2010 Baby

Hello ladies,
i've been fighting with my internet all night but i'm finally back on, how are you all?
Mum2b Wednesday is fine, is 2pm onwards at the white rose ok? i'm quite excited now i've never met a friend like this before i feel like a big kid lol, you do have a busy week planned you'll be shattered x
Csunshine i'm totally not a domestic godess i can't cook very well and i hate housework god i'm giving you all a bad impression lol i want to meet you too i feel like i've know you forever, next time me and mum2b meet up we'll nip on a plane over there lol x
Kelly did you have a good time at your stampede? whatever that is lol x
Kess how are you today? did your son have a good time at camp? if you don't mind me asking where are you from? some of the things you say and the names of your children tell me your not english? x
Well not done a lot today been to work but i'm not back now till monday its great no work for 2 whole days whoo hoo can you tell i love my job really lol. We are sat watching rugby on tv at the moment i'm not a fan normally but the team my hubby supports are playing the team my mum supports ( for your info mum2b hubby is a wildcat and mum is a rhino ) so its funny my mum is texting me constantly moaning about the cheating ref and hubby is loving it, 10 mins left and hubby's team are winning i feel like piggy in the middle i don't want to take either side it doesn't even interest me to be honest i don't even understand the rules lol all i know is my mums team usually wins when they play each other so this is a novelty. Well i'll go for now i'm actually getting into the game lol x
I didn't realise you had posted while i took forever typing my last message mum2b, your camping story made me laugh i hope next time it is better there is no way on earth i am ever going camping i like my home comforts too much lol. I hate taking hubby shopping i also end up with mainly junk and a massive bill so i tend to sneak off without him noticing and just turn up home with it lol.
Well in the final 30 seconds my mums team won even i got a bit emotional lol x
A friend was there tonight who is coming tomorrow, so I was texting her with the arrangements, that speed that I was getting replies at I couldn't believe until I saw the result (they are Rhino's fans) at the time. I bet ur hubby is gutted!!!
I wonder if Leeds bradford are doing day trips over the pond yet....
Ladies I am headed off for the weekend of relaxation! I don't have to do anything I don't want to. :rofl:

The Calagary Stampede is a huge rodeo and they have many other events through out the week big time in Calgary. Wish I was there! We have the Aberdeen Pig Out this weekend. Music, beer gardens and rides for the kids plus our dentist sponsors Miles of Smiles, characters like toothfairy and toothman and Dora the Explorer just for the kids and it's free!!! YEAH!

I am a travel agent so I will look for airflights :rofl: the pond isn't that big maybe we can get Buds to ship you over. LOL She sails for a living.

You both need to go to a cyber cafe so we can all be there when you meet. LOL

Well I'm off have a good night if I don't get back on!!!
An American version of the English fete/carnival then, sounds like fun!

There aren't any cyber cafe's at White rose or in Morley :hissy: but will let u know how it goes! I'm getting quite excited too, and nervous, I've never met a friend like this either... all my pen pals when I was younger were generally kids we had met on holiday...

ho hum, finished breakfast so had better go and hit the kitchen in preparation for tonights yummy feast

