Thanks guys! I love it - I'll like it even more when we get a bit more colour in there.
Ann - they are cut out of wallpaper (bought like that) - its a vintage hand-painted wallpaper with lots of birds/trees/butterflies/cherries etc on it - I'll try and take a close-up piccie tomorrow. My DH bought them for me for my birthday - he is a good boy sometimes!!!
Baby moving tons tonight, it keeps making me jump!! MIL very sweetly bought me some lovely bubble bath today, so I've had a nice soak. Waiting for DH to get home so I can have a second supper (which seems to be happening a lot these days!!).
I'm going to buy some new PJs for hospital/afterwards - any suggestions? Please bear in mind that its August/I'd like to BF. Wearing old ones for labour/birth and borrowing DHs dark coloured dressing gown (mine is pretty and I don't want to ruin it - plus it barely covers me up nowadays!!). Flip flops rather than slippers do we think?
Claire - when do you pick the car up?