Ah I can understand that you would feel nervous about it in that sense. For me I loved seeing it because I knew immediately that there was a heartbeat... That was what I was desperate to see!
I know what u mean about moments of positivity and moments of negativity... I was exactly the same. At my 10 week private scan I was crying before I was even out of the car... Then I calmed myself down, went in, and immediately burst into tears again telling the sonographer my history... Then even when I knew it was good news I was still crying, my hubby didn't know what to do with me!!! I hope u decide to go, and once you see it's all good one more time you will start to feel completely differently about the whole pregnancy.
I am 17 weeks now, with a very definite "bump" lurking under the biggest clothes I have in my wardrobe... Deffo gonna need to shop soon for some maternity wear... But u know, the worry never stops. Just this Friday I went to the loo, and had fresh red blood when I wiped. I sat there panting, not crying but just managing to breath... Hubby was on his way up stairs and I called him, he came in and I just showed him the toilet paper and he came and hugged me (whilst still sat on the toilet, it was very romantic...lol) and we both just cried and cried. It felt like history repeating itself when we'd finally started to feel confident that things were ok. Anyway, it was literally gone with one wipe, and I went to be wearing a pad and there was not even a hint of blood on the pad by morning. I also have a Doppler at home that a friend lent to me - thank god I do have it because it was a god send that night. We immediately went and listened in and found the heart beat (thankfully found it quickly too so not too much time to panic!). That calmed me a little, but still nervous of things developing in the night... I rang the hospital in the morning and maternity transferred my call through to gynea as I was still considered too early for the maternity dept to deal with. That was a reality check coz I've been seen on that gynea unit with both of my previous miscarriages. Anyway I spoke to someone there who basically said no one is available to scan me as it was weekend, and that as long as bleeding has stopped and I had no cramps then they weren't too concerned. I would have liked to be scanned, but to be honest all they'd be scanning me for is to check for heart beat, and I knew that was present because of Doppler. We checked heartbeat again the following morning and all was well, and touch wood I've had no problems since.
I have done the obligatory googling since then, and it seems that a small bleed following... (Sorry ladies!) a pooh is quite common, and can be caused by a hard stool pushing past the cervix, which can make the cervix bleed. Or could be caused by pushing. So have been trying to be very gentle since then when I've "been", lol.