1dpo anyone else? lets keep each other company

Hi girls sorry to barge in hope you don't mind was just browsing today's posts and just had to reply... Redrose, I posted something very similar earlier today about suspecting partners faking it! He swears he did :spermy: I went straight to sleep and woke up this morning with the same feeling like was to dry where's all the leakage of :spermy: ?? Glad I'm not on my own :wacko:
Scooby, thanks for the advice. I may have to look into the progesterone thing if this continues. My doctor said not to come back for concerns though unless we have been trying for a year with no success. If there's an issue though, one year seems like a really long time to wait! Is it just a blood test to test it?

Redrose, sounds like you're getting lots of opportunities in! I don't know about you, but after the fertile period is done, I always feel like I need like a week of break from all the BD'ing. It's exhausting!!!
Hi girls sorry to barge in hope you don't mind was just browsing today's posts and just had to reply... Redrose, I posted something very similar earlier today about suspecting partners faking it! He swears he did :spermy: I went straight to sleep and woke up this morning with the same feeling like was to dry where's all the leakage of :spermy: ?? Glad I'm not on my own :wacko:

i did ask dh did he def finished, he swears he did, but he reckons he was abit dehydrated as he walked loads yesterday, i noticed i was wet at first when i went to sleep but it was this morning i was abit wet but nt as much as usual. its odd what we worry about when ttc normally it wouldnt bother us. he didnt even know i was ovulating so no reason to fake haha not that he does but i dont tell dh when im ovulating so he stays relaxed about it all :haha:

also bxsr try taking b vits for progesterone its suppose to help the luteal phase! good luck
I definitely had that before Rose!! Last cycle I had it for sure where I didn't even lay down for long (10 min maybe) and went to the bathroom after and usually theres a ton of leakage but that time like nothing. I totally accused him of not finishing haha but he assures me he did. So ya, maybe it was just the position or maybe we did it a few times too close together, I don't know.

sorry to hear about the spotting bxsr - that's such a pain!! Ive had it a few times also but its not consistent every month so I have no clue what that means. But in the meantime, totally enjoy Vegas!!

Scooby - fingers crossed for you!! Ill be looking for an update from you in the morning, really hoping AF stays far far away!!

AFM - nothing new to report. Still refusing to symptom spot when I feel something. Starting to get the itch to test though even though clearly its way to early. There's just something exciting about poas! haha. And I do have SOO many IC's LOL! No, don't worry, ill hold out till at least 9dpo (4 days to go!) I do have a pretty strong feeling I'm out this month...but maybe that's a good sign for me since its different than previous cycles where I was sure I caught it! guess we'll see ;)
its so hard to believe this is it only to be disappointed! big hugs ladies

i think im finally in the 2ww, temp spike this morning.. i hope this is it!we bd again last night i dunno if we can anymore im tired lol
id love for this to be my lucky cycle! im sure all this weight loss has helped with a regular cycle and ovulation
Ashpea, good for you! I find 4-5 DPO to be the hardest because you know it's too early for implantation and way too early to test, so the time just crawls! I'm sure 9 DPO will be here before you know it though!

Welcome to the TWW Redrose! Now we're all finally back in it :) Hopefully all the hard work with the weight loss pays off in the form of a BFP for you!
bxsr- the progesterone test is just a blood draw. You're supposed to do it on cycle day 21, or if you have irregular cycles then ideally at 7DPO. (The idea is to catch your progesterone at its peak, which is about halfway from ovulation to AF.) One year does seem too long, I agree. Ashpeababy is right about B vitamins, especially B6. I'm also a firm believer in vitamin D3.

ashpeababy- stay strong! Nah, I'm kidding ;) Totally test at 9DPO! Haha I buy cheapies in bulk too, I'm such a POAS addict.

redrose- welcome to the 2ww! Time to recover lol. If you don't mind me asking, how much weight did you lose? I was so good in the beginning of the year, I was down 14 lbs. But then we had a death in the family and my DH and I were sad and stressed and we started falling into bad habits again. :dohh:

