2010 Baby

Oh Kelly you make me laugh! Thx I needed that!

I have been so busy lately too with everything that has happened. We need to connect soon!

Berniep and Mum2be how are you both?

Me just doing the day to day things nothing new to report.
I am still painting... aren't you guys sick of hearing about my home reno's yet? All I ever say is I am painting and sore... speaking of which I am sore and going to paint some more tonight! and get DH to install some new door knobs.... thats different! Got the ceiling to do in the stairway and the casing at the top of the stairs. The stairs are pretty much done! Gonna put one more coat over the board people step on for good measure.

6dpo today whoop whoop... nothing new and exciting to report as always... I am so not preggo this month. Come on clinic I want my IUI! We went in for DH's second SA today... hoping to have the results back by friday. They even tested the sperm antibodies this time.
They just want to make sure that he isn't capable of doing it on his own before they start medaling. :rofl:

I love reno as long as it's somebody else! My kitchen is fixin to be torn slap apart and I'm not looking forward to it except that I don't have to cook! I am also getting ready to paint my bathroom and then dh will tear that apart too. :rofl: I like that he is a carpenter by trade. :rofl: He works outside construction so inside construction would make him happy if it gets to hot out.

How is everybody else? Berniep? Mum2be?
Hello ladies,
How are you all today?
Mum2b sorry about your boss but its nice to see you are keeping busy, i would love to meet you at the white rose one day for a coffee we'll def have to arrange something x
Kelly i'm not bored about reading about your house i love that sort of thing but like Csunshine i prefer it when its somebody elses house i hate hard work lol hope your ok and not working too hard x
Csunshine how are you today? hope your doing ok x
Well not much to report for me been to work, took youngest for his new glasses, dragged kids round supermarket and then went to my friends this evening for a cuppa and a chat. At the moment i've got a massive headache and should really go to bed but not sure i've got the energy to climb the stairs lol hope your all ok x
I like watching the changes happen as I reno but I Hate the actual work to. I am working hard maybe to hard but it passes the time, I will have new pics of the stairwell up in the next couple of days, will let you know when.

I felt nauseous earlier today and have a bit of a headache. I don't symptom spot so I don't think it is from that I am only 6dpo with a very small chance of success. So I am putting it down to tiredness and over working.
hi ladies!

I have been reading this team journal for a while now. I even start feeling like I know you :)
Mind if I join, too? I wish and plan for a baby in 2010 - didn't happen this month tho :(
hi ladies!

I have been reading this team journal for a while now. I even start feeling like I know you :)
Mind if I join, too? I wish and plan for a baby in 2010 - didn't happen this month tho :(

Welcome the more the merrier! We all just kinda show up at different times so hope you catch us.

Kelly can't wait to see the pics! Hope the sickness is for a good reason not just being tired and over worked!

Berniep I hate the grocery store especially with kids :dohh: I always get the can I have, can I have, can I have :hissy: your a brave woman!

Mum2be hope your having a good day.

Me I just played ball last night and boy can this old lady hit the ball!!! I got on base every time! WooooHOOO! I am the oldest one on the team and it was awesome!
All ok here, managed to drag yesterday out with a long supermarket shop, at the farthest supermarket to me :rofl: then had to take DH gazebbo shopping, we have planned a bbq for saturday (which is of course being strategically planned... not that it needs it, but it gives me something to do), however the weather forcast is rain (typical british weather), of course I had planned an alternative menu, but DH wasn't happy with that idea, and insists that he will be able to continue to BBQ under a gazebbo, I'm giving him an hour!!!

Berniep, name your day and time and I'll be there (apart from next Monday or Tuesday), although I am quite blinkered on conversation topics, althou, it may prove useful distraction, thought it best to prewarn you!!

Csunshine, wel done with the ball!! I have no hand to eye coordination which tends to make any ball games interesting to say the least!!

