1st Day of Clomid!!!!!

Praying ! Thank You :)

I dont know how to chart !!! I just have the fertility monitor that says if I ov or not. Can't tell by my cm either can't really tell the difference (tmi).

Do you think I should try charting?

Fertility friend is amazing. Charting was the only way to know I ovulated! I never got a positive opk, and blood test confirmed that I did o. Charting and temping can be annoying, but it's so helpful. I swear by it!!
I dont know what to think now.
My cm has all dried up and my cervix has gone hard and a bit lower?
Its a stark contrast to yesterday wet and soft report.
I think af is coming because I startrd provera on cd8 (as per incorrect advice!)
Well if af does come then at least we can get cracking on cycle 2.
Had it all planned out if I got a bfp......my due date would be dec20th so I would finish work on nov29th, I cant afford to take long leave so I would be back to work mid march nut the odds of that happening are a bit slim now.

mumface-i'm sure it will be fine! Last night my cm was totally GONE, stark dry down there and cervix was hard as a rock. I bet you just already o'd and I know you've been bd'ing so I bet there's good news to come! And you're totally right, if you do get af, then you have a nice clean slate to start the next cycle on, but I'm thinking that we're gonna get our Christmas babies! :hugs:

On a different note, holy cow I'm jealous of your maternity leave. If I were to have a baby Dec 20th, I probably wouldn't leave until a couple of days before I went into labor. And total we only get 480 hours of leave. :growlmad: Well unfortunately for me, I work for a tax software company, so from January 1 to April 15th we actually work 54 hours work weeks. Also unfortunately for me, my DH works for the same company, so we have to split the 480 hours and that whole amount has to last until the baby's 1st birthday. So basically I would only be out of work for maybe 4 or 5 weeks and my DH for maybe 2 or 3 and save the remaining 100ish hours for doctors appointments and such for baby. The thought of leaving baby so quickly is hard for me, but I wouldn't have a choice. :cry:
I dont know what to think now.
My cm has all dried up and my cervix has gone hard and a bit lower?
Its a stark contrast to yesterday wet and soft report.
I think af is coming because I startrd provera on cd8 (as per incorrect advice!)
Well if af does come then at least we can get cracking on cycle 2.
Had it all planned out if I got a bfp......my due date would be dec20th so I would finish work on nov29th, I cant afford to take long leave so I would be back to work mid march nut the odds of that happening are a bit slim now.

mumface-i'm sure it will be fine! Last night my cm was totally GONE, stark dry down there and cervix was hard as a rock. I bet you just already o'd and I know you've been bd'ing so I bet there's good news to come! And you're totally right, if you do get af, then you have a nice clean slate to start the next cycle on, but I'm thinking that we're gonna get our Christmas babies! :hugs:

On a different note, holy cow I'm jealous of your maternity leave. If I were to have a baby Dec 20th, I probably wouldn't leave until a couple of days before I went into labor. And total we only get 480 hours of leave. :growlmad: Well unfortunately for me, I work for a tax software company, so from January 1 to April 15th we actually work 54 hours work weeks. Also unfortunately for me, my DH works for the same company, so we have to split the 480 hours and that whole amount has to last until the baby's 1st birthday. So basically I would only be out of work for maybe 4 or 5 weeks and my DH for maybe 2 or 3 and save the remaining 100ish hours for doctors appointments and such for baby. The thought of leaving baby so quickly is hard for me, but I wouldn't have a choice. :cry:[/

Wow when you put it like that regarding mat leave im ok! There are women at my place who go on leave for months but I think the longer you leave it the harder it is for baby to settle with other people.
I work for a mail order company manning the phones. Id like to work til the day before I drop but I take the bus to work and dp doesnt want me doing that. We work diffferent hours so its not like he can drive me to work.
My company pay 2 weeks full pay, 6 weeks 90% of your pay then you get statury maternity pay of £125 a week, im also saving 4 weeks holiday to add on to my leave and the rest of my leave will be dictated by our savings.
Going back at 5or6 weeks is gna be rough, also if you need a c section you might need longer off :hugs: I hope u find a way around that xxxx
Hi everybody! Back today from the beach. When to the hospital for my scan. Definitely ovulated said the Dr. Had proof on my ovary of it and also some "Douglas liquid" which I know now that is a positive ovulation evidence. Pretty happy! Also my lining is around 12mm and doctor said that's good as well. Have to get some blood drawn to check my porgesterone levels and that's it! Now tww is well on its way! Day 4 of 14!!

