2010 Bumps & Flushes & Dimples

My BP was 148/94 this afternoon dont think thats very good?

Had a cool bath this evening and trying to relax, as you say Moglet is plenty cooked so if he comes he comes! Roll on tomorrow though as would rather hear that my BP is lower as dont fancy pre-eclampsia at all. My pee was clear for everything it should be clear of though so thats good right?

Red arrow cake is going to be plain white rectangle and have red arrows display made of red icing and with writing in the smoke, just hope I get to make it for him, dont want to be in for his birthday! :cry:

Fab news on the Bee+ Yas, Daddys rock :thumbup:
Moggy - BP is hig...from what i can remember they are more bother about the 2nd no. and just changes form your usual BP. It is a good sign about the clear pee though as i thinl both usually go together for Pre-ec. I hope it comes down for you tomorrow......so want you to have a no stress normal delivery. Keep me posted...will check for updates tomorrow. :hugs:
The cake sounds fab.......i'm sure you'll get to make it...when is his birthday??

Ann- Thanks hun :hugs:

his birthday is 12th, hoping it comes down but in this heat Im not very relaxed! PM me your number and will text you any news :hugs:
There's a section for Buddy threads in the main forums- and a thread to request threads to be moved in there, so keeping this thread going shouldn't be a problem at all :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

Happy 34 weeks Yas! Glad you had a good baby shower. The pics look great, especially the cake! And yey to baby being engaged! Does it effect your walking at all?
Thanks- the cake was amazing and tasted so good, too! And YES it does... I woke up at 530 a few days ago after a whole night of Braxton Hicks... scared the crap outta me... went for a walk at 7am on the midwifes advice (if they get stronger it's labour, if they go away it's BHs!) and discovered I had literally overnight developed the infamous 'waddle' :rofl: OH thinks it's hilarious.. I just feel like I have something in my foof :blush::haha:
Very true about BH's Yas, good to know that stairs will make real ones keep coming too :thumbup:

All so bizarre as Mogster didnt engage til just before the birth.....what is Moglet tryting to say? Not sure how long they can stay down there but its deffo more uncomfortable to sleep - hence having caught up on BnB by this early hour :dohh:

MW at 945 then should be off to playgroup with Mogster, havent really thought through what happens if it is still high so gonna assume the best and worry about the other if and when - just dont want to leave my boy and more than absolutely necessary :cry: Already dreading being kept in once bubs arrives
Aww Moggy... :hugs: stressful times! Keep us updated- i'll be thinking of you :)

After sleeping till 10am every day for the last 5 months, AND napping daily, i've spent the past week waking around 530 and not sleeping in the day... am tired but can't sleep... think my body is trying to prepare me for sleep deprivation or something?
Yas I feel that pain - was up 3am til 530am then finally dropped off only to be woken by nextdoors car (more like tractor) at 630am :dohh: No chance of a nap here, mogster runs on duracell!

Need to head off to MW in just under an hour so beds stripped and in machine, 1 tog duvet going on next - thank goodness for Cbeebies! Should have done this yesterday whilst Mogster was at school but had other stuff to do like peeing every 5 minutes!
Yas - :hugs: hope you get some nap time today hun.

Moggy - Good luck and try not to worry...i'm also stressing about being in hospital and leaving Jac too.....but it'll be all worth it in the end whenever it happens. :hugs:

31 weeks today......:happydance::happydance: cant belive time is flying by so quick...

My bestest friend had her 12 week scan today... FINALLY!!!.. and just sent me the photo... :cloud9: :cloud9: :cloud9: I am so so so happy!!! :D

Congrats on 31 weeks Claire!
Moggy the cake sounds amazing. Can't wait to see the pics of your handy work! I have no idea about BPs. Mine is apparently very low but I had to be told that. How did it go at the MW's today?

Yas, I struggle to walk as it is due to my big swollen feet, hurty hips and shortness of breath! I have no idea how I'll cope when the head engages especially as I have a 15 min walk to and from work (more like 30 mins now!!)! At least you know things will be happening in a reasonable amount of time. It must be exciting!

Happy 31 weeks Claire!

We've just found out that our local hospital is temporarily shutting down their birthing suite until November. They've already shut the labour ward. They are sending everyone to a hospital which is between 40 mins - 1 hour away. We were planning to go to the other hospital anyway but liked the idea of having one nearby just in-case. Stupid cuts.

Argh look at you all getting engaged lol - I don't know if I am or not I put off my midwife appointment until the coming Monday so who knows!

Just a quickie as am not at home still, I will be back Weds eve I should think after the funeral etc over in Manchester.

Time really is flying fellow dimplies........sometimes I forget amidst all the chatting on here we will actually have babies at the end of this :haha:

Just popped on to send hugs :hugs:
Yas - Thanks hun. Scan pics are the best :cloud9:

Ann - Thanks hun. Gutted about the backup hospital. At least you did pick the other one...would ahve been more of a heartbreak if you picked the one thats closing. :hugs:

Moggy's BP has come down so she's very relieved to say the least. She went to tumble some tots :haha: after her apptmt so thats why she hasnt been on. Next MW is monday.

