2010 Bumps & Flushes & Dimples

Yas - Congrats on the successful BFing :thumbup:

Moggy - Beautiful bump hun.......oh and happy 39 weeks :happydance::happydance: You need to ahve words with moglet...it's time to say hello :winkwink:

Lia - That's what parents are for :thumbup: Oh...and you still have time yet.....it's not even lunch time......cmon LO........

Oh Moggy you look so lovely! What a perfectly round bump.

Thanks so much for your support with the breastfeeding, I appreciate you sooooooo much :friends:
Yas I'm so glad the BF has started to go well. My sister had a nightmare with both kids and is now a breastfeeding counsellor because of it. Maybe I should get some vests then.

Moggy I agree with the others, your bump is AMAZING! So perfect and round!

Still getting the odd cramp. Been getting them on and off since Weds so maybe they are BH but just a bit more uncomfortable than I expected. xx
What a lovely bump Moggy!!! :cloud9:

Yas - I'm so pleased you're cracking the feeding, well done, and just in time, well done you for persevering:hugs:. I said just the other day that I think I'm more worried about not being able to BF than labour at the moment, although as the reality of imminent labour starts to settle into my mind, that is changing!!!

I had a lovely weekend thanks everyone, the wedding was gorgeous, I saw a lot of uni friends that I haven't seen for ages, managed to have a bit of a boogie too. Only bad thing was that wedding was at 2.30pm, we got stuck in traffic, so didn't get time for lunch, I thought we'd sit down to eat about 4.30/5pm, nope, not until 8pm???!!! I must have had about 4 pints of orange juice by this stage, hoping that the sugar would stop me fainting! DH and I had shared a bacon sarnie at 8am, thinking we'd eat later. Tried to make up for it today and went to MaccyD's on the way home, thought I'd have a mint Cornetto McFlurry and they gave me a chocolate one. I actually shed a tear! :cry: I'm hoping thats just hormones!

DH just took me for a pub supper to cheer me up as he's decided to go on ANOTHER work jolly tomorrow night (golf and then boozing/meal in Nottingham with wine supplier), and my whole plate was COVERED in black pepper, which I HATE. So it took me twice as long to eat as every piece of duck and potato had to be scraped before I could eat it! They're lucky I didn't have a tantrum then and there!!! Wanted the brownie and ice-cream for pud, but they had run out of ice-cream, so I've abandoned the idea of food that I like for today and have come home to sulk!! :sad1:

Lia - did they bring food etc?! Hope you had a lovely day with them. Clean oven??!! :haha:

Brig - how are you feeling? Saw the shower pics - looks like you had a fab time with some awesome pressies!!

Ann, hope you get a good nights sleep. I haven't had any BH yet, so not sure what to look out for, but like you, I wasn't imagining them as too painful?!:shrug:

Claire - Looking forward to your first week of leave?! Do you have your appointment to get your section date this week?

Costgang - are you settled in?!

I hope Pip's move went well and she's getting sorted!

Off for a soak in the bath, surely I can't be disappointed by that and a hot-choccy?! Its my day of no sugar tomorrow ready for midwife on Tues, just to add to my current sulkiness!!:haha:
Hi Ladies!

Lydia: Sorry you've had such trouble with your food this weekend! lol First the wedding then the pub. I HATE waiting for food right now...if I'm hungry I want to eat! Maybe that's why I have gained almost 30lbs :-(

Moggy: I'd like to hear any tips you have on Bfeeding! I REALLY want to breastfeed Peyton...I'd like to do it until she's 12 months, that's my goal. I have read a little bit about it, but I will continue to read books etc...

Yas: What are breastfeeding vests?

Well I had a lovely afternoon. I was meeting a friend from uni for lunch. She told me her and her fiance were in town to visit friends so we arranged to have lunch today. Well I walk into the restaurant and what do I see?? My entire group of girlfriends from uni!!! all 6 of them travelled 3+ hours for a surprise baby shower! I was so emotional...I couldn't believe it!! It was great to catch up and I got more lovely presents...what a great surprise. (pictures to follow!)

Well have a goodnight xo
Brig breastfeeding vests are a fab secret that they should tell you all about before you have a baby! They are vests that have an inbuilt bra specifically for feeding. Mothercare do them over here - not sure what the equivalent is in Canada but many of the UK mail order baby companies do them too - can highly recommend Mothercare ones :thumbup:


I have them in black and white at the moment as cant decide which coloured ones I will want...Highly recommend them though in the early days as theyre comfy to sleep in as well as during the day and you can wear just like a normal vest too - only thing is the whie ones need extra coverage if you go out as they feeding panel can display more than you might mean - only the white one does this though so another loose vest over the top and problem solved!

