Hi Ladies!!
Have missed you all so much! I can now properly catch up as I am on my 2nd day of my 4 day weekend!!

It's so nice to have a bit of a break. And then when I go back to work on Monday I only work Mon-Thur for the summer...I'm thinking having 3 day weekends the whole summer will make it fly by! I HOPE!!
So let's make sure I don't miss anything!
Claire: i don't blame you one bit for deciding to have a planned C-section...I think that would make me feel much more calm then being in labout for hours and hours and all of a sudden being rushed for an emergency C-section.

I think that has to be my greatest fear about childbirth...I don't know if any of you follow SarahMelissa's pregnancy journal on BnB...but anyway, she had her baby a couple of weeks ago and that's exactly what happened...she was in labour for something like 18 hours I think and all of a sudden everything turned badly and she was rushed to the operating room.

Mom and baby are doing just fine...but like I said...that's my worst fear.
Lia: Happy to hear the funeral was nice. Those gatherings are always hard...but it's nice to have the time to chat about the good memories. and I cannot believe his organs have already helped 5 people!!! WOW!! very special!
OK I have to say that I am loving all the talk of names!!! SOOOO exciting!!

now I will put my two cents in! lol
Ann: I LOVE Harry William!
Claire: Loving the name Ben too bad nothing fits with it!? I Love Ana Lois for a girl...but I'm afraid I can't comment on the boy names as I'm not sure how to pronounce most of them.
Moggy: Your shortlist is fantastic as well! I love them all but my very favourites are Jacob and Zac I think.
Yas: I vote Jake! ( even though you didn't ask for my opinion!

Lia: Ben Harness = Bananas

I had to fake a british accent to understand what that was all about...but once I said it outloud I couldn't stop laughing!!! Ahhhh!

Sometimes I forget you ladies are in the UK! But I LOVE Finlay! It actually came up when we were discussing boy names!
Lydia: I amd REALLY liking Alexander, Alice and Sidney!!
Well a little update on me! Yesterday was Canada Day so DH and I had the day off (well I have 4 days off but he works today and tomorrow

) Anyway, to celebrate and pass the time we decided to paint a Canadian flag on my belly!! I will attach a picture for those of you who haven't seen it on FB. It was quite fun!! and DH did a great job given he's not very artistic!

(Don't mind all the stretch marks) Last night we went and saw some fireworks at the main waterfront/city beach.
This morning I went to the salon and got my hair cut and coloured!!! It was sooo nice!! It was the first time I coloured my hair since December 11th!! You should have seen the nasty regrowth! If I have time I will post a before and after picture later. Anyway, not my hair has great layers and a nice chocolaty brown colour all over instead of just my roots!

Tomorrow morning I am off to the beach with some friends and their little girls!! And that's about it!!
Hope you ladies have a great weekend!
OH and

for moving up a box!!!