Toxiclove?
Sorry to hear that Redrose! Glad you're keeping such a positive attitude about everything though! Hopefully all the changes you've been making all lead to a happy outcome soon!

Any news Toxiclove?

AF due yesterday, nothing, sore nips still... had cramps on right side yesterday again, was thinking af was on her way, still waiting to find out lol and good luck on your next cycles :)
aww I'm sorry to hear about AF Rose! But im glad you were able to predict it right this cycle! Good job staying positive and fingers crossed for you next cycle!!

bxsr and Scooby - how you girls feeling these days?? How's the 2ww treating you?

Toxiclove - I don't know how you didn't test today!! You have way more will power than me!! When will you test again?

AFM - still doing well :) Not sick (yet) but I'm getting closer to the 6 week mark so that might start soon! The bloat is out of control and I look 6 months pregnant by the end of the day! No clue how to hide that...lol. Hope you ladies have a great day :)
ashpeababy- I'm so glad to hear that things are continuing to go well for you! FX'd that the morning sickness NEVER hits! :)

redrose- Sorry about AF but I couldn't agree with you more about temping. I really love being able to see what's going on with my body- confirming ovulation and getting a heads up about AF coming with a temp drop is such a nice bonus. Please tell me how the HSG goes. My doctor wants me to get one done as well. I heard it can be a bit painful so take something ahead of time if you can :) Good luck!

bxsr- How are you doing in this TWW so far? I'm 7DPO so starting to feel it now. Really, really trying to ignore every little "symptom" and not think too much about it this time around.

toxiclove- When will you be testing again? Fingers crossed! :dust:
ashpeababy- kinda feel like I'm out lol it seems since bfn on 8dpo, even tho early, makes you not want another bfn... so haven't tested, oh ya and the test is at the store haha.... too tired to go get one...

scoobybeans- I guess I'll go get a test now and try.... yay for bfns, most depressing thing even when NTNP haha.... I will post the pic or result of test. Hope everyone is doing well
Really hoping that this month will be it for us, I am 33 and hubby is 32. Its our first child for both of us. We have been trying now for 3 months, and been charting my BBT and using OPK's. I got a positive OPK on 5/23 Saturday we did BD and then another positive OPK 5/25 yesterday and we BD as well. Wondering if its common for OPK to be positive like that, two seperate days?

:dust: to everyone out there!
I got a BFN. Sucks, but good luck to everyone trying! Baby dust!
Toxiclove, if there's no AF yet, it sounds like you still have a chance! Don't give up yet!

Scooby, what kinds of things are you feeling? You're right in the spot where I always get impatient!

I think I'm 4/5 DPO (not sure since I didn't use OPK's or temp). Nothing to report yet, but I've been able to avoid thinking about it which is nice. I'm sure in a few days it will be a different story.

Ashpea, at least you have an excuse for the bloating! I can't believe you're already almost at 6 weeks! Hoping that you keep feeling good!

Welcome Tmillian. For me, OPK's are usually positive for like 3 days and even once they start to fade out, they still look almost positive for a few more days.
toxiclove- I'm sorry about the BFN hun. :( I agree, looking at that stupid stark white stick is the worst thing ever. Good luck to you when/if you decide to try!

bxsr- No unusual symptoms last week, but for the last couple of days I've had very, very light cramping. That's not typical for me at this point. To make matters worse, when I put in my temp this morning FF moved my O date two days forward. Grr! So now instead of being 8DPO and getting to test on Friday I'm only 6DPO and have to wait until Sunday. On the plus side, our timing would still be pretty decent either way. Also I guess we're at about the same point now? We can suffer together ;) I hope this is a stree-free TWW for you though!

Tmilian- Welcome! :) It's very common to have more than one day of positive OPK's, especially if you're using a sensitive brand. Mine are from early-pregnancy-tests and I usually get 2-3 days of positives with the days before and after being close. Supposedly, the strips are catching your LH surge on the way up AND on the way down. Everyone is different though. I know some women who have to test multiple times a day or they miss it. Good luck!
Thanks everyone! I thought it was odd, its good to know that its normal. :wacko:
There still is no AF for me. My brother told me today that his wife was 20 weeks pregnant and went for an ultrasound today and there was no heartbeat, and the baby was measuring 15 weeks... :'( it's so sad and I feel bad for her.
Scooby, that's so frustrating! I looked at your chart and would definitely have thought the original day was O day for you. I guess it's because of your OPK's being positive after? At least you're covered either way! I'm sure you'll be busy on the weekend and won't even notice the extra few days before testing. I think I'm around the same DPO as you now. I may test on Sunday as well. Since my last AF came 5 days early, I have no idea when this AF is even due this cycle. I'm just hoping things go back to normal! Keep us updated! I hope the cramps are a good sign!

