1dpo anyone else? lets keep each other company

Redrose, how are you doing? Did AF show?

As for me, I started spotting yesterday (6 DPO- only a tiny bit in the morning) and was crampy all day. I also had tender breasts. Today there is a bit more spotting and my temp dropped almost to the coverline (almost 0.3 degrees celsius). I'm still feeling crampy. Hoping the spotting goes away and the temperature goes back up tomorrow.

Enjoy your weekend ladies!
Still no af! Ff says I'm 10 dpo and the spotting was 5/6dpo

I have zero symptoms though so I dunno what to think I just have slight tugging cramping in my lower tummy so low no sore boobs etc
here's my chart


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This looks so promising for both of you! Hoping implantation caused spotting/cramping and temp drop in both of your cases. How exciting would that be??? When are you guys testing?

AFM I have no idea what's going on with my body. I had cramping and spotting like AF was about to start on Wednesday, no cramping just spotting yesterday (and the worst migraine I've ever had) and today- nothing. Just the same sore boobs I've had for over a week.

I took out the positive OPK from 6/12 and FF now says I didn't ovulate. If you look at my temps, there's a slight possibility I did but it happened way later, like 6/15 or 6/16, in which case I'd only be 10 or 11DPO today. If the original 6/12 O date was right, I'd be 14DPO today, and I've never made it that long before, ever. I've also never missed a period in my life. What the hell is going on??? What do you guys think? I tested this morning and it was a stark white BFN.
aaah this is crazy!!! I have SO much hope for all 3 of you this month!! 6dpo spotting and temp drops and cramping, Im really hoping you guys get your BFP's!! Scooby, that's awesome that AF is not here yet! You are still very much in the game, despite the depressing bfn again this morning. You could just be off on your dates and implanted late also! Im totally rooting for you all! Fingers crossed and cant wait to hear!

As for the IC's, I bought 50 from OPKtests.com and I tried a few out when I KNEW I wouldn't be pregnant (like a day after my period ended) to see what the results would look like. Had not even a hint of an evap or anything on them. When I started testing at 7dpo they were stark white also, no hint of anything until 10dpo when I finally did get my bfp. I think they are a really good brand, they worked great for me and detected the hcg nice and early. They worked out to like .40 a test so I didn't feel bad going a little POAS crazy :)
Wow, Scooby and Redrose, glad that no AF has arrived yet! Scooby, I would say it looks like you definitely O'ed, it just isn't clear when. Either way though, you're still in the running and it looks like your temperature is climbing back up! Also, it seems like a great sign that the spotting stopped. I hope you have a nice BFP coming your way!!! Redrose, did the spotting stop for you now? When are you going to test?

I had a few drops of red blood today on one instance, so I'm assuming I'm out. If I am out, this would be my shortest LP yet (7 days) and shortest cycle (23 days). I'm holding on to hope that it was only the one time, but nothing that I've read sounds promising. I guess we'll see! This is such an up and down roller-coaster for us all!
Any news Scooby or Redrose? I'm hoping AF stayed away for the weekend for you both!

As for me, my temp went back up yesterday and the spotting pretty much stopped. This morning, I decided to buy a FRER just on a whim, and I got my second line! The BFP showed up almost immediately! I'm cautiously optimistic, but am still a little hesitant to get excited since there is still a bit of spotting.

I hope you guys have good news too!!
AAAAHHHH!! Bxsr!!!! SOOO happy for you hun!!! Congrats!!! :happydance: That is amazing! Please keep us posted on the spotting, hopefully it is nothing! When will you get in to see your doctor? So thrilled for you!!

Redrose & Scooby - How are you ladies holding up?! Thinking of you!! xoxo
bxsr OMG!!!! Congratulations!!! I'm so excited for you :happydance: I've heard lots and lots of spotting stories that ended up being fine. When will you be able to see your doctor? I had a feeling when I read your last post, I just knew you weren't out for the month :)

redrose- how about you hun? Any news? Your chart was looking good!

ashpeababy- How are you feeling? Almost out of your first trimester, woohoo! I'd love to see that scan pic when you have time :)

AFM, as you can see from my chart AF ended up showing up Saturday. My temp was super low that morning so I knew it was over. Not thrilled about moving on to cycle #8 but it is what it is. Just ordered more OPK's. Here we go again!
Wow congratulations hun I bet your delighted! What symptoms do u have or had during the 2ww?

No af here for me yet. But I had a tummy bug last night I was so so sick :( I feel so much better today but weak.

Scooby I'm sorry af showed up I hope this cycle is for you, I'm sure I'm going to be not too far behind you x
Thanks everyone! I'm still in pure shock, so it hasn't sunk in yet. My doctor doesn't want to see anyone until 10 weeks, so I have quite a while to go before that. I'm going to get a blood test done tomorrow morning though.