MrsM I hate when they get the order wrong or they assume you want pepper etc, my bugbear usually with food when you go out is salt! During pregnancy both times now have had a real sensitivity to salt! Sometimes I fancy something salty which I can obviopusly get and tend to go for salty popcorn or square crisps, salty food though drives me mad!!! Can only imagine the frustration of scraping pepper off when you are already starving!

You could always have a popcorn/movie treat afternoon if OH is away...? Breadsticks with posh yoghurt and some popcorn would be low bad sugar...? Or you could get some frozen yoghurt - I love it as a treat but it never tastes the same second trip to the freezer :nope: You need to hit a Waitrose!

P&F any news on the oven - am hoping it was all cleaned....I decided yesterday that ALL the beds in the house needed fresh bedding etc so washed EVERYTHING and wore myself out somewhat - 2 KS beds and 2 smaller beds sheets, duvets, underblankets etc ut they all smell lovely now if my back does throb :cry: Quite fancy a clean oven though...

Pip must be due back on soon, sure she said it could be a fortnight though and its stressful enough moving without worrying about BnB needing updating, sure she will be back soon though, in the meantime :hi: Pip - and Sarah too, hows the new place?

Brain starting to fog but know F&C needs a :hi: and a :hug: as do Claire - hows Jac doing? Had to get Mogster new sand water table as I had a garden incident with one of the legs on his old one :dohh: :oops: then had to hose him down in the garden Saturday PM :haha:

Anyone heard from Dede?

Yas give K a big snuggle from me, so pleased BF is getting established and the BF support counsellor is helping out - its just like we have here and was worried when texting last week they werent going to be as supportive as they should be, do you have a local BF group you can join? We made some friends we still see now at ours and its great in the early days to have someone you can go out to the park etc with who is in a similar position as you can swap tips etc and gives you a new buddy for K too - we met up in a local pub in the afternoon as it was a non smoking one - before the ban came in but these days the group meet at the local riverside coffee place or the local foodie pub - depends on the day. For some reason Tuesdays ans Thursdays are favourites :shrug:

Anyways long post and Mogster needs me to go choose his clothes else we could have a very interesting Daddy chosen combo :wacko: MW thuis PM so will update any news then...

Have a lovely day all :friends:
Morning all! :coffee:

Thanks for the food sympathies girls, its pathetic, but things like that really get to me these days!! Going to see if my sister fancies the cinema tonight - popcorn would definitely hit the spot, thanks Moggy!:flower:

Brig, I can thoroughly recommend the book that Moggy told me about - https://www.amazon.co.uk/What-Expect-When-Youre-Breastfeeding/dp/0091906962/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1280128101&sr=8-1 I read it once when it first arrived and I'm going to read it again, she uses a very practical and honest approach to everything.

Moggy - oops on the table, I hope Mogster wasn't too upset/shocked when he got covered! Hope you have a good MW appointment :thumbup:
Its from Kiddicare - although I got them to pricematch somewhere else and saved quite a bit of money (or In'laws did :blush:). Expensive, but hoping that because it goes to junior bed etc it will last a long time.
Mrsmils, that's crazy going to a 2.30pm wedding and not eating until 8pm. Ours was around that time and we had an afternoon tea immediately after the service then a sit down meal after the photos and speeches so about 4ish? Then a small buffet in the evening. I think I would have had to send dh out for some grub!!

Brigitte, what a lovely surprise!! Can't wait to see the photos.

Moggy thanks for the link re the bf vests. Going to have a look now. And thanks for the :hugs:. Am still getting the cramps although not as regularly. They do stop me in my tracks though. Hope I'm not going to get them for another 6-8 weeks!

:hi: Claire, Costgang and P&F! And you too dede!

Yas, give K a big kiss and cuddle from me too. Any more photos?! xx
Morning ladies :flower:

Lydia - I am a bit mardy about food at the minute so I think it must be normal? :haha: made fajitas the other night (one of my ultimate faves) and picked all the meat out and was just eating the veg...........odd :dohh:

Brig that is a lovely surprise I spotted your status on fb and thought how nice that is!!!!!!!