Catch u all later :hugs:
mum2be calgary is a city close to where I live and the stampede is a yearly tradition is it a huge rodeo with chuck wagon races and a grandstand show that is unlike anything you will ever see. Plus amusment park rides crazy foods and lots of singers and entertainment. It's a huge deal out here. The show last night was amazing... I got home at 2am! And now I have to go to work... I am soooooo tired!!!!!
Hello ladies,
How are you all?
Sounds like you had a good time yesterday Kelly it definately sounds better than anything we have over here, hope your not too tired at work x
Csunshine have a good weekend i'm afraid i get sea sick so can't do the bought thing but if you can get air tickets for a couple of £'s then let me and mum2b know we'll be over like a shot lol x
Mum2b have a good evening 2nite i hope the weather holds out for you, yeah my penfriends were always kids i'd met on holiday too, this is the first time i've ever made friends on the internet, i can't believe i've found 3 of you. Yeah hubby was gutted with result last night my mum on the other hand was well pleased and rung him up to gloat funnily enough he wouldn't speak to her lol x
Well i've had quite a busy day i took the kids to a fun day up at school which i thought was going to cost me a fortune but in fact we only spent a few quid and they had a great time, there was a climbing wall there which they have never done before and they loved it, plus the usual bouncy castles etc we had a good afternoon, we then went to mil's house cause it was hubby's 90th birthday so we had a little birthday tea which was nice and 2nite i am looking after my 10 month old nephew at his house cause my sister and her hubby are going out for my brother in laws birthday, i love my nephew to bits but he's going thru a clingy stage at the moment and screams as soon as she leaves the room plus he's teething so its going to be a long night but i'm going to take my laptop just in case i get chance to come on here, wish me luck lol x
Ok where are you all? i'm bored i've managed to get my nephew to sleep for the time been anyway and now i've no one to talk to i only live round the corner i'm tempted to put him in his buggy and nip round home to see hubby i'm so bored lol x
I am back! sorry just got in from work... am wondering if I might quit work a week sooner!!!! I just don't want to be there so I think I am going to which would put my quitting date at aug 4th! Am seriously going to do it... can't freaking wait! WHy stay where I am not happy anyway. I feel yucky today, ate some poutine that most likely is why... I should go to the gym I got a free 5 day pass to one... hmmmm what to do.
Hey all! Whats going on? I am finally done painting my stairwell! There are new pics on facebook. Just got the baseboards left which will be done on wednesday or so DH tells me. Also got most of the kitchen taped! :rofl: I really am a sucker for punishment but all the painting has made this month fly by... I am only worried about what I will do when I run out of walls to paint...
Hi everyone!
Sounds like everyone has had a busy and fun weekend :happydance:
I had quite a nice friday, and the did literally nothing through the rest of the weekend. I went to take my big boy from the camp - and since we arrived a little bit too early, me and the small brother, we took a boat from the camp and had a nice rowing trip up and down the river there - about an hour and a half alltogether. Loved it! And felt it in my arms later :rofl:. And since we were in such holiday mood already, we took a lot of small sight-seeing stops on our way home, just lovely :)
Then my hubby came home for the weekend, all unexpectedly :happydance:. He wasn't supposed to come this weekend, and now I'm afraid he can't come next weekend, when my ovulation time is :cry:. Well, we'll see. Nothing I can do about it... And there's always next month's ov, right?

Ah, and yes, I'm not english., am Estonian ("somewhere" in North Europe lol). I didn't even think I could fool a decent English with my language anyway :rofl:

Have a nice day everyone :)
Hello ladies had to take the weekend off here. I needed to regroup. I took down my Mom's FB Friday night.

Ok enough :cry: I am putting on my happy pants and we are going to face this week head on! I have softball Wednesday and then state tourney on Saturday and Sunday. I am going to drive down Saturday as its only about 90miles there.

I ran into a few friends this weekend at the Great Aberdeen Pigout! A reason for people to go down main st and drink beer and listen to a couple of bands. We didn't stay long as dh sandal broke and he wanted to go. :rofl:

Nothing to report here as don't know exactly where I am in my cycle as haven't been using opk's regularly. LOL I did have o pains Saturday and did one and it was dark but not not as dark as the control line I have probably missed it now though. LOL We did bd on Friday night and againg on Sunday am and night :blush: just couldn't get enough :blush:

Hope you all are well haven't had much of a chance to talk to you all lately will be working on this, this week!
Hope things get easier for you hun!!

Kess glad to hear you're having fun on your weekends, I am still painting... you guys are probably sick of me saying so, but I have taped the kitchen and the end is in sight. I am looking forward to it, I want to scrapbook the rest of my wedding pics before our 1st anniversary.
I don't know where you find the time and energy. :rofl: I have a dd that keeps me going 24/7 and if she doesn't have anything it's my dh or me. :rofl:

I will never be tired of someone else painting or doing reno's but when it comes to me and our house I just want it done. LMAO

Kess hope your weekend was fun!!!

Berniep how was it bbsitting you nephew? I miss that age!

Mum2be how was your weekend? I am so jealous of you and Berniep I would love to meet you all!!!
Good thanks Csunshine, glad ur feeling a bit better :hugs:
Our weekend was good, BBQ was yummy, and we managed to get the cooking done before the heavens opened for the night, it was hilarious watching the 3 boys and the dog putting up the gazebo as it started to rain :rofl::rofl:

Sunday was a bit of a right off due to DH, I'm still miffed, and now DH has taken AL for the following 3 days to make it up... 3 days that I've managed to get something sorted for each day. SO completely wasting 3 more days :hissy::hissy::hissy:

I'm really looking forward to Wednesday, where do u want to meet Berniep? say 2.30?

just looked at ur pics Kelly, things are really coming along now!! I've been trying to organise our wedding pics for the last 3 years, so I'll be really impressed if u manage it within ayear :rofl: it might even spur me on to do it!!