Redrose, I didn't really have any noticeable symptoms. The only thing out of the ordinary was the fact that the spotting decreased instead of increased... and that there was one instance of red blood, which I've never had before when spotting. I also had really sore nipples, which was new for this cycle. I think the big dip to coverline was what made me want to test though. I hope AF stays away for you! When is it due? Have you stopped spotting yet?

Sorry to hear about AF Scooby! I hope you had some wine or a great dinner as a consolation. I have such a feeling that you're going to get your BFP soon though, especially after your scan and finding out about the different positions you need to use.

Ashpea, how are you feeling?
I've had a streak of blood like 3 days ago but it was so tiny I would of missed it only in was looking for it. I've zero symptoms except cramping here and there and sore back. I don't think I'm pregnant though
That sounds promising that there was only one streak of blood though! I hope you find out soon! Keep us updated Redrose!
redrose- I'm sorry you haven't been feeling well, but glad you're on the mend :) So no AF yet? Seems like it's been a while. Have you tested yet? What's your chart looking like?

bxsr- Haha I don't blame you for being in shock! It's such major lifechanging news :) Let us know when you find out your betas. 10 weeks seems like such a long time, I'd hate that. Yes, I've definitely been enjoying some wine on these hot summer days ;) The one perk of getting a BFN lol. I hope your feeling about me is right!

We're having such a hard time finding a place to do my husband's SA. I really just want to get that done so I know if there's an issue with him. If so I'm just going to move right onto Clomid and IUI. I'm getting impatient ;)
I know how you feel getting impatient,im so sick of waiting for baby 2! Im giving it my all for another 2 cycles then im just taking a break, not going to take birth control obviously more just go with the flow for awhile because im so tired. Ive another fertility appt in oct so I'll see how that goes.
loads of cramps bloating and spre back so probably af because ive no other symptoms no nausea or sore boobs.
Heres my chart though i had more spotting last night


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Scooby, I'm glad you're enjoying the wine! You deserve it! My husband was researching the SA and apparently there are kits you can buy online (I have no idea how accurate they are, but we were considering them since all the fertility clinics around here required a dr's referral). I think they were quite cheap from what I saw...What is iui? It's so hard to be patient, but at least the cycles go by pretty quickly!

Sorry to hear about the signs of AF Redrose. It seems like there are alot of cases where people go on breaks, and that's when the BFP's show up. I'm hoping you get your BFP in the next 2 cycles so you don't have to take a break! Fingers crossed for you and Scooby this upcoming cycle!

As for me, I got my bloodtest yesterday. I tried to call my Dr yesterday to find out what the process was for getting results and ask about the spotting, and the Dr wouldn't even speak to me. The receptionist told me I won't need to talk to the doctor until 8 weeks unless I have a M/C. They also told me that they wont tell me the results of the blood test. Since this is my first, I have no idea if this is normal practice....but I think it may be time to find a new doctor....this one always makes it seem like such an inconvenience whenever I come in.
Hey Ladies! Sorry to leave you hanging! I was sure I posted the other day but it isn't there anymore :(

Scooby - so sorry hun about AF showing up. So glad you are treating yourself and enjoying the wine! (I sure am missing my wine and a cooler on a hot summer afternoon would be so nice sometimes! All worth it though of course :) ) I hope you find a place to get your husbands SA done soon so you can figure out what to do from there!

Rose - have you tested at all yet? you must be about 15dpo?? Is that normal for you to have no AF yet? And don't forget that I had no symptoms either before my BFP (aside from some cramping), so don't count yourself out quite yet. Still hoping AF stays away for you!

Bxsr - Im so stinkin thrilled for you!! I knew my dream premonition would come true! ;) Im totally appalled at your doctors office though!!! Wow, I would for sure be looking for a new dr. You have a right to know your results, even if they wont tell you over the phone you have a right to book an apt with him asap to find out the results, and I've never had it where they wouldn't tell me my beta results over the phone, that's just ridiculous! There is no way they should be limiting you from seeing him until 8-10 weeks!! The fact that you feel like an inconvenience every time you see him also tells me you need to look elsewhere. Is this the doctor that would be delivering for you also or does he refer you out? My best advice is get a new doctor asap! When do you figure your due date is?

