ME!!!!! All the time, find a wheat pack helps and Superdrug have them for £2.99 at the moment
Feels like we are all really getting there now, am starting to get fed up, bumpis definitely classic boy bump as al in front - cant do washing up or even sit at dining table very comfortably any more, even have to sit sideways at breakfast bar
Great news about ebay bargain Pip - which pattern did you go for?
Claire - will they make the decision or do you get to say hwat you want and then they try and do that? We were supposed to see folks at hospital but criteria have changed and we are back to low risk BUT MW unit cant take me cos Mogster was prem and we want to be treated for asumed GBS rather than confirmed GBS - seems silly as if confirmed we could go in there but as we arent being tested just assuming the need to have IV antibiotics as precaution we cant
Loving your days at work and posts P&F - make me laugh, have visions of you at a desk with great big thought bubbles and growing in tray that you sweep intoa big bin every so often

Any progress on house? Am gagging to see pics!!!!!
Loving the red dress Brig, looks like you too only see your feet in the mirror
I wanna 2nd hubby - a doppleganger of number one but that has the energy to run around after my every whim and give me foot massage EVERY night fr more than the 10 mins OH has the energy for. Did you get second holiday and party and pressies out if it or just a bigger ring?
Yas - any news on grant and buggy fund?

to the other ladies who are being quiet - think youre away MrsM and Im too early for you Sarah aka nightowl!

to all