2010 Bumps & Flushes & Dimples

hi everyone, can u believe we are almost at the end!!!! had mw 2day,she said im measuring at 38,whoops,she not gonna do anthing thou coz im already going to hospital
Ann - Thanks hun :hugs:

Costgang - wow.....i wouldnt be too alared as it is the size of your uterus and not necessarily the baby size. Has your other children been big at birth?

Moggy - Happy last box :happydance::happydance:

Went back to work today...but i only work 1/2 a day on thursdays so im off till Monday now :happydance:

Have MW apptmt in the morning and i also get to see the consultant for part of it too. Will discuss birth options. My choice is a c-section as i dont want to go through the same again as i did with Jac...they'll tell me it wont be the same this time...but they cant guarantee that i'll have a normal labour that wont end in a csection anyway. So for my sanity i want a csection. Lets see how it goes tomorrow :hugs: Some of you may not agree on my choice but i feel really strongly about this...ive considered our family, myself, statistics and all sorts and this is what ive come up with.

Claire go for what YOU want - its your birth. I wont have students - I know its daft as they have to learn but I wont be a guinea pig - just how I feel so dont worry about being blunt about what you want. Go for your choice!

:hi: all - not had AD for 2 days now :wacko:
Claire - it is completely your choice, only you know what is best for you and nobody should judge you on that. PLEASE don't waste another moment worrying about what other people think :hugs: And YAY to us moving up a box!

Congrats on last box Moggy!

Hi everyone! :hi:

Yas - you ok, saw on fb that you'd had a bump on the bus. Hope baby is still wriggly and you're putting your feet up :thumbup:
Me too on the AD front Moggy, however... I've decided to see what frozen AD tastes like, so I'm about to make some and put a bit in the freezer, I keep thinking about it, I'm hoping it tastes as good as I'm imagining!!!
Moggy - so glad BP is back and weekly appointments won't be so bad this late on I guess.....:haha: and woop woop for the last box OMG!

Pip moving as well that is exciting :thumbup: and will be lovely OH more time at home!

Costgang - hope bubs isn't too big :haha:

Claire - only you can make the right decision for you to be fair, and I'm sure it's not one you've taken lightly so you do what you are happy with :hugs:

Lydia - frozen AD???????????????????????????????

Have I caught up on everything??? Yas how are you doing?? :flower:

As for me, I am now back after a couple of days staying with DHs nan and then the funeral yesterday. Oh my word it was so nice, if that can ever be said about a funeral. Hope you don't mind me rambling on here......
Obv yesterday it was hard and seeing my nan bury her son, well she was in pieces. But today I can look on it so positively......... family all met up and travelled down together, and the crematorium was already full..... there were so many people there it was so touching, I had no idea. His wife picked a really upbeat song to be played as well which made me think of happy memories with him. And we heard that in terms of his organs which he donated, so far his liver has gone to help two different people, and that 3 of his heart valves (the valves alone!) have gone to help 3 babies.....how magical is that? So I feel like it was a good send off that he would have been really pleased with......IYKWIM? Thank you for all of your well wishes :hugs:

Big hello to your wriggly babies as well - mine is in a frenzy I don't think he likes my driving lessons.......lol.
Good luck at the appointment tomorrow Claire. Hope they agree on the C Section. It's totally your call hun.. nobody should or will judge you.

Moggy you sound like your at an aa meeting!! My name is Moggy and I haven't had AD for 2 days now... lol

Oohh Mrs Mils, let me know if it's any good frozen!

P&F glad it went well. What a good thing he did being an organ donar. He has saved so many lives.

We think we've picked a name but are a bit worried about what people will think. I'll mention it on here as it's a closed group so let me know if you think people will think we are massive Royalists!!! We like Harry William x
Thanks for your support ladies...you lot are fab :hugs::hugs:

I havent had AD for over a week now.....how good am i.....but i was thinking about it earlier so i might make some later :blush:

Lia - Glad all went ok with the funeral.....looking at the positive side is deffo the way to go hun :hugs: Me and hubby also strongly believe in organ donation...it should be opt out rather having to opt in ...dont you think :shrug: Its wonderful that he's made a difference to 5 lives....that is just amazing :thumbup:

Ann - Thanks hun :hugs: I also really like the name.....especially William as it's my nephews name :winkwink:

We still havent agreed on a name.....hubby did start looking at our book the other day but only got 1/4 way through...there's a few we both like for both sexes but not actually picked one. We have a welsh name book and Ben is in there and we both like it.....its not really welsh though ....it would be Ben and not Benjamin. Then again Jac isnt really welsh either....it's 'welshified' version of Jack iykwim :haha: So possibly Ben is an option with a proper welsh middle name...who knows. Jac's middle name is Ynyr......which means honour in welsh.