Reno's sound good Kelly, I just wish we were getting ours done, this leave would be a good opportunity, but we tend to budget for things like that month by month, and this month was holiday spends...

Well, today I have been out for lunch with a friend which was lovely (Berniep- Arts in town, on The Calls, opposite Aporto, always do really yummy food(I frequently visit!)) the bar/restaurant is great and doesn't push for tables when u have obviously finished eating/drinking, very good for catching up/whinging/putting the world to rights :rofl:

Hey Kessutripp, as previously said we are all about at various times, and all going through various issues, so we are a fairly relaxed easy going group, good luck on ur journey :hugs:
SOrry I had to work! Welcome Kess (easier to type)

We have someone coming over today to see our basement suite to possibly rent it the tenants we have now are gone at the end of the month thank god!

My tummy is so crampy today! It might have been the caffeine I had today it does weird things to me. I am almost done painting that room! Today I am done everything I can do without DH and a ladder! hahaha. But then on to the kitchen :( I want help! I am so sick of painting... but I swear it's an addiction. I just like making things look new and fresh.

Woohoo for softball! I played hardball as a kid and so when I went to try out for the softball team I would always swing way to early to hit the darn thing!
Hello ladies,
How are you all today?
Welcome Kessutripp its nice to see you've been reading up on us at least you have some prior knowledge of us all you'll fit in great although can we have some more details about you so we know you better too and please please please can we call you Kess? so much easier i had to keep scrolling back up to check i'd spelt it right lol x
Csunshine well done with softball i am totally not a sports person more of a couch potato i'm so lazy lol so well done i'm proud of you x
Kelly caffine does the same to me i love coffee and usually have one cup a day but anymore and i'm in agony, sorry your not feeling well i hope it is a good sign be careful not to overdo it too much with the house just in case x
Mum2b how are you today? i'll be honest some of the places you've just named in Leeds i've never heard off lol i very rarely go into Leeds its too busy and everything is too far apart for me (back to the lazy thing i mentioned to Csunshine lol) i actually have no idea when i was last there how bad is that? the white rose is just too handy and i'm just up the road from Morley so i go there for the bank, supermarket and normal shopping. Wednesday or Friday after work is good for me 2pm onwards if they work for you? x
Well it was my day off today so i went to my neighbours for coffee this morning, then i went shopping with my sister this aft (white rose of course mum2b) she is going out on Saturday so dragged me round clothes shops for a new outfit, and then i went to see my friend this evening i'm surprised my hubby hasn't moaned about not seeing me all day lol, hope you've all had a good day x
The person who was suppose to come look at the apartment stood us up! How annoying!!!! I hate that cause I tidy like crazy and then wait and put off doing other things. Sigh. I feel like a furnace I am generating so much heat right now!
Sorry they stood you up Kelly, i've just been looking at your pics it looks great. Well its past midnight so i really should go to bed i'm up at 7, have a good day Kelly and Csunshine x
Night berniep! It's only 6pm here just finished dinner and painting some more trim. Gonna to touch ups later and see if DH will get the ladder set up so we can paint the top of the stairwell near the edges.
Morning girls!
Thanks for the welcomes and well, you can call me whatever suits your keyboard as long as it's a nice name. Kess is quite nice imo :thumpup:

I think I'm a :comp:addict :dohh:. It's my vacation, I just woke up and here I am... Well, it's a way to get ready for the day I think :haha:

I am trying to give up coffee lately so it's making me really slow in the mornings. I think I just have to have at least half-cup :coffee:today since I have to drive a long way to get my older boy from a scouts-camp. They call it a survival-camp and it's kinda scary actually - the weather has been really bad this week - cold, rainy, windy - and they're hiking and "surviving". Huh. Hoppefully the instructors really really know what they're doing and I'm just a stupid mother. Anyway, he should be ok, he's bigger than I am :D

Well, rant over. have a nice day everyone and talk to you later :hi:
I think I'm a :comp:addict :dohh:. It's my vacation, I just woke up and here I am... Well, it's a way to get ready for the day I think :haha:

