1st weekend of December= BFP or AF's- Buddies welcome! xxxx

Yes it was very busy, I was getting a little irate by the end of it. Im not the most patient of people, especially when Ive got so much to do!

Yes these symptons are totally normal for me, everything Im getting, I get every month.

When I was pregnant with my son the only signs I had were a couple of days before I tested (which I think was at 11dpo, so signs at 9dpo) and that was dizzyness, which continued and got worse until I was about 12-14 weeks pregnant. And the a sudden want to vomit every time I saw a baby. Which stopped when I found out I was pregnant, so I think that was a subconscious thing. Not vomit as in 'omg yuck a baby!' just sick as in, omg why do I suddenly feel sick? kind of way. If that makes any sense?

But at this stage I honestly dont think we can have any pregnancy symptons, because symptons are from the hormones being released which arent released until implantation occurs which they say is 7dpo earliest dont they?

Aswell, pregnancy symptons are so very similar to af symptons for me, so whilst I will sympton spot from 7dpo, I will be very open minded as it could be just as easily AF just arriving for me! Im going to be more reliant on testing to be honest.
Yeah symtpons dont start until after implantation which can occur as early as 6 DPO. I think the clomid has played a big difference with me cause i normally get symptoms before i even ovulate like sore boobs. Always had it and this month nothing. I never get stomach cramping or back ache until the day before AF is due.

I have read many a story where woman just know. I soooo wish that was me.

Only a week to wait though ay, may be a few days longer.
Ahhhhh SO many times Ive thought 'I just know' and I wasnt, hehe! And the one time I was I honestly wasnt sure whether I was at all.

Aswell, when I was pregnant I was like "I just KNOW its a girl" until the 20 week scan.

Ive got no hoping of ever knowing, hehe!
ha ha ha love it. I think im the same i have been there so many times 'i just know' and 'this has to be it' and nope nothing.

Im in such a foul mood this afternoon. Dont know what wrong with me. My OH's Ex wife is being a complete an utter bitch and if it wasnt for the fact i work for the police i really dont think i could contain myself. She keeps interfearing with our lives. they have a son together and he is only allowed to see him once a mnth. Her terms. he pays full CSA. She wont giver him her contct number so he can keep in touch with his son, yet keeps calling his boss (in the army) telling him whats happening in their personal lives and saying she wants Phil to call her as she wants more money.But he cant cause she wont give him her number. Im just at a loss as to what to do.

Sorry for the rant and it prob wont make mush sense but im fuming. !!!!!


Ive just spoke with my sister. He and her partner are wanting to try for another baby, they want a boy as she has two girls. And she has told me that she doesnt want to strat trying until i have got pregnant. I could have cried when she told me. She falls pregnant so easily and says she doesnt want to upset me by falling pregnant again when i have been trying so long. I could really could have cried.
I told her to start trying when ever she is ready as it might take me a very long time if it happens at all so she is going to start trying again in october. I think thats the sweetest thing she has ever said to me.

Yay your back!!! Im glad you had such a good time, I hope your scar heals again soon. Ouchie!

Ive just finished my christmas shopping, I thought Igot it all done last week but I forgot about 4-5 of them, as I do every year. So Ive got back in just having an early lunch and then Im going to crack on with the wrapping, which is going to take me ages, then blitzing the flat it really needs a good hoover, the grit and salt from the paths outside and has slowly worked its way all round my flat!

Girls I dont know if you know this, but its buy one get one free for FRERS in Boots today, I just got 4 tests for £10 which is good for FRER!!!

Im going to be testing on the 28th which is probably a day too early (9dpo) with a FRER which is a waste of a FRER really, but Im not taking any IC's with me because theres no way Im going to pee in anything my mum owns! And they just dont work midstream, Ive tried and failed in the past.

My cervix is high up like both of yours, I dont know if its firm or soft or open or closed because its too high up to reach. Creamy CM, same as you both, but like I said before Im guessing this would happen even if I wasnt pregnant because it wouldnt have yet implanted so no pregnancy symptons are possible yet.

Ive got sore boobs which wasnt fun this morning when my son leapt on me, elbowing me in the left one! hehe!

I can not BLIEVE christmas is only 4 days away, Im so excited I could wee!!! Ive always absolutely loved christmas, but since having a child (and a newphew- 18 months) its SO much more exciting, I just cant wait!

Hiya HM!

I was back then i popped off to do some more shopping, still had to get my dad something. Ended up spending another £50 on the OH too!
ha ha ha love it. I think im the same i have been there so many times 'i just know' and 'this has to be it' and nope nothing.

Im in such a foul mood this afternoon. Dont know what wrong with me. My OH's Ex wife is being a complete an utter bitch and if it wasnt for the fact i work for the police i really dont think i could contain myself. She keeps interfearing with our lives. they have a son together and he is only allowed to see him once a mnth. Her terms. he pays full CSA. She wont giver him her contct number so he can keep in touch with his son, yet keeps calling his boss (in the army) telling him whats happening in their personal lives and saying she wants Phil to call her as she wants more money.But he cant cause she wont give him her number. Im just at a loss as to what to do.