Praying lady how's your tww? Is it almost over so you can test?

Britta how about you??? Any news? How are you holding up?

Mum face I really hope you catched your ov this month! Let us know.

I hope you guys are all doing great.

Lots of baby dust to all!!!
Hi everybody! Back today from the beach. When to the hospital for my scan. Definitely ovulated said the Dr. Had proof on my ovary of it and also some "Douglas liquid" which I know now that is a positive ovulation evidence. Pretty happy! Also my lining is around 12mm and doctor said that's good as well. Have to get some blood drawn to check my porgesterone levels and that's it! Now tww is well on its way! Day 4 of 14!!

Praying lady how's your tww? Is it almost over so you can test?

Britta how about you??? Any news? How are you holding up?

Mum face I really hope you catched your ov this month! Let us know.

I hope you guys are all doing great.

Lots of baby dust to all!!!

Im out loves... spotting today...:dohh:
Praying Lady : :hugs: ..atleast you can kick start the new cycle now.

Heidimaria - Wow that sounds real promising...lots and lots of :dust: for your TWW

MumFace and Britta - any news??

As for me, went back for a scan on Saturday and still no Ovulation :dohh:
My folly grew to 21.3 mm on CD 14 but I hadn’t ovulated by then...is this normal? Has anyone else have a similar experience?
So doc recommended some more BD over the weekened nd have to go back today and see if i OV... hope i have as DH out of town for 2 days from today.

And the dreaded TWW begings.... this is my first wait and I wonder how I will cope...
Nothing except af style cramps :shrug:
I cant check cm due to bd last night using concieve plus so it will be hard to determine what cm.i have.
Dp says we will bd until I should get af incase I ov late.
Hi everybody!!

Prayinglady I'm sorry about your spotting ! Now let's concentrate on the next cycle! Clomid again? :) This could be it!! :)

Mumface and Britta how are you holding up? I still have some cramps too. I don't know if this is normal??? Should we be cramping on day 4 post ov? 10 more days for the tww to finish!

Baby dust :)
Can bd make your cervix go soft? Mines now high and soft??
Im pretending to myself im ovulating :):) if I pretend it might come true!!!
Ok... cramps are just getting worse :nope: I'm afraid this is AF coming early? :cry: As far as I know implantation doesn't hurt!!:cry:! I have pain everywhere but specially in my left ovary but my ovulation was from the right one! Very messed up...:wacko:. don't really understand but Im trying not to freak out. :dohh:
Ok... cramps are just getting worse :nope: I'm afraid this is AF coming early? :cry: As far as I know implantation doesn't hurt!!:cry:! I have pain everywhere but specially in my left ovary but my ovulation was from the right one! Very messed up...:wacko:. don't really understand but Im trying not to freak out. :dohh:

Im cramping too! My folly is in my right ovary but I always gets pains from my left side ??!!
I.think its af for me, as I checked my cp before my cm was streaked brown :sick: all thanks to my fs telling to take provera after clomid! :grr: the stupid :mamafy:
But it can only mean clomid round two which im excited for!
Hey ladies..

that was my first month on clomid. However I decided to do one month on one month off. Last month was too crazy for me on those pills so I'm just doing a natural cycle this month. No temping no peeing on the stick just good old fashion BD'ing... The pressure of TTC is a bit too much rght now.

I'll still be around though.:happydance:
Praying lady I hope this does you well!
In my mind ive come so far with ttc, finally got clomid so im just carrying on with it until my next fs appt on 4th June if no bfp.
Prayinglady - I'm so sorry to hear about your spotting. :hugs: I like your approach of one month on one off though. I've actually spoken to a lot of people, fertility doc included, who took clomid, ovulated but didnt conceive, then conceived the first month they were off clomid, so maybe this will increase your chances!

Mumface - I'm still mad at your fs. lol. but I still have a feeling that your cramping is not from AF. It's still early, I really hope that there wasnt enough provera in your system to make a difference!

heidimaria - Don't stress, lady! You will be fine and I've read about tons and tons of people get af like cramps early in pregnancy! I would take these as good signs and not bad! especially if there is no bleeding yet.

