Hi everyone!
HAve a great holiday Costgang. Glad you enjoyed yours Ann!!
Great news on the results Brig and Lia.
Yas - enjoy the NCT - looking forward to hearing all about it!
My belly button popped a few weeks ago, it feels a bit weird when I touch it, slightly sensitive, but I'm thinking thats more because I'm just a bit freaked out by it!!! I really didn't think it would pop out as it was quite deep, but the baby is all at the front, almost pointy some days!
On Wednesday night I made butterscotch angel delight - put it into three bowls (one for me, one for DH and one for Thursday). Ate mine, then wanted another and DH convinced me that it wouldn't be tooooo greedy, so I ate another bowl. DH then had his (about an hour later) and didn't fancy it, so had two spoonfuls and passed it in my direction, so I ate that too..... I ATE A WHOLE PACKET FULL OF ANGEL DELIGHT!!!

No wonder the dimples are multiplying!!! I also ate a whole portion of crispy seaweed at the chinese last night....
Built the nursery furniture this morning, it looks so cute!!

I can't wait to get the curtains/rug/bits and pieces to make it even more pretty

. I just cannot decide how to arrange it now. Or which chair to have for nursing, we've got a really big armchair that I could have, or a nice wooden one with arms - those that have bf'd before - what would you recommend?