2010 Baby

Amy I would think you could find friends in the 1st trimester section not saying we wont be your friends except we are all ttc and you have already done that :blush:

Welcome to bnb hope you find what your looking for.
Hello ladies,
Kelly i'm keeping my fingers crossed for you i really hope the still high temp is a good sign x
Csunshine i think your recipe swapping idea is great i'm a rubbish cook but would love to try something different although cause i'm so used to our food over here i can't think of anything that would be unusual to you lot lol how about yorkshire puddings do you get them over there? well done with the soft ball and good luck this weekend x
Mum2b i want your banana bread recipe it sounds gorgeous i may not usually cook but i would try that lol how are you? is it 2moro you go to your Gran's? have a good time x
Kess sounds like you've been busy not too busy i hope x
Amy welcome to BnB but like Csunshine said try 1st tri, although you are more than welcome to chat to us, take care x
Well the lady came and the form is almost filled in i can't believe how difficult it was when we were reading thru some of the questions me and hubby interpreted some of the questions wrong its a good job she had experience of filling them out we would have made a right balls of it, it makes me wonder how many people struggle to fill the form out and end up been turned down for something they are entitled to, i was shattered by the time she left we have a long living room where the dining area is in the same room so because i'm not well and didn't want to give her anything i sat at one side of the room and she sat at the dining table with my hubby, but just staying awake and chatting to her while trying not to cough was exhausting. I've had one of those days i'm glad is over first my dad made me cry because of mine and my sisters argument and when i say cry i mean sob for a good hour i was still crying in the shower in fact i'd only just stopped when the woman arrived. Then my son started complaining of earache so i took him to docs and he's got a ear infection while we were at the docs i got locked in the toilet and had to phone up the reception desk from my mobile to get someone to let me out it took them 15 mins and the whole time my poor son was at the other side of the door with a member of staff he's never met crying cause his ear hurt. I then went to a cash machine put my card in selected the amount i needed and the machine did his usual thing where it gives you your card back and starts making the noise when its counting your money but it just kept making the noise and then the noise got louder and stranger and then a message came up saying there had been a error and to try again later so i quickly put my card back in to check my balance and it had taken the amount from my balance so i then had to phone the bank to sort it out. So i can honestly say i'm glad today is over and on that note i'm going to bed, goodnight everyone x
I've just re-read that and noticed i refered to the cash machine as a male which i did do by accident but then when i think about it, it must be male us women wouldn't make a mistake like that lol right i'm def off to bed now x
I dont know how to join teams or anything, but hoping that I can be on this one!! I want my 2010 baby so badly!!! We will see what happens but I feel good about the next few months!

Good luck ladies, hope you all get your 2010 babies!!!!
welcome newbies!

Berniep what is with you and banking problems? :rofl:

I got some pinkish cm when I wiped earlier today so witch will be here tomorrow. I knew I was out but I wanted a miracle. Is it so much to ask for? I am seriously considering giving up till our appointment. Oh also girls check out the new pics of the house! We're done all the rooms now!
It'll happen one way or the other Kelly :hugs:
Sorry u had such a bad day Berniep :hugs to u too! Remind me next week about the banana bread recipe, I'm definately up for recipe swapping, but most of my recipes are from books anyway, but I do do a mean Cottage Pie :)
Well, I'm off to my Gran's this afternoon, had a phone call last night to see if I was going to get over in time for line dancing... I declined the offer :rofl:
Mum also phoned last night to announce that she had spent a lovely afternoon cuddling my cousins baby, who is only 4 days old. I'm not usually too bad, I have found the baby thing easier to deal with recently, and was pleased for my cousin as she has had a tough year or so, but that just felt as if she was slapping me in the face for not having managed to give her a grandchild yet.
Well, I'll catch u all on sunday night, hope u have a good weekend and will be about on monday but the rest of the week i'lll be a bit quiet as my parents are coming up on tuesday (AGAIN!!!)
Oh, almost
hiya Psychnut... am slightly intrigued by ur user name!!!
Hello ladies,
So sorry witch is on her way Kelly i was hoping for your miracle too i really hoped this was your month x
Mum2b have a good weekend, my sister in law found out she's having a boy yesterday i know what you mean i'm really pleased for them but i just know my mother in law will be making a massive fuss about her new impending grandson the next time we see her she'll forget about mine x
Csunshine how are you? x
Kess how are you? x
Welcome psychnut cool name, you are more than welcome to join us, i see your in the 2ww food luck x
Hope i haven't missed anyone, afm not much to say, still feel like crap i am coughing that much stuff up its rediculous (tmi sorry) still arguing with my sister i'm trying my best not to but she keeps ringing and texting me to have a go and once i'm challenged i'll argue back i can't ignore it, i've finally worked out when witch is due she is due on Tuesday so not long now tbh i haven't the energy to symptom spot or anything lol Hope your all ok x
Hello all you lovely ladies!!!!