Moggy - Glad all was ok for you hun. I acually left work at 10am this morning...felt like crap and a headache since yesterday afternoon. Probbaly down to all work stress and being tired..... Felt better after an hour or so at home so went sneakily to a garage while hubbys mum looked after Jac :blush:. Think we've decided on the car.....double buggy fits in the boot with space to spare. So i think it'll be a Focus Estate. Checking out insurance and tax stuff this afto and will take it for a run at the end of the week and see from there. At least we now have somethign in sight :thumbup:
Head feels rubbish again now though. Luckily i have MW apptmt on friday so will get BP checked then. So happy that your BP had come down :hugs::hugs::hugs:

:hi: everyone

BP down to more respectable level, am on at least weekly appts from now on :oops: Next appt is monday then we will go from there....sorry to have worried you all, nice to know you were worried though IYKWIM just shows the bond we are all forging.

Head feels like its about to fall out - TMI - walked Mogster down to Waitrose on his trike and to return his library books, its normally a 5 min walk tops - took nearly 15 to get home eeeeek!

Great news on deciding on the car, will be a relief from your mind I know. Hope the insurance etc looks good and the car you find is the colour you want :thumbup:

F&C - Shame about local hospital, why do they do it at such short notice? Surely if mat unit is closing they should have to give plenty notice? Good news though that the one you were going to go to anyway is still open, you dont need back up as you can alway call 999 and they will give you a mobile ambulance and hopefully a fit paramedic to help you hold the gas and air :haha: distract you from shouting at OH and you'll be sorted in no time

P&F - :hugs: hope all goes smoothly tomorrow, will be thinking of you :hugs:

:hi: everyone else, will be back later for catch up and the news :icecream:
Hi everyone!

Phew Moggy - thats good news :thumbup:. Weekly appointments won't be too bad - not may weeks left! :happydance: My usual dog walk is taking longer and longer, I think I'm going to have to find us a shorter route!

Claire - great news on the car front, hope you're feeling a little less stressed about it. Well done for coming home from work, hope the headache is feeling better now you're at home.

Ann - how annoying, can't believe they wouldn't give people more notice?!

Lia - big hugs for tomorrow, I really hope it all goes as well as it possibly can, I hope the sun shines for you all.

Hi everyone else!

Midwife went well today, baby is unusually low (and head down - phew) for 31 weeks, but I did tell her that its a squirmy one and I'm pretty sure that it was transverse yesterday:haha:, so I doubt it will stay head down all the way through (but at least it knows how to get into the right position!!).
Claire I can vouch for Focus Estates. I loved mine. It was so easy to drive and park. Hope your head is feeling better now.

P&F I know what you mean.. I forget too that we're all having babies!! lol Will be thinking of you tomorrow.

Moggy that's great that your BP has gone down. Apparently the unit is closing on the 1st August so they think 1 month is enough notice to all pregnant women. Thanks for the advice re the ambulance. I will have to keep that in mind just in-case.

Mrsmils, I think my baby keeps turning as well.. although having said that most of his kicks have been in the same place for the last week or two so maybe he's now settled.
Lia - Hope all goes as well as it can tomorrow...will be thinking of you :hugs:

Moggy - I know how you feel on walks.....takes me an extra 5 minutes to walk from tesco and as its a slight inlcine on the way back we have a pit stop and a breather too :haha:

Lydia - Thanks hun...happy 31 weeks :happydance::happydance: I also have a very squirmy one...i think mine is on a rollercoster in there last few days :haha:

Ann - Glad to hear that the focus estate is a good choice. Ive checked insurance, tax..etc and all looks good...and hes offered a really good price part ex too. :thumbup:

Feeling a bit better this evening...it seems to come in waves though...feel good for a bit and then rubbish again.
Jac is in bed so having tea now...a very healthy southern fired chicked wings and pieces......:blush: oh and will have strawberries and cream for pud....had to buy some in tesco.......

Evening all,

Sorry, but my head is a bit :wacko:, so I can't remember everyone's posts, which I have only just read.

Some news from us too. It looks like we will be moving towards the end of next month. Not too far, only about 15 miles away, but closer to OH's work, so he gets home quicker. :thumbup: Really looking forward to it and making the new house our home.

LO is still transverse, I think. The kicks, the pain (which I have now found out is called Rib Flare) are still suggesting it. I am doing some exercises to encourage him to move, but I don't know. He just seems really comfy, where he is.

:hugs: to everyone.
Pip - How exciting.. new home new baby awwww.....:hugs:

I moved up a box today :happydance::happydance: and you lydia

Moggy- I think you move tot he last box tomorrow.....defo exciting :thumbup:

Congrats on boxmove ladies :thumbup:

Have you got new place sorted already Pip? Any pics?

I think I move up a box tomorrow too - last month phew! Mogster was exactly the month ahead of EDD so maybe Moglet will stay and cook longer than his bro :cloud9: Just cant wait to meet him now!
Wow last box Moggy! Agghh! Congrats on moving up a box Claire.

Pip that's very exciting! You'll have such fun doing up the nursery!

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