What a lovely bump Moggy!!!
Yas - I'm so pleased you're cracking the feeding, well done, and just in time, well done you for persevering

. I said just the other day that I think I'm more worried about not being able to BF than labour at the moment, although as the reality of imminent labour starts to settle into my mind, that is changing!!!
I had a lovely weekend thanks everyone, the wedding was gorgeous, I saw a lot of uni friends that I haven't seen for ages, managed to have a bit of a boogie too. Only bad thing was that wedding was at 2.30pm, we got stuck in traffic, so didn't get time for lunch, I thought we'd sit down to eat about 4.30/5pm, nope, not until 8pm???!!! I must have had about 4 pints of orange juice by this stage, hoping that the sugar would stop me fainting! DH and I had shared a bacon sarnie at 8am, thinking we'd eat later. Tried to make up for it today and went to MaccyD's on the way home, thought I'd have a mint Cornetto McFlurry and they gave me a chocolate one. I actually shed a tear!

I'm hoping thats just hormones!
DH just took me for a pub supper to cheer me up as he's decided to go on ANOTHER work jolly tomorrow night (golf and then boozing/meal in Nottingham with wine supplier), and my whole plate was COVERED in black pepper, which I HATE. So it took me twice as long to eat as every piece of duck and potato had to be scraped before I could eat it! They're lucky I didn't have a tantrum then and there!!! Wanted the brownie and ice-cream for pud, but they had run out of ice-cream, so I've abandoned the idea of food that I like for today and have come home to sulk!!
Lia - did they bring food etc?! Hope you had a lovely day with them. Clean oven??!!
Brig - how are you feeling? Saw the shower pics - looks like you had a fab time with some awesome pressies!!
Ann, hope you get a good nights sleep. I haven't had any BH yet, so not sure what to look out for, but like you, I wasn't imagining them as too painful?!
Claire - Looking forward to your first week of leave?! Do you have your appointment to get your section date this week?
Costgang - are you settled in?!
I hope Pip's move went well and she's getting sorted!
Off for a soak in the bath, surely I can't be disappointed by that and a hot-choccy?! Its my day of no sugar tomorrow ready for midwife on Tues, just to add to my current sulkiness!!