I went round to see a friend and her 4 month old this afternoon after counselling, he's fab, he is trying so hard to coordinate his hand to object to mouth... it only sometimes works!!! It's so cute :happydance: he is also desperate to get moving, it's also rather funny!!

Counselling was a bit strange this morning, I don't really feel as though I achieved much apart from that I already recognise that the whole thing has left me feeling rather vulnerable. I guess I will have good and bad sessions, but I do wonder if I will achieve what I need to out of them with sessions like that.

I also have no idea where I am in any cycle, I will have hit the 2WW, and maybe feel a bit strange, but it is probably all my imagination... ohwell, best go and do the washing up before DH gets in... Catch u all later! :hugs:
I totally felt weird last night so weird I wanted to POAS but then my tummy started to cramp so I think it is early witch cramps. She is due in another 4 days and i feel like I always do now and my nips hurt like they do a couple of days before witch. I know it's not likely that we'll be pregnant but I want so bad to get pregnant before we get an appointment to the clinic. Sigh.
Hello ladies,
just a quick post to let you all know i've not disappeared my internet is playing up again so usually i manage to type a post but it won't post it on to the site if you know what i mean lol so i don't even know if it'll send this one.
How are you all?
Kelly i'll try to look at your new pics 2nite at least your month has flown by, are you still getting cramps? hope not take care x
Mum2b glad you had a good weekend and the rain held off for most of it, by the time you read this i will have sent you a text about 2moro so i won't repeat myself lol x
Csunshine how are you? are you busy practicing for your softball tourney? take care x
Kess how are you? you English is really good considering its not your first language, thats the good thing about BnB we get to chat to people from all over the world, sounds like you had a lovely weekend take care x
As for me its been a busy few days i survived babysitting her puppy was harder work than the baby, we didn't do a lot on sunday just went to my dad's for tea and then back to work yesterday, but when i got home from work my hubby had taken the kids out of school cause there has been a confirmed case of swine flu in the school so most of the parents have kicked off about the school not been closed and have taken their kids anyway, we have to be careful cause my hubby has a chronic lung condition as well as other problems so we can't risk the kids bringing it home and now just to top it off i'm not well i have every flu symptom going except the aching joints so i'm panicking that this may turn out to be swine flu and then i will pass it on to hubby i'm going to see how i go today and if i'm still the same 2moro will ring the advice line.
Well hope you all have a good day x
Berniep hope it's not the flu! I hate being sick! I especially would be upset if the school allowed my child to continue to go knowing how subseptable your husband is to this type of illness!

I have loads of PMA this month for all of us hang in there Kelly af might not show, but if it does know we are here for you!

I have more energy today than I had yesterday so having a good day so far. I hope the rain here isn't were my dh is working or else he would have to go home for a while until it stops. It keeps pouring down here. :dohh: rain rain go away and stay for a while! :rofl:

I think I o'd over the weekend so hopefully we bd'd at the right times my temp went up again today so I should get my crosshairs 2morrow. fxd that my temp stays up!

Kess and Mum2be how are you lovely ladies today? Good I hope!
how are you all?
Hope you caught the eggy Csunshine i think my AF is due soon but i can't remember what date she arrived last month i need to go back thru the posts to check, i feel so ill at the moment i've slept for a couple of hours this evening and i just feel generally crap it was my day off today but i'm at work at 8.45am 2moro and i have to go because we are only aloud 4 absences in a rolling 12 months otherwise you get a written warning and so far i've had 5 but no written warning so i think they may have forgotten one of my absences but i don't think they'll forget again so god knows what i'm going to do if i don't feel better in the morning! now i'm stressed as well as poorly aargghh!
Hope your all having a better day than me lol x
Berniep I am great! I have such a great feeling today! It's like I just woke up and know something is going to happen that's great! I hope you get feeling better! Do they not give you sick days? We earn them at a rate of 2.11 every two weeks so it takes a while but it adds up.

Hope you feel better!

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