Toxiclove, that's such sad news. So sorry to hear about that!
toxiclove- Oh no, that's terrible :(

bxsr- I think it was on day 12 too, especially because of that big temp dip. (I also had really strong O pains this month that stopped on day 12.) When I change the settings to Fertility Awareness it moves back to day 12, so??? I'm just figuring I'm somewhere between 7 and 9DPO today. Hope AF stays away for you! Let me know if you decide to test on Sunday too!

Any symptoms yet? Only thing aside from the cramping I've got going on is that I'm STARVING. I've been waking up hungry (very, very weird for me) and snacking throughout the day. Could definitely just be PMS but more intense than normal. My temps are so low this month that I'm not getting my hopes up too much.
Heya ladies im going for a hsg scan tomorrow week has anyone had one before? Did it hurt? Ive heard it can help some ladies concieve as long as both arent blocked but im assuming since ive my son they cant both be blocked!
Hey redrose :) My sister had one. She said it was pretty painful but the pain only lasted a few minutes. It's supposed to feel like really terrible cramps. My OBGYN wants me to get one and she told me to take Motrin before. My sister suggested I take something stronger ;)

Good luck!!! Please let us know how it goes.
Good luck Redrose! I don't know anything about them, but hopefully your results are good and helpful!! Keep us updated on how it goes.

Scooby, I guess if you o'ed earlier than FF is saying, it just helps you to delay testing. It's funny, I've been starving as well! Other than that, nothing much to note. Slightly tender bb's and lots of cm, but that has happened in other cycles too. I've also started taking the B vitamins since the beginning of this cycle, so I'm curious to see if it has an effect. The last couple of cycles, I've started spotting around 8 DPO, so I'm interested to see if that happens this cycle as well. So glad that our TWW is at least half over though!
Hey Ladies, hope everyone is doing well!

Rose - good luck hun with the hsg scan! I hope its not too painful for you, definitely take something strong before you go in :) Fingers crossed it will help you get pregnant next cycle!

Toxiclove, so sorry about the BFN :( Those are the worst. Has AF shown yet? How are you feeling?

Bxsr & Scooby - sounds like you ladies are doing really well this 2ww!! Are you both testing Sunday? Maybe its a really good sign you don't have many symptoms (as opposed to other months!). That's what happened to me last month, virtually no symptoms and what do you know, got my bfp! Fingers tightly crossed for you both!

afm - I'm feeling really good! Got back on the elliptical yesterday, first time since getting my bfp, so that felt great! Hoping to keep it regular from here on out. 6 weeks today, which feels like quite a milestone ;) Am eager for my ultrasound in a few weeks, its weird not feeling sick, like it makes me a little worried. But I then remember I had no sickness with my 2nd child either so it doesn't mean anything. I took my last clear blue digi 2 days ago and it said 3+ so I feel like my levels are climbing like they should. Too bad they don't make those tests go past 3+, lol. They'd make a lot of money from poas addicts like me!!

Hope you all have a fabulous weekend! xoxo
bxsr- It's definitely helping me delay testing. I'm using a FRER this time, and I don't want to waste it if I'm only 8 DPO today. That being said, if I'm actually 10 DPO then I'll probably get AF before I get a chance to test on Sunday. My cramps are much more noticeable today and my temp dipped, so I'm starting to think AF if just coming early this month. We'll see I guess! B vitamins worked really well for me. I used to have an 8 day luteal phase and now it's 12-13. (Only took 3 months.) Good luck!

ashpeababy- It's so great to hear from you. Wow, 6 weeks already! That went so fast! When is your first scan scheduled for? I'm glad to hear you're feeling good and you have a lot of energy. Thanks for reminding us that not everyone gets lots of symptoms. That makes me more hopeful! Enjoy your weekend :)

redrose- Thinking about you today and hoping everything goes smoothly with your HSG. Please check in when you have time and let us know how it went!

AFM, the question of when I ovulated is driving me a little nuts lol. If I'm 8DPO then the temp dip and cramps could be a GREAT sign. But if I'm 10DPO it's likely just AF on her nasty little way. Guess I'll find out soon enough! Glad it's busy at work today so I have other things to think about :)

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