Girls - its good!!!!! :happydance: I left it in the freezer for just over an hour, it could have done with about half an hour more I think, but it was YUMMY!!!! It might just be because I love eating/biting anything frozen at the moment, but it was mmm mmm mmmmmm!!!:cloud9:

Lia - I'm so pleased it went well yesterday :hugs:. How amazing to have helped so many people with organ donation, something so wonderful to have come out of such sadness. I agree with Claire, it should definitely be opt out rather than in :thumbup:

Ann - Harry William is just gorgeous!:happydance: Harry is great as I don't think it can be shortened to anything in particular.

Claire - Ben is also a lovely name, what Welsh middle names are you thinking? I love the sound of proper Welsh names (once someone has pronounced them for me!).

Costgang - blimey! Hope bubs isn't too big!
I love the name Ben but one of my dh's close mates is called that so it got vetoed!

Thanks ladies! So you don't think we sound like we are obsessed with the royals then? William was both my dh's grandfather's name and my grandfather's middle name so we really want to use it and Harry is the only name we both like and agree on! xx
Ben is on our list too :thumbup:

Friend of ours has a Harry and he gets called Haribo cos when she was preggers she had a thing for the fizzy strawberries they do! Only Haribo to her and clsoe family though so he will no doubt grow out of it soon, he is gorgeous and all blond curls!

FYI looking at my calendar for boys names for july birthdays we have.....


Our shortlist is down to Joseph, Jacob, Jack, Zac (in longer format) Benjamin and Thomas. Its all so hard as we had Mogster named until he was born and the name didnt suit!

Most pregnant have ever been today and had rough night of nauseau and spacedness with BH's :cry: Tired now and my little duracell bunny is off and running!
Also had bad night of sickness and BHs :( poor us Moggy :hugs: I got all confused looking at your names list... thinking, hmmm isn't her sons name on there already?! Then realised you were just offering names out there! :dohh:

Ann, I REALLY like the name Harry! :D and it's not technically being all royal cos prince Harrys real name is Henry :rofl:

Our list currently stands at Jake, Jasper, and Kiarad. I have no favourite out of those three at all but the OH LOVES the iranian name, Kia, and will no doubt be pushing for that. My favourite that he vetoed was Zack!
Yas and Moggy sorry you've been feeling a bit rubbish.

Thanks for the help with the names. I didn't realise that Prince Harry was actually a Henry!! I really liked Elliott but my dh has gone right off it. He really likes Alexander but my colleague at work always talks about his kid who has the same name so I associate the name with work.

I'm loving your shortlists! There are a few that we would like on there but friends kids have them already.
i wanted jasper, but im having a sophie, for this week any way.lol
I've gone up a box!!! That must mean Brigitte has as well!! whoop whoop!

Oh forgot to say my MW measured my fundal height today and said that according to the result the baby is currently measuring 4.12lbs!!! Yikes. Hopefully it's just a lot of water but I'll find out at my 32 week scan a week on Monday.
Love the name Harry William. I like both Harry and William but didn't feel we could have 'Harry Harness' especially in yorkshire where he would be 'arry 'arness lol.........

And as for William, well with a surname like Harness I find we have to be careful anyway and thought people might chuckle at a Willy Harness....teehee....:haha: I didn't make the royal connection to be honest, though maybe I'm dim :haha:

Benjamin was one of our front runners, until my dad spoilt it! He pointed out Ben Harness over here might sound quite like..........Bananas.....haha....:haha:

So we are still on Finlay as the only name DH likes. I did like Jacob but DH said no to basically anything I suggested :dohh:

Hope you are feeling better soon Moggy and Yas - I am sooooo shattered I did not sleep at all yesterday and hips are knackered after driving lesson too........boo!

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