2010 Baby

Okay so firstly Happy Birthday Bernie!!!! Next. Thanks ladies, not too upset about the witch being here. I kind of knew this wasnt our month, not sure how, just did! Keeping my head up there is always next month!!!
Have a birthday party for family friends today... After giving my cat a bath :(, she hates it but has to have one she stinks soo bad.. hahaha! Should be good to get out of the house! I got my hair cut last night! YAY! much needed, I must add!
Anyway, today is going to be busy, Hope all you ladies are doing well!!!
I am doing great! I got approved for my student loan!!!! Now I can officially afford to start school in sept!

This morning my brother is like "but how are you going to have babies if you go back to school" he is such an ass, this is why we didn't tell most of our family and friends. He would be a jerk about it if he knew we were waiting for IUI and IVF. I love him cause I Have to but I don't really like him... is that wrong? We just don't get along, he pisses me off more then not. I am happy I live this far away from him.
i feel like that about my family too Kelly!!! Love them to bits now but when I was at hime they were all far too close for comfort!! I have seen my parents far more in the last 8 weeks than I did all last year!

Hope u are having a fab BBQ Berniep, the weather has stayed nice for you, it must be the 1st day without any type of rain shower for weeks now!! YAY

Good news about ur course Kelly, both the last one and the new one!!

hope u had a good day Psychnut

I hope that I haven't forgot reading anything from Kess, how are u? where are u?

Csunshine, thankyou hun :hugs: what are u upto this weekend? More softball.

I'm obviously gutted by the fact that af arrived, but on the plus I was exactly on 28 days, so again all good signs that my body is trying to do what it should. November seems such a long way off atm for getting referred on if my progesterone counts don't improve on their own. But then hopefully by then all this other shit should be sorted... so at least I will be able to concentrate on that a bit better
I am not close to my brothers so beyond a familial bond I don't care what they do, I know it sounds cold but my older brother is a prick. He thinks he is gods gift to the world and is very cocky, I can't handle his arrogance beyond a couple of hours. My younger brother is actually straightening himself out he smokes pot and dropped out of school and only recently went back to finish. He doesn't bother me as much but does have anger management issues. We don't keep in contact and I like it that way. I also have a younger sister who is 17 in nov and I wish I could give her the world. I am much closer to her and prefer when I am home to spend my time with her and my mom and dad. SHe is the most like me, striving to do well in the world etc. My older brother has been hassling us about having kids but I refuse to tell him our problems and that we're actively trying cause of the mocking prick like attitude he will take. I am actually unsure as to wether we will tell anyone how we conceived even if we do use IUI or IVF and get pregnant that way. I just feel it's not their business and I don't want people talking about us and our choice behind our backs. Our parents will know and I will more then likely tell my sister as for family thats it. My mom thinks I should tell them at least when we conceive that we used ARTS. I am not convinced though. sorry for the book guys!
hello everyone :)

I haven't been online much lately... which is good thing actually think :D because it really means I have a life :D

Hubbe came home over two weeks and we spent some nice days together. Went to visit some relatives (well, THAT part didn't g too good actually :D:) and spent two days on a folk music festival (just lovely). Met hix ex there and actually spent few hours with her and we didn't even try to kill eash other (oh I'm such an angel, right? lol).
Should do some work on our house today to use his last day at home - we are renovating our house and it's going sooooo slowly since he's practically away all the time. We'll see :)
Hubby was also away during my ov this month so i'm not expecting anything from there. But will time the next cycle better :) August will be my month!