Sorry for the rant and it prob wont make mush sense but im fuming. !!!!!



You're not the only one, my OH ex-wife is constantly moaning at us for more money - she gets £300 a month as it is! Trouble is her first husband was a millionaire and so she expects the same treatment from my OH, who is FAR FAR from being that rich! She was complaining yesterday because we couldn't confirm what time we'd be picking up OH's son on Christmas Eve "Better make sure you're here by 7pm as i've got a party to go to and I'll have to find a babysitter if you can't get here on time" Fricking witch! We have to travel over 100 miles to get there, and with OH not knowing what time he'll get out of work and the bad weather we really can't be specific about the time. You'd think she would be happy to spend more time with her son before he goes away for 2 weeks, but no, she's more concerned with him interfering with her plans.

Haha you set me off in rant mode!
Ive just spoke with my sister. He and her partner are wanting to try for another baby, they want a boy as she has two girls. And she has told me that she doesnt want to strat trying until i have got pregnant. I could have cried when she told me. She falls pregnant so easily and says she doesnt want to upset me by falling pregnant again when i have been trying so long. I could really could have cried.
I told her to start trying when ever she is ready as it might take me a very long time if it happens at all so she is going to start trying again in october. I think thats the sweetest thing she has ever said to me.


Aww that is so nice of her, how considerate is that! And such a selfless act too! Good on you for not letting her do it though, and October is lots of Clomid away, you're bound to be pregnant by then!
Ive just spoke with my sister. He and her partner are wanting to try for another baby, they want a boy as she has two girls. And she has told me that she doesnt want to strat trying until i have got pregnant. I could have cried when she told me. She falls pregnant so easily and says she doesnt want to upset me by falling pregnant again when i have been trying so long. I could really could have cried.
I told her to start trying when ever she is ready as it might take me a very long time if it happens at all so she is going to start trying again in october. I think thats the sweetest thing she has ever said to me.


that is so sweet of her!! my sister is ttc, she started ttc in april, 7 mths after i started ttc & i know it sounds awful but i dont think id cope very well if she conceived b4 me.....i know thats an awful thing to say & when those words come out my mouth when i speak to my dh bout it i know im wrong...just cant help the way i feel. its been a hard year this year in terms of ttc, my sister in law announced she was 3 mths preg in feb, had her baby in sept & my step sister announced she was 3 mths preg in aug....also sooo many of my friends have announced they are expecting in the new year....i just kinda feel after 17 mths of ttc it is MY turn now.....my mum and sister are very close and i just know that if my sister falls preg b4 me then its gonna be very hard 4 me to cope as i speak to my mum every day and its gonna be rubbed in my face all the time. xx
CB sorry for setting you off. lol. Its the same with my OH he has to drive from Berkshire to Liverpool to see his son. He puts all the effort in, doesnt ask for anything back and yet she uses there son as a weapon and asks him for money so she can go out and piss it all up the wall and have a great social life instead of spending it on her son. She puts it about like there is no tomorrow. Oh im off again im going to shut up now. lol
How are you today? Did you enjoy the rest of your shopping yesterday? What did you buy the OH?

Dancing Katy. You will get there hun. Are you taking anything to help you on your TTC journey? My sister fell pregnant with her second after i had been trying for 18 months and i was absolutly heart broken, in fact its taking my 5 months to bond with my niece. But it does get easier and like i said to me sister yesterday, i will get there and it may never happen for me and if thats the case she cant put her life on hold. I just get to enjoy being an aunty and giving her back when she crys and play with her when she is happy. its great. It will happen though huh so chin up and stay positive.

Morning ladies. The exwives sound like little buggers to say the least. Not good! The thing is, the ex with child will always have the man by the balls. And dont they know it!

Hope it happens for you soon DK1.

How is everyone this morning? Im doing an early post because Im hoping to be busy getting lots of work done today. Ive still got shopping to do, Im having to do it in bits because the taxis are barely running (I dont drive) so cant do it all in one go and get it back in one go, which is annoying! Ive wrapped all my presents though, and only have one more to get for the childminder. Shes 7 months pregnant bless her and getting big now, I feel sorry for her having to run round after th kids, I expect shes welcoming the christmas break with open arms!

So I think I must be 3dpo today, which means the 2ww is going annoyingly slow. CP position still the same, so high I cant reach it. CM still the same. Dont expect any change until at least 7dpo anyway.

Laura, I was thinking, you know you said you dont usually have the symptons that you have this month? Perhaps you werent ovulating at all before and this is the 1st time? Hense all the appropriate 'feelings'? How are you feeling today?

CB- Your like me, majorly busy week. You must be 6dpo now? 1 more day and we can start your sympton spotting! hehehe!!!

