1st month TTC after a miscarriage

I'm really glad I've bounced back quickly :) fingers x for us all
Thanks for the good luck messages!

Fleur and Dill - I didn't realise that my cycle might change after a mc, good to know so I won't be driving myself mad about ov this month. Will just go with the flow (try at least!) and get back on the opk bus next month unless I get lucky! For now I will just take advantage of the ewcm and bd!

Spudtastic - we are in a similar place cd wise so keep me posted!

Tankel - sorry you are having such a hard time but it's great news that the bleeding has stopped and watery cm definitely sounds like you're going in the right direction! Good luck!

Love4you - hope you're feeling better from your cold, obviously sad that af came but now you can focus on feeling well for the next cycle. I'm also taking a b complex - was taking pregnacare conception before but decided to switch to b complex (contains folic acid) and vit d instead. If I get a bfp I would take a prenatal - the only thing I'm not sure about is dropping the b complex. I read on some boards that if youve been taking it when ttc you should stop it suddenly after bfp for the first 3 months as it might trigger mc. Any thoughts?

Bee and TTC - all sounds good fx crossed for you!
Love4you, I’m definitely optimistic enough to keep trying although I’m terrified of what could be in store next time. I took COQ-10 for a while but then read reviews saying it hasn’t been tested so I got scared and stopped.

cl59, a miscarriage can really wreak havoc on your body and cycles. Some women’s cycles become longer, others’ shorter… Some don’t ovulate straight away. I miscarried in October and didn’t ovulate in December (wasn’t trying in November so didn’t do OPKs). However some women are lucky and go back to normal in the next cycle, or even fall pregnant right after the miscarriage. Hope you won’t have long to wait.

Good luck to you TTC84 and Bee Bee!
I have some ferning but a negative opk. :thumbup: However I got a negative hpt this morning which makes me was to sing.:dance: Is that weird? :wacko: It means no D&C and no ultrasound! :wohoo:

But, to make sure I don't get too happy, my body decided to throw in some random bleeding. :growlmad: Light spotting when I wipe again. I don't think it is AF because I only stopped bleeding on Friday. Did any one else start AF so fast? I am 2 weeks exactly since I passed the last of the tissue and 17 days since the MC started in full force (not counting the week of spotting before hand).

I used to have long (around 35 days) cycles and I hope my cycle doesn't change too much since the MC. But I'll take anything as long as my body starts to act normal. I feel like its not even mine anymore: spotting, bleeding, and unpredictable...I don't like it.:nope:
Some spotting in the weeks following a MC is normal, even after your hcg levels are back down. I wouldn't worry about it too much!
Hi tankel - I had the same too with the spotting. I also have 35 day cycles normally and figured there was no way it could be af after two weeks even though that would have been awesome. I haven't poas since last week. Must do one soon. Glad you got your bfn. I did do a few days opks but were a stark negative so I've given up.
Just want to spread some :dust: to all

I have had 7 Chemical's in 16 months and my last one was December 27th 2014.. it lingered for around 10 days and I needed antibiotics.

Myself and OH said we wouldn't try anymore and I only had nookie once in January... I thought I was a few days away from Ov... How wrong was I?? lol ..well im now almost 7 weeks.. we have seen Baba and a HB at 6+2 so there is hope out there!!!

I feel for you all that have Mc.... but I just wanted to say if you really want a baby then try try and try one day hopefully your miracle will appear like this little one..

I need to rant.

I called an OBGYN since I don't have a regular dr. I told them I had a MC 2 weeks ago and that I wanted an ultrasound to check to make sure everything was ok. They made an appointment for a week later. I go, wait an hour, and then they tell me that "They only give ultrasounds if you're pregnant".

I hate the medical system here!
WOW, Serenjay, that's awesome! Congratulations. :D

And Tankel, totally ridiculous. I would be furious! Why didn't they tell you that sooner? Find a different doc!
Congrats Serenjay! That's brilliant!

Tankel I can't imagine how upsetting that must have been, how can doctors be so insensitive sometimes? It's the last thing you need right now. How is the spotting?
Thanks for the encouragement Serenjay! Congrats and all the best for your pregnancy.

Tankel, I can't believe they did that, how insensitive! After you'd told them about the miscarriage on the phone too?? So what did they suggest you do?
Thanks everyone.

It really upset me what that lady said at the dr office. I should have told her that she needs to work on her sensitivity. I told her that on the phone I made an appointment specifically because I had a miscarriage and I wanted an ultrasound. I was even given a price. I can't believe that the front receptionist was so cold and acted like I was crazy for even going there. They have an ultrasound machine there I don't know why they will only use it on a patient who is pregnant. The receptionist then told me that she could get the dr to write me a prescription for an ultrasound somewhere else. I would cost $150 just to see the dr for the prescription not counting the extra $ for the actual ultrasound. Since I am feeling good I decided to forego a check up. My spotting comes off an on but I am told that is normal so I am not too worried.
:hugs: you ladies are the best. I know exactly where to come for support!
That just seems crazy to me Tankel, I'm sorry you doctor isn't working with you on this. I would definitely be shopping around for another doctor at this point. Even if you don't get an ultrasound I would still want an office that handles things differently.
I think I would call the clinic and ask for a callback from the doctor specifically, and explain what happened and get some clarification. Maybe Ms. Crazypants up there at the front desk during your appointment was new and had no idea what she was talking about. And, at the very least, it'll alert the doc to the personnel problem he/she apparently has!
Tankle, Im sorry to hear that :/ Are you seeing an OB or a RE? My RE will perform Ultrasounds whenever I need. I think OBs are a bit different that way.
I'm feeling so sad. Just had a big fight with my hubby because I found out he had a cigarette behind my back last week even though he agreed to quit in January. I said I felt deceived and he said I made it impossible for him to be honest with me because a 'dictator' and I forced him to quit. He said he will smoke one every now and again and doesn't feel that will have a negative impact on ttc. I said that feels unsupportive because it didn't feel like we are in this together or that he is as committed to ttc - he said that was manipulative and ridiculous.

I think I'm just wanting to do everything I can to ttc as quickly as possible after the mc because I feel so sad about the loss and all the dreams I thought had come true just felt like they slipped away. I get he feels bossed around and that he thinks I'm being way too militant about ttc, maybe I am. I just feel so empty inside sometimes.
After I posted last night we had a great talk and he apologised. He didn't realise how sad I was feeling and I think that it was a good thing that it all came out in the open. But I am going to try to be a bit more relaxed about ttc - it's just so hard!
cl59 I'm glad everything worked out for you and your dh. Communication is key in everything and TTC is no different.
That's good that you two were able to talk it out cl59. It's hard when you're not on the same page, hopefully it'll be better now that you both know where the other stands.

As for me: I'm still waiting to hear back on my blood! They're closed today but I'll be calling tomorrow. I've been feeling more normal so that's a good sign. My doctor told me to wait to try again until after two normal cycles but I really want to get back at it after one. I haven't read any reason to wait two and I really want to be pregnant again ASAP. What do you guys think about going against drs wishes? I might not even get pregnant the first month of trying anyway... But if I do and something happens again I might feel like it was my fault for not waiting...
Hi Ladies! I think I got my :bfp: this morning! Went ahead and left a message with my RE to see if I should get a blood done yet since it's faint. Wish me luck!!


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