2010 Baby

hi all, well done with you job kelly, mum2bwaiting im glad you sorted your work thing out hope your ok now,
hello berniep hope your ok and go get dressed ha ha ha,

and hello to everyone

i havent been on for a couple of days, missed you all, i stopped the caffiene yesterday as i read that helps when ttc, but ive had a terrible headache since and feel quite woozy, i normally drink between 10-15 cups of tea a day so to cut it maybe its detoxing i dont know but it hurts ! i need to et some vitamons too but not sure what to get i read b12 and zinc are good is this right ? what does everyone else take

lou x
Hello ladies,
I'll quickly try to catch up before i go to meet mum2b i'm getting quite excited now, for you newbies me and mum2b live quite close to each other and had arranged to meet for the first time a few weeks ago but a couple of days before our arranged meeting i got bronchitis and had to cancel as i was quite ill and i didn't want to pass it on especially at our first meeting lol so i've got over it now and we have re-arranged for this aft, i'm excited but i'll admit i feel like i'm off on a first date lol i've never met a friend this way before but we'll both be fine, we've seen each others pics on facebook although mine is 4 years old and i now weigh a bit more lol but i think she'll recognise me at least i hope she will lol. I was just reading that mum2b has put skirt on, i've just got in from work and at the moment i'm still sat in my uniform i really need to get changed after this.
Right as for you ladies all your cakes that you have put on were beautiful mine was a 2 tier cake with flowers on, no bride and groom i'm not sure why i decided against the bride and groom it was 10 years ago lol.
Congrats on your job Kelly well done x
Csunshine glad your doing well, hopefully the tiredness will pass soon x
Hope you are ok, Kess, psychnut, Lou, mum2b and Shawnie and i hope i haven't missed anyone, i'll be back later after our meeting bye for now x
Have fun at your meeting!!!!! I am soooo jealous! Maybe once csunshine pops our her newest unit I will pester her to meet me half way in montana so I can play with him or her! :rofl: Hopefully I will be pregnant myself by then. Well I am off to go play with FF to see when it will peg O for me.
Hello Ladies,
How are you all?
Have you looked on FF Kelly? any sign of your eggy? good luck x
Mum2b thanks for the lovely afternoon we'll have to do it again sometime, hope you got home ok? x
How's everyone else? i'm tired i've had a few late nights lately i really need to go to bed at a reasonable time 2nite, i'm off to have my hair done 2moro its been 11 weeks since it was last coloured i must have huge roots i keep trying my best not to notice them lol, well i'll go for now, if i'm not back on 2nite i'll be back 2moro x
Thanks ladies. I love ace of cakes too. I am addicted to the food network channel lol I make all kinds of fancy odd stuff hahah my poor man has to eat it, Thank god he's not much of a picky eater.

That's so cool you all had fun =) I've met a few friends over the years from online, I went to New Orleans for a small vacation and met up with an old online friend. It' was a blast. But I ended up being the DD cuz I couldn't drink but she drank for me lol...

Gonna be taking my OPK after a while to see if it's still positive. I took one a half hour ago and it came out a little lighter but I don't think I held things long enough like I did yesterday =) My temp went up a little but not too much so I'm not sure. I'm still new to the temping thing so it's hard to read but it doesn't look like a heart beat on paper yet. LOL We did BD this morning just in case and will again tomorrow...

Huggies to all..
Hi Lou, I drink alot of coffee so I can relate to that lol I'm a coffee junkie!

I am taking a few things right now.

I take 1- prenatal vitamin, 1- folic acid 400mg, 1-B50 complex, and 1- B6 100mg.

I don't know if the MG's are good amounts but that's what I'm taking right now. for a month after my MC I took lots of vC then started eating oranges rather then the chewables =)

The prenatal I've been taking for 5 months and the folic acid I've been taking for about 3 months. The others I just started taking maybe a week now or so. I took a multi vitamin for over 2 years before I switched to the prenates when I got pregnant before.
The zinc is s'posed to be good for the men!!
I take B50 complex, multivits, and EPO upto around O time!! I did take folic acid seperately, but it has got the roght amount in the B50, so have knocked that off for the time being, I only Take the 50 complex for now as somewhere I have read there is a maximum amount of B vits u should take...
It was fab meeting Berniep, I cannot believe that 2 hours passed like that! DH had lots of questions when I got home, he must really think that I'm nuts, ho well!!
Have a fab weekend everyone, DH is actually off so may not get on as much as he seems to have lots planned...
Hello ladies,
I'm so bored i really need to go to bed but i haven't the energy to get off the sofa so i came on here instead.
Shawnie good luck with the opk, the only vitamins i'm taking is folic acidmi really ought to look into other things, enjoy the rest of your day x
Mum2b thanks about the roots lol i normally wear my hair up especially at work and believe me you can see my roots then lol so i thought i'd make a effort and wear it down today although i had to get my neighbour to straighten it cause i'm crap at straightening my hair lol my hubby asked me loads of questions too even down to what i had to eat and drink, god he needs a life lol x
How's everyone else? hopefully not as bored as me x
I am super jealous you to got to meet! Did you find each other how you thought you would? I guess you saw pics before anyway. :rofl:

I just finished painting the apt kitchen ceiling and trim, I think I am finally done painting for a while. We have to do a wee bit of tiling for the backsplash behind the sink but thats about it. I can relax.... or go stir crazy in my case. I won't start really working at my job till the last 2 weeks in aug... hopefully I can get my Bday off...

