2010 Baby

I just typed out a whole blurb and then something happened and I lost it! My husband and I were 18 when we met he had asked me out quite a few times and I kept turning him down until one day he didn't ask but he kissed me instead and I was like sure why not. Here we are over 6 years later married and trying for a family. I had 2 other b/fs he had never dated anyone I was his first for everything and I mean everything even kissing a chick. We now know we are having problems conceiving and are on the wait list for IUI and IVF if the IUI isn't successful. We should have our appointment within the next 2 to 3 months. The waiting is hard but we'll manage somehow we always do, even though I want this so bad that most days even seeing a pregnant woman makes me want to cry.

It's great that everything worked out well for you guys to.
aww Kelly, I know the feeling about seeing pregnant women and wanting to cry..My sister thought it would be fun to count all of the pregnant women she saw in one day... the total was around like 65 or something, really upsetting... It seems everyone is getting pregnant, even people I know that dont really want to be or are way to immature to be, everyone except us.. :(.. It is so very hard to see eachday, but we make it through with a smile on our face knowing when it is our time it will happen.
Hope everyone else is well!
Well, I am home after a nice comfy stay at my Gran's. I was soo glad that I didn't go camping with DH as it peed it down!!! :rofl:

Its nice to know a bit more about everyone, but now feel as though I should fill in my bit to catch up... so here goes!! (i think it may be a bit of a long ramble, sorry!)

I am 28, my DH is 50, we met on June 2002 living in shared accomation linked to the hospital trust we both work for. Within 3 weeks we were engaged and then 2 weeks after that we decided to move in together. I was about to start university, but didn't really fancy going into uversity halls and DH wanted out too, so it just sort of seemed like a good idea... fortunately. 4 years later in 2006 we married and had our perfect day. In November 2007 I had my last depo provera injection... and the rest is fairly much written here.

Although, there seems to be a glimer of hope of a miricle... my (.)(.) are huge(r than ormal), and I feel... 'odd', loads of cm too... and wierd aches on my lower right side so i think I may be testing this week :happydance: I am trying desperately not to get my hopes up, especially as I think it may complicate the work issue, but at least I would have something lovely to focus on instead!
Any way, hope everyone have a lovely weekend :hugs:
Hello ladies,
How are you all?
Well i'll tell you all about me and hubby seen as we are in a sharing mood lol here goes we were actually born 6 days apart in the same hospital my mum was kept in for 7 days so for one whole day we were on the ward together, we then went to junior and high school together but apart from knowing each other as fellow classmates we didn't hang around together or anything, when we were 18 i got in touch with a old school friend and we arranged to meet up she suggested a local snooker centre and while we were there Allan walked in, while he was stood at the bar my friend asked me if i remembered him and told me he was now in the Royal Air Force before calling him over all i remember thinking is wow he was a geek at school and now he's gorgeous lol anyway we got chatting and became a couple, he was stationed about 600 miles away but still travelled home every friday night to see me, he used to get home early hours Saturday morning and set off back Sunday lunchtime and it cost him a fortune but it was worth it to spend a bit of time together, after we'd been dating just over 5 months he proposed on my birthday and even though it was quick i knew he was the one so we planned our wedding for the following summer during the week of both our birthday celebrations but the following year he was posted to Northern Ireland for 4 months and i only got to see him for 1 week during the 4 months the time apart made us both realise we couldn't spend that much time apart again and as we had to be married to move into married quarters we brought the wedding forward 3 months we ended up with 3 weeks to organise everything, his mum and dad had gone away for a fortnight and we hadn't made this decision till they'd already gone so by the time they got home and we told them they had just over a week to buy their outfits and get used to the idea lol anyway i'm waffling we were married on the 8th May 1999 aged 19, i then moved 600 miles to live with him (my mum thought i wouldn't do it, i'd hardly spent a night away from home never mind move 600 miles away and tbh after a fortnight i got homesick and did go home for a week but i went back again lol) the following year we started ttc number 1 and 3.5 years later number 2, we have moved up and down the country with Allan's work but when our eldest started school me and the kids moved back to my hometown and Allan came home at weekends although he has been back with us permanently since he became ill last Febuary. We've had a busy 10 years and i wouldn't change any of it, so thats our story x
Berniep if you don't mind me asking what does your DH have that makes him ill?
Well after typing all that i had to re-read what you had all put cause i'd forgotten lol.
Kelly i can't believe your hubbys benefits people it should go for any infertility problems whether its the male or female that is so unfair i hope you manage to fight them, i've looked at your updated pics on facebook the finished house is lovely you must be so proud of yourself i'm suprised you've got the energy to do your yard, don't be working too hard x
Mum2b glad you had a good weekend and what great symptoms you are having, when is the witch due? hope she stays away x
Psychonut weather hasn't been that good here the past few days we've had wind and rain the sun better come back i'm having a bbq next weekend stay away rain. How are you today? x
Hope you won softball Csunshine, we just need your love story now lol x
I've not done a lot today went to my dad's to give him his birthday present and cards and then went to see my neighbour for a couple of hours and thats about it, i'm back to work 2moro i think depends how cough goes 2nite, hope you all have a good day/evening x
I think you posted when I did berniep, can you read up and see my question?