AFM - doing good! Still sick but diclectin is helping a lot with that, mostly its the evenings Im having a hard time with. After supper I get super bloated and gassy/burpy/indigestion and feel constantly hungry and just all around gross. I get my IPS scan next week already! Super excited to peek in on this little babe again so soon :D Maybe Ill wait till that scan to post a pic as the other one really is hard to tell what is what haha. Hoping it will look more like a baby next week. I'm in that super awkward stage where my clothes are getting tighter but mat clothes look very unflattering right now so I just look frumpy and fat all the time :p Hopefully this stage is short lived and I round out soon! Can't wait to start feeling the little baby kicks in a few weeks (hopefully!)
redrose- I totally get wanting to take a break. I feel like I'm about ready for one myself, but since you're supposed to be more fertile for 3 months after the HSG I'll hold off. But I think that's a great plan, just relax for the rest of the summer and if it doesn't happen by the fall then get more proactive. That being said, your chart still looks pretty good... Did you test yet? I don't know how you're waiting, I would have tested about 15 times already lol.

bxsr- We have the doctor's referral and she gave us the kit, so it was super annoying that no one would do it. He ended up having to make an appointment with a urologist the week of the 13th, so hopefully we'll know more soon. An IUI is when they place the, um, sample directly into your uterus when you're ovulating. It gives you a slightly better chance because the little guys don't have to fight all of the other obstacles and it's especially good when the man has low motility (bad swimmers). Wow, your doctor sounds like a jerk!!! I totally agree with ash, I'd look for a new doctor ASAP. You should never feel like an inconvenience. You're carrying a human life, what could be more important? Speaking of, how are you feeling?

ashpeababy- Thanks! I'm sorry you have to give up wine, but like you said it's for the greater good ;) That's awesome that you're getting another scan so soon. How exciting! I can't wait to see pictures!!!

AFM, I'm trying to stay positive but it really is getting very difficult. I was so sure last month would be our month. The excitement is starting to fade and the fear is starting to set in that this may just never happen for us. I'm trying to come to terms with that now, just in case. But I also want to have hope too, you know? Anyway, I'm just trying not to dwell on it too much anymore and take it one cycle at a time. It'll be nice to have a three day weekend and relax :)
Ashpea, thanks for the excitement :) I can't wait to hear about the scan! Hopefully the sick phase is almost over for you. Can't believe you're starting to show, that's so exciting! I'm sure you don't look frumpy at all! Thanks for the advice on the doctor. Apparently she refers you out to an OBGYN later, but the initial few months are with her. It seems like a lot of hassle to switch for just a few months, but I am really not impressed with her, so it may be worth it. Based on the internets calculations, my EDD should be somewhere around March 10. Feel better!!!

Scooby, I'm so sorry to hear you are having a tough time! I think it's natural to fear the worst when things aren't going as planned. However, it sounds like you guys are doing absolutely everything and I have no doubt you have a BFP coming your way soon! It's good you're able to take your mind off of it and avoid dwelling though. I guess it will be bd week before you even know it. Enjoy your 3 day weekend!

For me, nothing to report. I'm feeling absolutely nothing except for horribly sore bb's. I'm on vacation with the in-laws right now, so hiding the not drinking is really tough. I need to get more creative.
Scooby - so very sorry hun that you are having such a hard time :( But really its so understandable!! TTC is exhausting, mentally and emotionally and physically. I really hope you get the results of the SA before too long (I know you cant even do it until the 13th...totally sucky) and that you will at least have that answer soon! Try to stay positive, I know its so difficult. I just know you will get your BFP soon too! Hugs!

Bxsr - hiding drinking is hard yes! What my DH and I have done everytime time I get pregnant is I pour myself a glass and he does as well, has to be the same beverage though! Then I pretend to sip from mine and DH takes turns drinking from his and mine. No one has ever caught on even after we told them our secret! They still are totally shocked everytime we say "we're pregnant!" my MIL always says "but I saw you drinking wine!" lol. See if you can do something like that ;)

AFM - Well, I have to tell you ladies I had a huge scare this morning. I woke up to lots of bright red blood in the toilet and on the TP...it was absolutely terrifying and my heart just dropped to the floor. I thought that's it, this is the end. My MIL came and watched the kids as soon as I called her and my DH came straight from work and took me to emerg. Thankfully we were seen pretty quickly and had an ultrasound which showed the baby still happily swimming away in there!! SO thankful I cant even tell you! But it turns out I have a subchorionic hemorrhage which does make miscarriage more of a risk, especially he said since I was actively bleeding. I guess a lot of women that have this don't bleed, some do. So I just have to kind of watch and see how it all goes. He seemed pretty optimistic and said many women manage to carry to term but he definitely let me know that it could go either way. So just trying to take it easy (haha) and keep a close eye on things. Just happy baby is still doing well and take it one day at a time!
Oh no Ashpea! I'm so glad everything is alright! That must have been a huge scare! I'll be sending good wishes your way but I'm sure everything will be fine! Take care!

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