U certainly are not the only one, I usually (and have) hit BnB and the FB over breakfast :rofl:

Wednesday sounds good Berniep, time and place up to u, infact will pm u my mobile number... ooooo this is so exciting (I hope I come up to ur other expectations after failing eith the blonde hair!!! :blush:). It also means the next week is nicely filled, Monday counselling, Tues am meeting with a friend to walk the dogs, Wed- as above, Thurs- hmmm, may have to have a day of :) and then on friday am going up to Pickering in North Yorks for a few days to see my Grannie as DH is off camping with the boys

I tried to give up tea (I very rarely drink coffee) replacing it with decaf to try and fool me into thinking it was my morning caffeine fix, but it didn't work :hissy:

Just watching the weather and lokks like DH is BBQing in the rain!!! :muaha:

oh well, going to do the supplies shop and sort the house out for tomorrow
hope everyone has a good day :hugs:
update!! DH has decided he is coming food shopping with me when he gets back from work, a disaster waiting to happen, so looks as though the house work is calling instead... what fun!!!
lol DH and I always go food shopping together that way we forget less things.

I used to rough it and camp in the winter and summer and when there were down pours etc it's not so bad.

It stampede here in calgary so thats where I am off to after work today so I won't be back online till later tonight. cheers!
Hello ladies I am Great today! It's Friday and I can't wait to do nothing!!!! I feel as if I have run a marathon this week. I am so tired! I practiced being a domestic godess last night :rofl: that means cooking a home made meal. I attempted to make chicken and dumplings, ok so I cheated and bought biscuits and called them dumplings :rofl: It turned out very good if you ask me. My mom didn't make that kind of stuff so I just winged it. :rofl:

I am going on my lunch hour to get dd a mobile phone as she is going to bbsit on Monday and they don't have a home phone. EEEk! I think we are going to turn off our home phone as well as then we wont have a need for it.

Sounds like a great time up in Calgary, wish I was there I just love rodeo's and all that kind of stuff.

Kess don't worry about scout camp that is what they want the weather to be like so if they are every in that situation by themselves they can handle it.

Berniep and Mum2b I am so jealous I want to meet all my friends here for coffee!:hissy: come across the pond so we can have a proper chat! :rofl::rofl: I'm just kidding about the hissy, but would love to meet you all!

Have a great day will pop back in a bit to see if anybody has been here. :hugs:
Berniep's inernet is down, it live long enough for her to get my mobile number!!
Wots a Calgary?
Yay its the weekend and I can do just what I have done all week, I wish all my appointments hadn't been at the beginning of the week, I have spent loads of cash since and not really got anything to show for it, apart from a new gazebbo for DH, new squeaky ball x2 for the dog, Kong treats for the dog, BBQ food and booze for guests, oh and about a stone in weight from all the lunches and afternoon teas for me!!

I get on better food shoping without DH as I stick to my list, and DH doesn't and I just end up with 2/3 trolley of junk. Any how, DH arrived home this afternoon and suggested that I go food shopping on my own and he stay with the dog (WTF!!!) needless to say I threw a :hissy: hit the roof and he did come with me and behaved himself... and even complemented me on the recipe I tried for tea... I love cooking and baking and am beginning to get the thrill back, I find it really therapuetic and have not had that many disasters (touch wood)

Mum and dad are heading back up north this weekend, they are heading to see my Grannie, but think I'll probably end up entertaining them for afternoon tea at short notice... i have seen more of them this month than I did last year!!

Kelly, DH took me camping in a rather flimsy tent, decided that we did not need the ground mats that the summer duvet would suffice, drank too much, snored all night, got cramp then the dog decided to go owl hunting, then it peed it down, we got drenched, then the :witch: arrived and we were back home by 8 am the following morning... but there are plans to go camping with some other friends in August, but we are getting a decent tent with an airbed!!!!!!

Have a great weekend all

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