Kelly so sorry she has come to visit. I was truly praying for your miracle! :hugs:

Kess what's up on your homefront?

Mum2be sounds like you have a full weekend. Have fun!

Phycnut welcome and yes you can be in our team we are all on at different times but we always come here and speak our peace. LOL Hope your doing well!

Berniep don't fight with your sister it will get you no where!!!! Especially when your not feeling well. It only brings you down. The bank part, sorry but had to laugh as you don't have much luck when it comes to that. I would send dh next time. :shrug:

Me not much to report just in the tww and it SUCKS!!! I am going to play ball this weekend so I wont have time to think about it so that's good. Not much else going on just life. LOL Like that ever stops. Hope you all have a great weekend will check back later on you all. :hugs:
Awww thanks for all the welcome's ladies! I am so excited!!!! I suppose I am just like all of you. Just wanting that little miracle this year! I am young, actually compared to many of the ladies on here quite young and have been told a few times! haha... It is okay though. A little more info for you:
I am married, just about a year, my annivarsary is August 2.
My husband is 5 years older than me and totally supportive and wanting a baby just as much if not more than myself! haha
I have a best friend whom I cannot go a day without talking to and she is 18w4d gone! With my darling neice!
ummm... I am in College.... Hence the name actually I am a psychology major and my hubby always is calling me the psychnut. I graduate this year in Dec. hence the 09!

I know this is kind of long.. sorry about that.. just thought maybe some background info would be nicce so you could all know a bit about me...
So happy to be here and Hope all of you are doing well!
Awww thanks for all the welcome's ladies! I am so excited!!!! I suppose I am just like all of you. Just wanting that little miracle this year! I am young, actually compared to many of the ladies on here quite young and have been told a few times! haha... It is okay though. A little more info for you:
I am married, just about a year, my annivarsary is August 2.
My husband is 5 years older than me and totally supportive and wanting a baby just as much if not more than myself! haha
I have a best friend whom I cannot go a day without talking to and she is 18w4d gone! With my darling neice!
ummm... I am in College.... Hence the name actually I am a psychology major and my hubby always is calling me the psychnut. I graduate this year in Dec. hence the 09!

I know this is kind of long.. sorry about that.. just thought maybe some background info would be nicce so you could all know a bit about me...
So happy to be here and Hope all of you are doing well!

Age is not a factor here! I truly believe that when your ready it will happen and sometimes even when your not ready. LOL

I am getting ready to celebrate my first anniversary with my dh Aug 30th how funny is that and I am prob old enough to be your mom. LMAO
I also have a best friend of about 25yrs that I hardly go a day without at least speaking to she had 5 boys ranging in age from 19 to 3yrs old. Keep and cheerish all your memories they will important one day!

Have a great day and please don't phycoanalys us as we are all CRAZY!!!! LMAO
Hey csunshine DH and I celebrate our first marriage anniversary sept 1 and it's my 25th birthday aug 31 so it's going to be a busy couple of days.

My temp went up again on 15dpo to 36.73... so I tested even with the pink cm yesterday and negative so witch is coming like I thought but weird about my temps... hope I am not getting sick. I did have a hep B vaccine though maybe that did something.
Kelly we will all be celebrating about the same time. LOL Dh's birthday is Aug 27, I planned it that way he would never forget our Anniversary. LOL

I wouldn't count you out yet! I would just wait and see what happens. It would be so great for you fxd. I know you don't want to get your hopes up but you know if it was ib then you wouldn't get a hcg level high enough to read.
naw witch came today, I am ok though what with the other good news. And being done work 3 weeks early... I can relax and focus on :sex: for next month.

