Im here - been over in August Mummies last few days as no one in here
Mogster potty trained - we had one incident all week

and that was my fault i think cos I was distracted by OH graduation ceremony. No under 8's allowed so watched it live online and mogster had his accident whilst I was watching
Achy back and pressure in the hooha region so dread to think what measurements will be like on Monday

saw a friend of mine this afternoon, she is due on Sunday and we worked out if we both do what we did with number 1 baby we will have our babies on the same day

scary thought but that would be 27 June, i am aiming to get to July at least! Not sure what MW will do cos even if FH is off the curve not sure what they do

(checked my notes and wk28 was 30, wk 31 was 34 and wk 32 was 36+)
Glad you like the grobag Pip, they are a godsend

Had another thought of good things for bubs and next sleepsuits are good for overnight as they have inbuilt scratch mitts saves them falling off and bubs scratching himself.
Sorry if have abandoned you guys, Im back here and will lurk....
Brig hope hospital is going well,
P&F hows the work coming on?
Pip owt more to add to the nursery?
Claire hows Jacs toddling? Did you get shoes?
Yas - is the flu passing? Garry will be home soon
Sarah - hope all good with you, not long at work now...
MrsM - you are face down belly in lilo hole so assuming all good with you
F&C is on hols so happy in the sunshine?
Missed you guys

Glad is gotten busy in here again
50 days to go tomorrow