AFM - I just dont feel anything yet, I mean, not even little twinges or cramping? I live and breathe off prego symptoms and I usually try to turn every little thing into some kind of symptom, but I've got nothing so far. Maybe a little moodiness, but I don't know. I'm still hopeful about this cycle, and at least I know the clomid is making me ovulate, but I would like some kind of feeling of something. I guess i have to have a little patience.

I love you girls and you keep me sane through an insane journey! Thank you!!!
my cramps feel different, its like I can tell an af cramp a mile off.
I took 10mg of provera for 5 days in a row. My pad is clean but if I do an internal is brown streaked:sick:
Also im really tired too. would my maturing follicle die if af came?

BrittaC I drive myself crazy with symptoms! my diary is full of daily reports I could publish it :haha:
Ok so a bit embarrassed to say this but here it goes.... I have been obsessing to find a proper date to early test to see if I am preg or not. I keep googling it and counting days over and over again. Had already decided to test on Sunday (day 10 post ov) with some early detection test I bought.

Then I was reading (for the eleventh time) the booklet that comes with the test and read the very small prints that said that if you had a trigger shot you could "likely" get a false positive... This obviously made me google some more (I still don't know if I love or hate google) !!! Anyway, turns out its true. Shouldn't test on Sunday but on Thursday/ Friday because its very likely that if I do yet on Sunday there will still be some of my trigger shot in my system and I would get a bfn for no reason!

I was really really hoping I could know by Sunday but now I don't know what to do... I could also do blood work. Aggggr I don't know. I keep thinking I could get a bfp and then it would be "false positive" and that could kill me when Af shows here ugly face up .

I'm completely over analyzing this. Have turned into this obsessive compulsive lady I don't even recognize. Already know the reasonable thing would be to wait for cd28 but I don't want to (childish I know). I'm just tired of waiting. It's been 9 months! I know people have TTC for much longer but I'm loosing my mind. TTC is taking a huge toll on me.

Sorry for the long post ladies. Had to vent :(
I went to my doctor yesterday about me feeling the way I do. I was lay in bed and I couldnt bring myself to get up and go to work. I was crying. I was a mess.
Finally summond up the effort to go to my doctor who has diagnosed me with stress and depression. Its not just purely ttc anxieties its other things too.
I cant have the medication as im ttc so he signed me off work and referred me for a councelling.

Im not posting on here for a while. I need to relax and take time out.
I will be back though as soon as im feeling like me again.
Love you ladies and good luck with ttc
Dear Mumface, you will be missed!!! I'll be thinking about you and hope you find your old self soon. I have been through depression and if I can give you one small advise is to keep yourself as busy as possible. Take on a hobbie, some sport or read a bunch of good books. I can be very hard to get out of bed but doing it is the best possible cure, even better than meds.
We will see you soon :)
Huge hug :)
Thanks ladies!!!

Mumface I'll be thinking about you honey!

Britta & Heidi I'm sending tons and tons of baby dust. I hope this is it!!!

AFM been a short painless AF. *Happy to say* She's gone. I only had one real day of heavy AF (( Sooo not complaining)) So CD5 and looking forward to just relaxing and BDing for fun!

How is everyone else?:hugs:
mumface - I know that you probably wont see this for a while but you are in my thoughts! :hugs: Just take it easy and relax. I know you'll be feeling like your old self before you know it!

Heidimaria - how are things going for you???

Hey Prayinglady. It's good to hear from you! I'm really glad to hear that AF was so short for you! :thumbup: I've heard some horror stories about how clomid can make it a lot worse. :nope:

You're not doing clomid this cycle, right? I think that it'll be good for you to just relax and have some fun! Definitely much needed!

AFM: 1/2 way through my TWW and kinda going crazy. :wacko: I don't know how you did it. The first few days weren't bad at all, totally normal but 4-7dpo (which is today) i feel like I have no idea what going on with my body. I think that maybe I've ate something dodgy? I dunno. :shrug:

I woke up Thursday morning at 7am and my stomach felt like it was on FIRE! I had DH bring me a couple of Tums and that made the burning go away, but I've been so nauseous and even vomiting a couple of times since then. Plus I can't breathe through my nose right now because I have really bad seasonal allergies and my throat is constantly dry and sore. :dohh:

And I'm having a whole bunch of cramping in my lower abdomen and really bad lower back pain, like in my muscles on each side. I just keep going back and forth like are these symptoms or am I sick? I'm definitely not testing until April 13th at the earliest. But I'm really feeling like AF is coming any second already! :cry:

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