AFM, my temps dropped today and I started spotting last night so I think I'm out. I had a faulty test today though, where half the line turned pink/positive and the other half had the slightest hint of a line. I dipped another strip in and I thought it was stark white, but then about ten minutes later I thought I saw something there. I seriously doubt it at this point, I'm either 12 or 13DPO today. Still, AF hasn't come yet and this is the longest it's ever held off for me. So I guess there's a teeny tiny chance.
Hi girls sorry to barge in hope you don't mind was just browsing today's posts and just had to reply... Redrose, I posted something very similar earlier today about suspecting partners faking it! He swears he did :spermy: I went straight to sleep and woke up this morning with the same feeling like was to dry where's all the leakage of :spermy: ?? Glad I'm not on my own :wacko:

i did ask dh did he def finished, he swears he did, but he reckons he was abit dehydrated as he walked loads yesterday, i noticed i was wet at first when i went to sleep but it was this morning i was abit wet but nt as much as usual. its odd what we worry about when ttc normally it wouldnt bother us. he didnt even know i was ovulating so no reason to fake haha not that he does but i dont tell dh when im ovulating so he stays relaxed about it all :haha:

also bxsr try taking b vits for progesterone its suppose to help the luteal phase! good luck

Maybe it does just mean it's all been sucked up into uterus and being worked with then! I was very wet the night before no doubting anything but the morning does make you think hmmmm did he or didn't he:dohh:
I think that was Rose who suggested the Vit B for bxsr, I know nothing about all that stuff lol.

so frustrating Scooby!! Really hoping those weird lines are a good thing! I hate when the tests screw up like that, its so confusing and just makes you hold out hope (which I guess isn't necessarily a bad thing!)

I totally tested today LOL!! Of course its way to early and I knew it would show nothing but it really helped to curb my poas addiction haha. Love those cheap IC's for that reason ;) Now hopefully I can wait it out till the 13th!

Rose - sounds like you are well covered with all that BDing!! Welcome to the 2ww!
Scooby, thanks for the information. I'll have to check it out! Here's hoping you have a more clear test tomorrow.

Ashpea, I don't blame you for testing! If I had tons of cheapies at my disposal, I'd probably do the same thing! If you wait until the 13th, you will have way more willpower than I would!

For me, the spotting intensified a bit today. AF isn't due until Tuesday, so it's weird that it would get heavier this early. The weird thing is that yesterday it was pretty much bright orange (which i've never seen before) and today it's been mixed in with tons of cm. So I'm still holding out hope that it could be some sort of IB, but I know not to get excited based on the last few months. Today was also strange as I got super emotional at work about something, and actually had to go take a walk because I started crying about it. I'm not an emotional person at all, so it was very out of character for me. I was hoping it was a weird pg symptom, but maybe it was just a really stressful day at work. I guess we'll know in the next few days...
bxsr - sorry about the stress at work today!! but hopefully that emotional 'break' is a good symptom for you!! That is weird about your spotting...ive never had bright orange but have read on here before other ladies experiencing it, maybe do a search and see if it comes up anyone got a BFP afterwards?

Ya im sure I will def not be holding out till the 13 to test haha, but I wont get myself upset about BFN BEFORE the 13th ;) How's that? O:)
So annoying by my temp dipped so low today so i must not of ovulated yet.. im glad i decided to temp because id of thought i was covered and stopped bd, i feel crampy today so think maybe it could be today, we didnt bd yesterday but we will today.
ash- oops, you're right it was redrose! Sorry about that :) What brand of cheapie are you using? I've been getting them from early-pregnancy-tests.com but I think I'm done with them now. I've had three faulty tests and soooo many evaps, I can't take the stress anymore. I know a lot of people like the Wondfo brand. Or I was thinking about maybe just buying like 4 FRER for the same price as 50 cheapies and trying to have a little willpower next time ;) Let us know the next time you break down and test!

bxsr- Ohhh those sound like promising symptoms. I've done a lot of reading about implantation bleeding and I just recently came across someone mentioning orange. And in January when I had my chemical I was SUPER emotional. But like crying for 30 seconds and then totally fine. Fingers crossed so hard for you!!!

redrose- Ugh that's a bummer about O being wrong. That's the great thing about temping though. I'm actually starting to feel like it's more accurate than OPK's. Hope you get confirmation on O soon!

Well, after a questionable test and a bad evap I started to have hope yesterday, but AF showed up for me today so I'm definitely out. Pretty psyched about my 13 day luteal phase though, woot! I'll be sticking around to cheer all of you guys on :juggle:
aww Scooby, im so sorry about AF showing!!! :( a 13 day LP though is awesome news! Good luck next cycle hun!!