So I just called the fertility clinic out here and it turns out we're on the IVF waiting list which is shorter then the general list so we'll be in within 2 to 3 more months instead of 4 to 5!!! And while we wait the additional 6 months for IVF from the date of our first appointment we are allowed to do our 3 rounds of IUI so there won't be as long of a wait for IVF if the IUI's don't work! Yay some good news finally... oh and witch showed up today after my record high temperature!
Csunshine, I am only 19...haha... And I agree with the age thing I dont think anyone is too old or too young! I think when you are ready you are and there is nothing to do with age. And I totally love the fact that I have such close friends in my life, it is so important to me! I love them all so very much.
Oh, almost forgot, I am just as crazy as any of you... never one to over analyze what any of us are going through, there is no really explaination to have for the things that we are going through... It gets rough and the only thing we can do is be crazy!
Right now I deff. am going nutso here right now with my 2ww.. grrr.. only a week left til we know and 9 days til we can test! Hubby always makes me wait a couple days after af is supposed to be here if she doesnt show.. grrr to him! haha
Hello ladies,
How are you all?
Psychnut i was 20 when we conceived our first little boy i don't think age matters at all, unlike most of you we have now been married for 10 years i've forgotten what it likes to be a newly wed lol, how are you today? x
Csunshine good luck with soft ball this weekend, hope you win x
Kelly sorry witch got you, but good news about your waiting lists your getting closer but i do hope you don't need to go to any of your appts and you are pregnant before your first one good luck x
Mum2b hope your having a good weekend at your grans x
How are you Kess? hope your having a good weekend x
Well afm not much to report still not well nothing new there lol getting fed up of this cough now it is driving my mad, i'm getting cramping today so i bet the witch shows early and there was me hoping i was going to get one hell of a birthday present this month, well my hubby has just broken the grill door so i better go assess the damage x
Berniep, I hope to have concieved by my 20th we will have to wait and see! My birthday is in November! YAY!! Keeping our fingers crossed but trying to not worry about it and let god do what he wishes with our family, although we pray to him alot that it will happen soon (kind of hoping for some pull in his decision)... Neither of us have been very religious throughout our lives but find ourselves needing to believe right now, hoping for this little one!
We are doing good at this point, my hubby is hoping for a good birthday/Anniversary present this year. Not too much else going on around here... Lots of drama with my sister, haha.. but what is new.. you guys will learn she is the most dramatic 16 year old in the world as time goes! haha. I tend to rant about her.
Anyway. I hope all of you ladies are doing wonderful on this beautiful weekend (well at least it is here, haha)
Talk to you soon!
I would love a wonderful september conceiving.. our anniversary is sept 1 so I can get in 2 more cycles. Called DH's benefits people to see what they cover in terms of IVF and ICSI as it seems we're headed that way and the person told me they only give coverage when the woman has a bilateral tube blockage!!!! It is so sexist! So basically they will admit to it being a serious problem if the woman is the one who is "broken" but not the man. If we do have to have IVF and ICSI and they deny us we'll be fighting it under an appeal if not I'll get a lawyer if I have to. Anyone should get coverage where it has been diagnosed that the couple cannot conceive naturally.

We've been doing yard work today, went out and got a weed wacker and a whole bunch of soil so we can dig up the weeds and fix part of the side of the yard where there is no grass, so we're waiting for the sun to go down so it's not so hot before we start on that.

My sister is 16 almost 17 to! She's not a drama queen at least not to me but I haven't lived at home since she was 9. Phychnut, do you mind me asking what your folks thought of you getting married younger then it typical? I think it's great but just curious? If I had of known about our conceiving problem I would have been trying when I was 20. Dh and I have been together for over 6 years now. So since I was 18.
Oh by the way whenever I check my temp at night just to see how high it is and my DH is around he gets all excited and is like "let me check mine!" then he grabs my Basil thermometer and sticks it in his mouth... hahahaha I think it is funny.
I would love a wonderful september conceiving.. our anniversary is sept 1 so I can get in 2 more cycles. Called DH's benefits people to see what they cover in terms of IVF and ICSI as it seems we're headed that way and the person told me they only give coverage when the woman has a bilateral tube blockage!!!! It is so sexist! So basically they will admit to it being a serious problem if the woman is the one who is "broken" but not the man. If we do have to have IVF and ICSI and they deny us we'll be fighting it under an appeal if not I'll get a lawyer if I have to. Anyone should get coverage where it has been diagnosed that the couple cannot conceive naturally.

We've been doing yard work today, went out and got a weed wacker and a whole bunch of soil so we can dig up the weeds and fix part of the side of the yard where there is no grass, so we're waiting for the sun to go down so it's not so hot before we start on that.

My sister is 16 almost 17 to! She's not a drama queen at least not to me but I haven't lived at home since she was 9. Phychnut, do you mind me asking what your folks thought of you getting married younger then it typical? I think it's great but just curious? If I had of known about our conceiving problem I would have been trying when I was 20. Dh and I have been together for over 6 years now. So since I was 18.

My parents were both super excited! My hubsband Tim is from Iowa so when he came here in 2005 he moved right in.. haha... I was about to be 16 at the time and well, they didnt really have a choice, mom went with me to get him and approved the whole thing but dad had no idea til we got home.. :) Oh, well... He loves him to death now and are both very excited to have a grandbaby in the near future (or at least we all hope). We are currently still living with them saving money so that we can venture on to NC for my schooling and my bestie is there! YAY!
Many others in my family thought that we were too young and should not have even thought about it, especailly since we haven't really either dated anyone else besides eachother... But I like it that way, just more specail I think, at least to us... We were lucky to find eachother so young and know what we wanted is how we look at it! haha... Anyway, before this becomes a book, we both wanted to settle down and thought that was our purpose in life, to be married and have a family. That is what both of us see in our dreams and always wished for.. One part down, one part to go.. haha

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