Hope everyone is good and sane :D Have a nice day - off to become a renovation goddess right now :)
Thank-you for your birthday wishes but i thought i'd said before my actual birthday is on Tuesday i was just partying this weekend lol, i had a great day yesterday the weather stayed nice like mum2b said it was the only nice day we've had all week it has rained loads today i can't believe how lucky i was. The bbq started at 2pm and i took all your advice and had something to eat before going which is a good job because i spent that much time chatting to people and drinking i didn't eat anything off the bbq till about 5pm and even then i didn't eat alot but i had a great time all my aunts, uncles and cousins came plus my dad, stepmum, sister and her hubby/kids etc there was 26 of us there in total and it was great, it was a joint 30th celebration with my hubby and we were treated all day we got some lovely gifts and when they brought the cake out they brought a bottle of champagne out in a ice bucket it was brill at one point i was stood up singing and dancing lol funnily enough by myself i'd had a lot to drink by this point lol i kept trying to get my cousins to come nightclubbing but they were all boring which is a good job cause by 10pm i was done in and ready for bed lol, we eventually came home about 11pm after tidying up and i was a good girl i drunk a pint of water and took 2 painkillers before going to bed. This morning i was up at 8.45pm wide awake and ringing my sister to get her out of bed to go to a car boot sale although we had to take a taxi cause i think i will have been over the limit this morning to drive. This aft i went with my mum and sister for a cuppa and some cake at our local shopping centre and got yet more nice presents and this evening me and my sister are going to bingo cause we are sad like that lol so even though my plans changed slightly cause of my friend been ill i'm still having one hell of a day lol i'm not going to let the last couple of days as a 29 year old just pass me by lol anyway enough about me, how are you all? x
Haha renovation goddess! I have been one of those for the last 2 months! Just about wrapping it up now to!

Wow you have been busy, I had an interesting night... Dh and I ended up witnessing a house across the street burn down so we were out and about till about 330 am last night. Everyone got out and some dumb drunk guy who was trying to put out the raging inferno with a garden house got a little burned but is ok. Everyone was so lucky that there was no wind cause the house was super close to other ones and nothing else burned down. So we smelled like fire and were tired, DH was chatting with the RCMP's cause he is one and knows them all well. It was scary I kept crying thinking about how bad I felt for the guy and his two kids loosing their home.
Hello ladies,
How are you all?
Thats awful about your neighbours house Kelly hope the guy that got burnt is ok and your neighbour is insured x
How is everyone else? we didn't win at bingo but had a good time anyway, i've not done a lot today just chilled after my busy weekend although i am due to go see my friend this evening. Hope you've all had a good weekend x
Ok so I am now 16 DPO and nothing I took a test on Sunday and it was BFN! I am very confused atm.

Bernie so glad you had a wonderful weekend! It's oh so nice to spend time with family! I'm glad you took our warnings about eating earlier. I hate having a hangover! I will wish a happy day agian tomorrow as you can't have to many well wishes!

Mum2be glad you had a nice weekend!

Kess I know what you mean about having a life outside of BNB. LOL

Phycnut hope your cat didn't scratch you to bad from the bath! :haha: they really hate water. LOL

Kelly sounds like you had a tough night! I have a huge heart and cant even imagine witnessing somebody losing their home. Almost time to poas :thumbup:

Me had a nice weekend very tired so slept in both days. LOL I was at the hospital with a friend most of the weekend as they don't know what's wrong with her and so they are doing exploritory surgery on Tuesday and then hopefully she will start to feel better! I gave her my laptop so she could take care of her business so I wasn't able to update anybody this weekend. I will let you all know once i have some concrete news.
Well, we have been busy!!! Cupid got her bath! She was such a good girl, no scratches at all! YAY!!! Party was decent lots of mosquitoes though so all bit up now... Got stuff in line for our anniversary next weekend. Hubby works on the day of our anniversary which is also his birhtday so :( ... We will still have a nice dinner though which will be great!
Kelly, sorry about your neighbor hun, hope all is well!!!
Csunshine, Deff. let us know about your friend I hope that she is ok!
Everyone else I hope all is well and you are all doing well!!
Bernie I LOVE Bingo that's what I did with my Mom other than golf! We usually don't win either but it's just a lot of fun. I sometimes take DD with me too. :wacko:

Physcnut so glad you got you cat bathed and didn't get scratched to bits :haha: I know the nasty bitting buggers are here too. It's huge around here with West Nile and all. We go through a lot of Off here. LOL

Hope everybody else is having a large day! Just tried to call my friend and she wasn't in her room so prob doing more tests. I'll go visit her tonight and find out the scoop.
My kitty is declawed... so I only have to worry about the back claws... which is good cause he hates water. He's cuddled up to me this moment purring... awww what a cutie.

