Moggy - so glad BP is back and weekly appointments won't be so bad this late on I guess.....

and woop woop for the last box OMG!
Pip moving as well that is exciting

and will be lovely OH more time at home!
Costgang - hope bubs isn't too big
Claire - only you can make the right decision for you to be fair, and I'm sure it's not one you've taken lightly so you do what you are happy with
Lydia - frozen AD???????????????????????????????
Have I caught up on everything??? Yas how are you doing??
As for me, I am now back after a couple of days staying with DHs nan and then the funeral yesterday. Oh my word it was so nice, if that can ever be said about a funeral. Hope you don't mind me rambling on here......
Obv yesterday it was hard and seeing my nan bury her son, well she was in pieces. But today I can look on it so positively......... family all met up and travelled down together, and the crematorium was already full..... there were so many people there it was so touching, I had no idea. His wife picked a really upbeat song to be played as well which made me think of happy memories with him. And we heard that in terms of his organs which he donated, so far his liver has gone to help two different people, and that 3 of his heart valves (the valves alone!) have gone to help
3 magical is that? So I feel like it was a good send off that he would have been really pleased with......IYKWIM? Thank you for all of your well wishes
Big hello to your wriggly babies as well - mine is in a frenzy I don't think he likes my driving