Aww, hope they're ok Ann, keep us posted.
Brig - you poor thing, I missed that on FB, what a worry, glad you're feeling better now though - take it easy hun

Moggy - the day sounds like lots of fun! Bless Mogster all proud of himself!
Lia - thats unbelievable! I'd be so mad....
Hi everyone else!
I'm off to a wedding in Southampton tomorrow, so early start for me. Just finished packing etc, was supposed to do it earlier, but we took the dog for a walk in the afternoon and within 10 minutes she'd got something in her ear, we couldn't see it so I took her to the vets - ended up being sedated and having a humungous grass seed removed, and another from her paw. Bless her, she's still very wobbly, went to my Mums for supper with my sisters, which was lovely, but the poor dog just had no control of her bladder when she fell asleep, so I had a lot of cleaning up to do (suppose I'd better get used to it!), thank goodness its all tiled floors!
My mother then told me I had 'very chubby arms' - apparently this wasn't meant to be horrible and that 'chubby' is a nice word??!!

My sisters couldn't control their giggles! Fortunately I managed to control the hormones and there were no tears!
Anyway, I'll catch up with you all when I'm back on Sunday - maybe a couple of you might have made progress??!!