Yeah I hope the neighbour had insurance to. I shed a few tears, it's hard to watch someones life go up in smoke and it made me think of our house and how upset I would be especially after all the work we did. DH and I need to get a fire proof safe...

Csunshine, I hope you get your BFP and no witch! AF did a mean trick on me last month, super high temp and was a day later then ever has been, AF didn't show up till 16dpo!

As for our first anniversary I think DH and I are going to do a road trip, either to montana (closest state to us) or to saskatchewan for a fancy dinner. I'll let him decide the week before... they are similar distances. I am not sure if he works that day though.. will have to check.

So this month DH and I are having sex every 2 days, we'll do it again on CD11 but then take a 2 day break and BD on cd14 then hold off till CD17 which is the day I should O. If I don't O on cd17 the We'll BD on CD19 as well and I should be covered. We have to do it this way cause he has a low sperm count. If we has of known this for sure before I would have been BD'ing like this all those other months... ah well. Here's to a hopefully soon phone call for the clinic.
Oh Kelly you know Montana is connected to South Dakota :thumbup: I know it's a very big state but we should plan sometime in the future to meet half way. I can't get into Canada though. LOL I have a DUI remember. So you would have to come into the US.

I am so excited for you to start school though! What a wonderful goal! Congrats on your B in your self taught class too!
We should meet half way... how long would it take you to get halfway through montana? I think we're about 3 to 3.5 hours from the border.
Well, not much here.

Am glad everyone has had a pleasent weekend.

Hapy Birthday Berniep for today!!!! (thought most people would send u messages on FB, so thought would surprise u here instead :))

Well, saw GP yesterday, got another 3 weeks off, but she really wasn't impressed that very little has been done to get me back to work, I need to phone my RCN rep shortly to find out what was put in my occupational health report (there didn't seem to be much constructive when I left, although I think that referral must have been the least helpful of the lot, so am not expecting much). Got counselling today ad then go into see my boss with rep tomorrow.

Day planned of gardening whan I get back, if the rain holds of that is!! Better go
Have fun xxx
quick up date: rep is gonna kick arse with the occupational health dr I saw as apparently I'm not the only one to have issues and if report isn't constructive or appropriate then she is going to get me to see one of the others who is much better. She is fuming to say the least and tomorrows meeting is about 'making decisions', so in 3 weeks time I may actually be back at work, whoopee!!
Counselling was much better today, well, I didn't sit and sob for an hour anyway, so big improvement from last week and I do actually feel a bit more positive. She is away for 3 weeks now but hopefully things will have actually moved on by then.

I was about to start cutting the grass when a big black cloud came over and it looked as though it was going to pour down, but it seems to have stopped now so giving it another 10 minites, well, time for another cuppa and then try again!
Well ladies I do believe that the :witch: has taken a vacation for the next 9months from my world. :thumbup:

Berniep hope you had a lovely birthday today!

Kelly it takes about 12 hrs to get to Billings so I figure about the same to get to the middle of the state. You and I will have to meet sometime without our dh's so we can gossip. LOL I will get my computer back tonight as my friend was let out of the hospital yesterday.

Mum2be sounds like you have somebody on your side good luck at the meeting!

Phycnut, Kess how are you both today?
I am doing great Csunshine! And I am sooo excited for you!!!!! Your going to have your 2010 baby!! I need some of your dust! hehe... My vacation seems to be sneaking up on me very quick... there is soo much to do before we leave it is crazy! Hubby is working so hard and is going to for the next two weeks til 2 days before we leave. He is only having 1 or 2 days off a week...At least I have him home at night though ;) It will be nice to have the exta spending money though I suppose! Too bad he is working on our anniversary, he gets out early that day though so we are still making a nice dinner together.
Hope all you ladies are doing very well!!!
Yes Phsycnut I am sending loads of dust to you all!!


Sounds like your anniversary will be perfect! I am thinking about giving my dh a t-shirt that says "Proud Papa in 2010" LOL
:flower:Congrats Sunshine! :happydance:
C'mon, give us details! Did you test? Once? Twice? LOL :kiss: :hugs:
So it's gonna be an April baby? Any symptoms?
Uhhh. I'm as excited as if it was me :kiss:

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