MW appt so so, need to rest more

fluid not going down

BP 152/94 so retest later thisw week, get home visit though so bit easier.
Discussed options cos of pain of carpal tunnel, odema, Mogster activity etc and basically she is reluctant as if body not ready our hospital only allow so many goes then do C-Section which will keep me away from Mogster longer in the long run. They try gel then if nowt after 24 hours send you home for 24 hours then call you back to try again, if no result after 6 hours they start drip and if still nowt then they will consider stress to Mum and Moglet and either break waters for you or do section, MW is leaning towards holsd out bit longer then maybe try sweep...?
Mum arrives Weds so gonna keep plodding on and hoping Mother Nature feels sympathetic....

If BP still high thursday then we reassess...
Nothing from Yas so hoping all good with her and little man...

all, off for cool bath as am absolutely roasting

could fry eggs on me at the moment!