As long as my temps go up I will Ov. I did another opk today and it was like the one I did on cd18 to close to tell if it was pos or neg so I classified both as neg... otherwise I would have 4 days worth of positives, my body is being mean to me this cycle.
I had a neg opk today too Kelly. The line was just a little lighter today. I am just waiting to see if there is a rise in my temp too. It went up a little from yesterday so I'll see tomorrow. How many days does the temp have to rise to know if you ov? I keep wanting to say were on the same cycle but your on day 21 and im on day 7 lol
Hello ladies! I have been soo busy, had my friends 6 month old baby here with me last night and all day today! I love having her here and do a lot! Tomorrow I am going to the beach to celebrate my granny's birthday even though she is not here this time, she loved the beach so we are honoring her with continueing the parties. Then Sunday we are going to the car show here in our small town... It is nice to get out of the house though... We are flying out to Iowa on Monday very very early!!!

I think I am ovulating tonight.. I have the pains that I usually get when I am.. not 100% sure, it will either be tonight or tomorrow... I know that much for sure! I am thinking that for September we are going to try using OPK's.. Not really good at the temping thing, just forget to get up and dont usually ever get up at the same time. I just want to be sure that I am O'ing when I am supposed to be.... I am pretty sure that I am just want to know with no doubt. But maybe this will be our month!!! Lets hope!!!

Anyway, off to bed for me! Talk to everyone tomorrow evening! Hope you all have great weekends!!!
Opks are great in combination with charting to make sure your body is working the way it should.

Shawnie cd7 sounds a bit early for ovulation how long are your cycle normally?
Opks are great in combination with charting to make sure your body is working the way it should.

Shawnie cd7 sounds a bit early for ovulation how long are your cycle normally?

My cycles are not back to normal yet. They used to be 29 to 32 with an avg of 30. Ive only had 2 AF to go off of since my MC so they were 20 days apart unfortunately. July 12th and Aug 1st. I got a Positive OPK Yesterday for the first time. I had thought I had a positive on July 28th but when comparing the one i got yesterday to that one, its not the same. According to FF I should start AF on the 21st.I'm waiting to see if I get a rise tomorrow on my temps and again the following day, doesn't that mean you ov? Here's the opk pic. Not sure I posted it or not.


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FF friend charts O after 3 consequetive temp rises... it does all seem rather earter early, I hope thng settle down, although I s'pose ur LP is a decent length of time so I guess it does work out.

DH has started the weekend by cleaning the windows ... YAY... but it means I can't get into the kitchen to get my breakfast :(
Hello ladies,
How are you all?
well i had my hair done today, my best friend is a hairdresser so she does it cheap for me, but we did make a slight mistake while discussing what she was doing, my hair used to be pink underneath with blonde on top but when i got bored of that we had to put a brown over the pink and the plan was we were going to gradually make the brown lighter till it was all blonde, anyway last time i decided as well as brown underneath i'd have some copper bits going thru the blonde but as soon as i saw it i realised i didn't like the copper and luckily it faded quickly, anyway today i decided i didn't want brown underneath anymore i fancied a dark purple instead so we discussed that and she got on with it and tbh i forgot i'd had the copper last time and my friend just assumed i wanted it again so it wasn't till she finished and i looked in the mirror i realised lol plus to make matters worse the copper is brighter and a bit darker than last time so it'll take ages to fade, so now my hair is dark purple underneath, blonde on top with bright orange stripes in it i keep getting a massive shock every time i walk past a mirror lol thank god i didn't meet you today mum2b i would have been mortified lol my poor friend is not aware i hate it she would be gutted i'll just have to drop it into conversation next time that i'm not going to have the copper again, but apart from that the blonde and purple are lovely and i had loads cut off its quite a bit shorter now. Well i've bored you all enough for now i don't think i'll get back on 2nite so i'll speak to you all 2moro x
hi all hope your ok,

took hubby to shopping centre and out for lunch so had a long day shopping, i have gone ttc mad !!!!! i brought some multi vitamins because i couldnt find any of the b12 ones that have been suggested on the sites but the multi vitamin has zinc and b12 in it dont know if its enough though, i brought a book called the fetility plan by jill blackway & doctor sami s david, its really good ive already read a massive chunk highlighting all the best tips, it has real case studys in there and states that alot of ppl resort to ivf before actually needing too ! and that the book boasts to get you pregnant in 3 months !! so im frantically reading it now ! its very good though,

then i went to boots and took the plunge and brought a bbt thermometer i have no idea how it works so going to have a read but will prob be posting loads of questions shortly lol ! i was embaresed when i took it to the counter i dont know why i just felt like my body should have done this on its own !! silly isnt it but i did feel silly !

anyway im cd 19 i think so i cant do anything with any of the stuff yet !!!! but atleast it gives me chance to read up

hope your all ok

lou x x
to E=Mum2bewaiting;2771272]FF friend charts O after 3 consequetive temp rises... it does all seem rather earter early, I hope thng settle down, although I s'pose ur LP is a decent length of time so I guess it does work out.

DH has started the weekend by cleaning the windows ... YAY... but it means I can't get into the kitchen to get my breakfast :([/QUOTE]
Yes it is way early. I can't seem to find too much on a short follicular phase other then the chance of having a not so good egg coming out that soon. I did find a few studies but I've not heard of anyone ever conceiving with a 20 to 21 day cycle. I did find however that my fibroid grows off estrogen so that might have something to do with things on top of other things going on. I don't know though. My temp did rise today from 97.0 to 97.5 so it's depending on tomorrow now if OV actually did occur.
ummm what buttons did i press to make that post do that lol
not a clue but all understood!!! lol
I worked with somwone who reconed she o'ed during her AF, she is now pregnant with her 2nd and MC twins too....

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