Yeah I was pretty pissed about the insurance saying that, but we won't know till feb or march if we have to do IVF.

Hopefully IUI will work. It is thundering and lightening out here now, it was sunny like 15 mins ago and 30 degrees! I love lightening! Must go watch it.
Berniep if you don't mind me asking what does your DH have that makes him ill?

I can't give you a complete diagnosis he was first off work cause of lung problems and has been diagnosed with a chronic lung condition but since been poorly he has developed more symptoms and other things have shown up on tests he's had we now know he has something wrong with his heart but nothing too major a problem with his hormones (some sort of imbalance, this may be stopping us getting pregnant) and he also shakes alot (hands and legs) has loss of sensation in his legs/feet, blacks out regularly, slurs his words gets pins and needles in arms/legs walks like he's drunk and falls over so for these symptoms we are awaiting his first neurologist appt which is this Saturday so god knows what they will find.
I know you are probably all wondering why on earth we are trying for another baby when we don't even have a final diagnosis and we don't know what the rest of our lives will be like, but we always planned on having one more and if every anything happened to Allan or he does become infertile (if he isn't already) i know i would always regret not trying when we had the chance and i know if i am left to bring the children up alone i have to bring 2 up anyway and i know i will cope plus i would have support from family and friends.
So there you go its frustrating not having a full diagnosis yet but we'll get there x
I think we keep posting over each other Kelly lol we've had a lot of lightening lately my dog hates it and hides under the bed she's a right wimp tbh i'm not that keen on it x
well I hope they find out whats wrong and it's nothing major, have you tried googling the symptoms? Have the dr's given you any idea of what it could be? I hope you get your final child to add to the brood... I hope I get my first!
Morning Ladies,
How are you all?
Kelly one doctor suggested MS but when we googled that i'm not sure all his symptoms fit, some friends/work colleagues mentioned Parkinsons so we googled that and his symptoms do fit with that better and you can get early onset Parkinsons but apart from that no other ideas hopefully the neurologist on Saturday will be able to help. When do you finish work? you've taken your ticker down, are you still doing 2 jobs? have a good day x
Mum2b how are you? did you say your mum and dad were coming this week? have a good day x
Csunshine how are you? x
Kess how are you? x
and last but not least psychnut how are you? x
Well i'm off back to work this evening i'm still coughing loads but can't really afford anymore time off but i'm dreading it with the impending written warning i think they will wait till later on in the week for that i hope they do i'm too emotional today to get one i'll probably cry lol, well i'll try to get back on when i get home from work x
i know what u mean about emotional Berniep, I have had a rough night and morning. Dragged my self too counselling and got told off for being to hard on myself, I feel like going back to bed, but DH has taken the day off to be with me so I think I may suggest a wonder around temple newsam instead with the dog.

My parents arrive tomorrow for my graduation ceremony for completing my degree last september on wednesday. We are going out for a meal after as well as it is our anniversary that day too. Thursday we are heading up to the lakes to visit my mum's parents grave, and friday morning I have occupational health in the morning. I have no idea how long they are staying for.

Tested this morning and :bfn: but it was with an asda 50mu test, and :witch: should not appear until thursday if on 28 day cycle, but think some of the tears are hormone related and have a few spots too... so I think af is the most likely outcome this month :(

hope everyone else is good :hugs:
Okay so here is how my last couple days have been ladies...Husband has been working like crazy which is making me miss him so very much... anyway, I told him and we agreed not to test til Sunday if :witch: isnt already here, Friday she is due... Been trying to not Symptom Spot, but cant really help it when things are off with my body I just know. Here are my symptoms so far...
Orange Soda, Caffine Free but craving it like crazy! and Dairy (lactose issues so usually dont want them)
Really irritable and clingy to my hubby... Not like me at all ever!
Lots and lots of CM, not usual for me.
Little bit of like pressure in my lower abdomen... not sure what that is about.

Anyway, so much for not looking for symptoms.. haha
Anyway, I loved reading about everyone! It is so lovely to hear how everyone got with their OH and it is great to see how much love there is in the air! haha...

Berniep: Hope all is well with you and the hubs! Hoping you can figure out and have his illness treated soon, and he gets well! I dont know what I would do if Tim was ever to fall ill.
Kelly: Hope all is well, How are you today?
Mom2b: Hoping you have a wonderful time with you parents! And Congrats on Graduating, what an accomplishment!
Csunshine: How are ya hun? Hope things are well with you!