Rose - yes I guess keep on with the BDing, glad you caught the temp dip. Fx for you!

AFM I'm 7dpo today so almost in my 2nd week of the 2ww...the fun and ever stressful week right? haha. Yay for poas again soon though! :D Ill keep ya'll posted but don't think the egg caught this month :shrug: We'll see :) Have a great day girls!
Sorry to hear that Scooby! 13 days LP is great though! Maybe your body was just doing the prep work for a successful BPF next cycle. I hope so! Thanks for the cheerleading!

Redrose, it's great you caught the second temp dip! Keep going with the bd'ing, you'll definitely need to recuperate in a few days :p

Ashpea, you're right. 7 DPO and on is what tests all of our sanity. But at least the end is in sight!

Nothing much for me today. The sore boobs have gone away, and the spotting seems to be going away as well. The only thing that's going is tons of watery cm. I definitely splurged and bought a first response test (bfn :() and I'm going to have to hide the evidence from my husband...he hates when I waste money on the expensive tests haha. There was a pack of two though, so I have one left to hide in my luggage for during the trip.

Happy weekend everyone!
Sorry about the bfn bxsr - how many dpo are you now? Too funny about having to hide the frer from DH haha, I totally have that every month too! That's why I bought 50 ic's for the price of 2 frer this month...so I can poas to my happy little hearts content and he really cant bat an eye ;) Speaking of which, I poas this morning, 9dpo, a line came up within 5 minutes but I think its just an evap and its super super faint, I don't think there's any color there. So not hopeful but fun to always analyze right?

How's everyone doing??
oh Scooby I just realized I didn't respond to your message the other day on what brand of ic's I'm using. I got Artron. This is my first time buying ic's so have nothing to compare it to. I took 2 when my last AF just finished just to see what a true negative looked like and there were no evaps or indents or anything on those. So I dunno what the line on mine was today...prob nothing but time will tell I guess! I got them from opktests.com
Hiya ladies how are ye? We took ds to a wild life place today and im absolutely shattered so so tired. We were walking all day i cant keep my eyes open but we didnt bd yesterday so i know i gotta gather some energy to dtd haha
wow Rose, that sounds very fun and exhausting! I hope you found that energy for the BDing! Do you think you ovulated now or still not 100% sure?? I hope it happens real soon for you if it hasn't yet! You need a break girl, lol.

So I know I swore I wasn't going to symptom spot this month, and ive been really good about it so far actually. Theres just been this one thing I cant ignore. So I've had this pinching/pulling feeling the last 3 days on the lower rt side (not today anymore). The first 2 days it was very mild and I could basically ignore it. It wasn't constant but would come and go. Yesterday though it was a bit more intense so was on my mind a lot. I was leaning towards it maybe being a cyst but Ive never had a diagnosed cyst before so didn't know what exactly that would feel like. So of course I had to ask google...lol :dohh:. And then that lead of course to googling what a cyst feels like compared to implantation. I'm still confused of course after all that! So I'm wondering if you guys have had cysts and what exactly that felt like or if you had implantation pain that lasted 3 days and then stopped? Most ppl on google seem to say the implantation pain would only last a short while so im def leaning towards a cyst. Ive had 4 kids, you'd think I could remember something like implantation feelings. Nope. Sigh. I think Ill make a new thread and ask the general B&B population :D
How's everyone doing today? Did you guys have a nice weekend?

ash- I've definitely heard of people descibing that pinching/pulling feeling before they got their BFP. Fingers crossed for you!!! Did you test today?

bxsr- how are you feeling? You should be about ready to test as well, right?

redrose- I'm sure your son loved that but it does sound exhausting! Hope you were able to rest :)

Not much happening with me. We had a busy weekend with my in-laws but it was nice. My doctor wants me to get an HSG and an ultrasound, just to make sure everything is all good, so I'm going to try and schedule the HSG for later on this week if they have an opening. I'm a little nervous about it. I heard it can be pretty painful. But it'll show if my tubes are blocked so I definitely need to know that. Also, there's a slightly increased chance of getting pregnant after you have it done, so that would be awesome :)

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