I was talking to my friend last night, shehas 5 kids and she was saying she knew straight after each time she had sex that she was pregnant with her 5. I had no such luck with my son, I had no idea until I POAS. I keep changing my mind about this month, I can easily picture getting that BFP, but I can just as easily picture not getting it. Im fine with the latter though, I dont expect to be so lucky it happens straight away, Im a average person so expect to have to wait the average time.

Oh I found out yesterday that A LOT of snow is coming in this town and my mums, so we might not be able to get the for christmas! I spoke to DH and asked what if he couldnt get back home for christmas day?! (his car has a lowered suspension- he's 40 years old but you would think he was 18 the way he's into cars, but it means it cant cope with inches of snow) and he said "Id walk it!" he would aswell, it would take him HOURS though thats for sure. Bless him.

Thats the worst case scenario though, hopefully it wont come to that.
Moring hunny,

Im working to hense why im on so early. If you can call it working that is Since descovering this site im glued. I cant get off it. lol.

I used to ovulate cause i used to do POKs and had my 21 day bloods take a few months when i first started seeing my Gyno and confirmed that i was ovulating. But all these symptoms could be down to the clomid doin whats its supposed to do. I releases a higher surge of LH, from what i have read. to force ovulation and thats why your more likely to have mulitples cause the high surge can push out more than 1 egg! So i may be getting the signs cause of the higher amount of LH than im used to.

The same as you though for once in the whole 2 years TTC i can actually picture getting my BFP, then again i can easily picture not getting it as well. Its just a waitingg game. Only 6 days until testing though. YEY.

Bless your OH. Young at heart! :) my mums expecting really bad snow and ice Xmas Eve which is when im driving up there so im not overly loking forward to it to be honest. Ill just have to take my time. I can picture it taking hours. :(

Morning Ladies!

Bloody cold this morning! How are you both doing??

2 days till Christmas!!!

1 day till i do a EPT, kinda thinking I might leave it until after Christmas now as i like the thinking i could be pregnant

CB- Your like me, majorly busy week. You must be 6dpo now? 1 more day and we can start your sympton spotting! hehehe!!!

7dpo today, and i'm trying to ignore any possible symptoms! Although i have sore boobs, funny sensations in my lower abdomen and a sore throat. All which could be signs of an early arrival from AF accompanied by a cold coming lol Was planning on checking my CM and CP this morning but OH woke in a randy mood - need i say anymore lol - so i'll leave that till later today.
Moring hun, tell me about it -4 on my way to work this morning. Freezeeezing!

It doesnt feel like christmas for me yet as im working tomorrw. It will when i get up north though to see the family tomorrow night.

Oh hun i feel the same but i am kind of eager to test. I have to wait till monday though if i can hold out that long. Way to early for me to test yet though.
Morning Laura

Where up north are you heading? If you're taking the A1 it was pretty clear yesterday although some of the smaller A roads were awful

Do you think it's okay to eat a Mince Pie for breakfast? lol
Mince pie for breakfast, course it is. lol. I have just had chololate. lol.

I will be going to the west midlands tomorrow so ill be taking to M40 and the M6. Then boxing day going to manchester to the in laws so will only be using the M6 and the M56 i think it is. Ill just take my time. I know the M40 was really bad yesterday.

Oh good, glad I'm not the only one with naughty eating habits lol

I've friends in Manchester who've been struggling with the weather. Hopefully it'll clear before you have to head up there! Furthest North I'm heading this Christmas is my parents in Nottinghamshire on Boxing Day, thankfully they live in the Trent Valley which rarely gets caught by snow, just poxy ice lol
ah thats ok then. Yeah i call the mother in law yesterday and she said they have been snowed in. Ill call and check xmas day before i drive up boxing day as i dont want to get up there, get stuck in and not be able to get back out. lol!

I was hoping it would snow xmas day at my mums, it doesnt get too bad there to be honest. But would have been nice to have a little.

Hey girlies!!!! I cant remember how many dpo I am today its either 4 or 5? Cant remember what bloomin day it is, thats why. I know its christmas eve, eve though! YAY!

Im only going to post once this morning, my son is at the childminders Im going to crack on with work until midday then pack up everyones stuff and DH is coming straight from work, packing up the car with me and we're picking up the little man en route to my mums. We figured going about 2 this afternoon will be the best time to avoid the traffic.

I will post again when Im at mums because Im taking my laptop.

Ive got absolutely no symptons whatsoever. But I keep imagining whats going on in there, if I was about to be pregnant it would either be just about to come out the fallopian tube, or dancing around the uterus looking for somewhere to attatch.
I keep doing really stupid things and wonder if I ruined it, like this morning, I sneezed really hard and wondered if that stopped it implanting JUST as it was about to. Its really stupid I know, but I have a vivid imagination., hehe!

Be back later girlies!

Thats not stupid hun im the same at the minute. Exactly the same as you just imagining whats happening in there.

Have a safe drive. Speak soon.


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