Sorry again for the "book" I wrote.. haha.. Talk to you ladies soon!
Hi girls :)
I've been gone for the whole weekend, just enjoying life in general. We had lovely weather, went to the lake with kids, swimming and sunbathing and just being sooooo lazy :D How's everyone else?
psychnut: seems like symtoms to me :)
bernie:really sad about your husband. Hopefully youll find out soon and can start treating it.
mum2be: have a nice ceremony and happy anniversary!
hey all, berniep I thought parkinsons when you were telling me about it but I am so not a Dr. Oh also maybe I didnt post but I am job free now, the bank offered to buy out my last couple of weeks so I am officially still employed at RBC till aug 4 but am also done working there. It is nice. I haven't had the second job for a while now, they wouldn't give me the shorter shifts they said they would and my leg couldn't take it. I have had to past surgeries and standing for long periods of time make it really hurt.

My Dh had his wisdom teeth out this morning so things have been a little unusual and funny. Just got him home and now he is resting. I might join him soon as we were up early and I didn't sleep well.

Phychnut I hope they are for sure symptoms.

Kess glad you had a greta weekend and finally but not least mum2be, sorry to hear about your last appointment, I hope the grad and visit goes well.
Thanks for the positive thoughts about my symptoms... Keeping fingers crossed here.. haha...
Kelly, I just had my wisdom teeth done last year.. I was totally out of it.. hubby thought it was the funniest thing ever.. I slept alot!
kess.. Glad you had amazing weather, it was great here too.. Being lazy in the sun is so nice sometimes isnt it? haha..
Oh so much chatter while I was off this weekend! So glad you had fun without me :growlmad: No really missed you all I just kinda did the chill out thing. DH can be such a jerk at times! He played on my last nerve all weekend thank goodness I was gone all day Saturday. :haha: he couldn't push my buttons. LOL

Ok so for my story, I met my dh at the bar.:dohh: I loved his eyes and we had quite a few drinks in us and I mean a lot. We didn't see each other for another two weeks and then we went back out to the bar together. about a month later I found interests in somebody else, well he was very young and didn't fit into my life so we broke up and wouldn't you know that night dh called me and came over and we have been together ever since. He didn't really ask me to marry him he just said here's your ring so I put it on my right hand and he said no it's an engagement ring so it goes on the left hand and then two years later we got married. He works hard and plays hard and took dd fishing her very first time. LOL Those were the days! When we met he told me he would never get married, well he even wore a tux on our wedding day :rofl: It's was the most special day of our lives aside from dd being born. We are coming up on our 1st anniversary Aug 30th and I haven't got a clue what to do. Any suggestions?

Hello my lovely ladies hope all is well! I am extremely tired. So this was my story not very romantic but we survive. LOL
Hello ladies,
Well i survived work, i coughed all shift and the customers were looking at me as though i had something deadly but i survived lol i think witch is definately coming i get dry down below (tmi sorry) just before and during her visit and i'm very dry today so i bet she arrives 2moro.
Kelly thats great that you've finished work when do you start your course? hope your hubby is ok was he put to sleep to have them out? have a good day x
Csunshine did you win softball? is hubby still annoying you? what is it with men my hubby knows just how to annoy me at times too, have a good day x
Mum2b sorry you had a bad session, did you enjoy your walk round Temple newsam? congratulations on your graduation, do you get to wear a cap and gown? did you qualify last year or did you do the top up from diploma to degree last year? i hope your bfp is only because its a bit early good luck and enjoy the rest of your evening x
Psychnut your symptoms are great good luck and enjoy the rest of your day x
Kess glad you had a good weekend, have you been busy BDing? enjoy the rest of your day too x
Well i think i've got everybody lol theres a few more of us now which is great but it takes alot longer to type messages to you all lol enjoy whats left of your days x
Bernie so glad your still kicking was wondering if you would be when I got back :haha: We won one and lost two games(we won the game I pitched though) LOL I have a few ladies on my team that are less than nice and they deserve a tounge lashing every now and then. LOL

I don't know why but I have been so tired since yesterday. I slept quite a lot Sunday but prob not enough. LOL I am really iritable too. Truly hoping that it's not the witch coming!!!

So sorry it feels like she is coming for you well at least you can celebrate your birthday and not have to worry. :shrug:
Csunshine is that profile pic of you and DH? It is so beautiful...

DH is ok, playing computer games and taking his meds when I give them to him, I am babying him a little. He was knocked out. My courses start sept 8 so I have about a month and a half off but I already have an interview thursday morning for second cup, a fancy coffee place. Just something for when I am in school... just want about 2 shifts a week. Hopefully if they want me I won't have to report to work till end of AUg as in laws are coming... I want to spend all my time with them.

This months witch was painful more so then the last few but emotionally it was the best I have had in a while, getting the news about a shorter wait list for IUI made it better although let me tell you 3 months is still forever! Anyway I am off to get the mail... csunshine can you send me your number again I think I deleted it... but send it on facebook. Thanks!

Oh Berniep, mum2be.... you're in the UK right? If we have to go abroad for IVF DH and I might need a place to crash... *cough* *ahem* :rofl:

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