AFM my oven and fridge and sink (was a paint-covered sink) are now beautiful, go mum!!!! And Dad brought me food and wait for it.................AD!!!! So I made strawberries in chocolate AD and sprinkled flake on top..........hehe yum!

Moggy hope mw app goes well - have got app with consultant this week and mw on Monday next week.

Do need to hit Meadowhell at some point but can't bring myself to go....maybe tomorrow!

Hello to everyone else - I will probably be lurking about today but can see DH has left me out his prescription to collect so I am assuming he expects me to get dressed today..............:dohh: :dohh: :dohh: :dohh:

Happy Monday ladies :hugs:
Am hoping we wont make scan on Friday but :shrug: guess he will comeout when he is ready :dohh:
Hello :flower:

Lydia - Awww........id be gutted and upset about your whole food situation. I love my food .....especially when preggers :hugs: I have my consultant apptmt on Friday so should get my Csection date then...if not all hell will break loose :growlmad:

Brig- Sounds like you had a fab suprise shower...how cool were they to travel....you're one special lady :hugs:

Moggy - How did the MW apptmt go hun?? Hope all wa sok and that moglet is making his way.......:winkwink: Jac has been a nightmare past few days.....am sure the terrible 2s have started early......he doesnt listen to anything..distraction doesnt work...and he screams and cries if he deosnt get his way ...we had a major insident in Argos this morning....im sure evryine was finger pointing and all that...:wacko: but hey he was just really naughty and having the wrost tantrum ever. I hope he'll settle down a bit before this baby arrives or he'll send me barmy....

Ann - Hi hun :hugs:

Lia - Did you get dressed :haha: I've done some stuff today...btu have left what was on top of my list though....ironing...will do it tomorrow afternoon while Jac is in Nuresery. :blush:

Costgang/Pip - Hi :flower:

Dede - hope you're ok hun ...come back soon :hugs:

Cant remember if i updated you on the situation with my ex-husband and his finances :wacko: I ended up having to go to a solicitor as it was too complicated for CAB. They sent him a letter asking him to sort it out or else we visit the financial aspect of our divorce (i walked away at the time and didnt do anything money wise - clean break and all that). He got a few weeks and didnt do anything.....oh excpet pass me in the streed p*ssed as hell and saying its being sorted....hmmm as if. I told him at the time to phone my solicitior to sort it out. He never bothered. Anyway...so in the 2-3 weeks ago i opened a court case revisiting all this...apparently he's phoned the solicitor now saying it's being sorted ... a nbit too late now me thinks. So i'm going ahead as is. He had his chance when we divorced....he screwed that up so i'm going ahead. So sorting out all the paperwork now...which i have another 5 weeks to do (done most of it) and then court case will be early October. I really dont need this but anyway it has to be done. Wish me luck

That's great news Claire and yep you did tell us. I was wondering how that all ended up. x
Good luck Claire, keep the case going until he has defo sorted it out - worth the hassle in the long term. When is your appt Friday? Ours is 1pm and get to see Moglet again :happydance:

MW today a bit frustrating cos my MW rang this morning as Mogster and I were on our way out offering us a home appt this morning as she had a gap, we said no cos we were on way out and wed see her PM in clinic, when we got to clinic was different MW so all questions etc went out of my head as focused on answering all questions my MW knows the answers to :dohh:

BP fiine, urine fine but FH now measuring 45cm so ahead some more, we have gone off the chart they gave us and have to be referred for scan! Already got one booked for Friday but looks promising that if scan confirms he is big they may intervene now to enable me to give birth with less chance of intervention - finally theyre acknowledging it might be a big baby and not saying Im fat!!!! FFS I have gained only 700g now all pregnancy!

Sorry rant over.

My Mum is no longer coming over as she is poorly, she suffers with digestive issues and is currently facing a potential compacted bowel so not coming over this week unless I go into labour, even then not sure what we will do so hoping he will hang on in there a little longer til we figure out a plan, dont want to give birth without OH there but dont want Mogster left behind either :shrug: What to do what to do?

Ooh I now want AD with flake sprinkled on AND a clean shiny oven, can your Mum pop down here????
Sounds promising moggy, fingers crossed that the scan works in your favour. x
Moggy - MW should have told you she wasnt going to be there ... :dohh:
I hope it all works out the way ou want it...either way you'll see mogster in 4 days....he may decide friday is the day save you going for the scan...and gives you time to get a plan in place..hope your mum is ok hun :hugs:

Ann - Can never remember what ive rambled on about......it'll onyl get worse with 2 kids :dohh:


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