Good Morning,
AF was supposed to arrive this morning as well, but she's a no show. I'm not testing at least for a couple days if she doesn't come. I hate seeing stark white BFN's too! My husband made me bacon this morning and it smelled really horrid like I was pregnant with my first. I still couldn't pass up bacon!
I did get results back from my ultrasound. My doctor says i seem to make large follicles in both ovaries, which explains the pain I get for the few days around ovulation.
Any of you girls know much about these and fertility? I tried google but everything wants to search cysts on ovaries.
Regardless, she's actually sending all of my reports (blood work included, and DH's SA ) to one of her top Fertility Specialist to see what he thinks about it as she admitted fertility is not her thing. She's a military doctor after all.
Hoping AF stays away for all of us!