Oh I feel so terribly horribly awful I can't even describe it!
There are 5 (stray) kittens around our wee cul de sac here, that spend an awful lot of time under cars etc.
I went out a message this evening, after having spoken to the little boy (aged 6) from a few doors up, who was playing over the fence with our dog, and when I came back, one of the kittens was lying in a little pool of blood, where my wheels would have reversed out of the driveway. I obviously ran over the poor thing, and left the poor 6 year old to find it.... which he did since his wee packet of sweets were lying beside the lifeless ball of fluff! I felt

, more for that poor little boy than the cat! Well, I went up to check he was ok, and brought him a new packet of sweets. His Mum told me he had been feeding them and had been upset, but was ok now. He's back playing with the dog, so I'm glad I've not been branded the evil cat killer, but still, that poor wee fella!