2010 Bumps & Flushes & Dimples

Ann - Thanks hun ...it was really hard but i know it was so much harder for his family especially his mum poor thing...heartbreaking :cry:
Sounds like youve been able to sleep last few nights which is good :thumbup:

Last night was a good night, thanks Claire. Just up once for a wee.

Soooo excited for Lia!!!
Oh my gosh Lia is in Labour!!!! Can't wait for the next update!!

Happy 35 weeks Ann! We are getting up there too huh? Not too long now!

There was so much I wanted to say...and now I forget :-(

But, I have decided to take my MW's advice and go off early. Today was my last day and I will start sick leave next week until maternity leave kicks in. I brought the medical certificate to my MW and she will call when it's completed. Then I go bring it to my government office, fill in an online application and that's it. It is SUCH a relief to be DONE!!!!:happydance:

I was going to stay until my original date and then last night DH convinced me to just leave that dreaded place. So that's it! :-)

Anyway, that's all for me, I'm too tired to write anymore, but hopefully I can keep up better now that I'm off!

Brig - Great news hun...make sure you have plenty of rest now :hugs:

I think so Ann :-( I wish you could be off like the rest of us.

Update from Lia last night, labour ward was full so they sent her OH home and just heard at 6am this morning they were due to call him back and move her over to labour ward at 7am to start her off....will update when I hear more or if at hospital will text Claire... x
Fab news bout finishing work Brig, whens Pip due back on shes missing all the news!

Moggy - I texted Pip with an update but haven't heard anything, think she said she'd be back online within two weeks - which is a week away.

Brig - well done, I'm so pleased you're off and taking care of yourself and LO.

Ann - not long now until you can join the rest of us!

Can't chat as I've got a very busy day, but just wanted to vent. Checked our bank account last night and my employer has SERIOUSLY messed up my holiday/mat pay, this month I've been paid less than a third of what I should have been paid. I sent them a very angry e-mail at midnight, but then got myself so worked up and upset that I didn't sleep at all. Why can't they just get something so simple right, they're a HUGE organisation (i.e. one of the biggest law firms in the country), and they have employment law teams that advise clients on mat pay???!!!! GRRRRRRRR!!!!!!:gun:
Update from Lia - shes still waiting to get onto labour ward as the natural labours that are progressing are taking priority at the moment, she just has to wait it out....off for scan soon so will update more when I hear!

MrsM that is PANTS - how can they get it so wrong? At least they can resolve it fairly quickly and get a payment to you to carry over til they manage to sort it. Thats what all big firms have miscellaneous acounts etc for! Still pants though!

Good news here....not Moglet ppearing but a very good friends of mine just stopped by to tell me she is preggers! Had her first scan this morning :happydance: all is well :wohoo: She already has a little girl so there will be a two year gap when little one comes along. So fab and nice to hear some good news for nice people for a change, seems so much crap happens to trhose who dont deserve it :shrug:

Have a lovely day all, hoping to hear news from Claire soon too...!
Hi :flower:

Hope Lia gets some action soon as time is runnign out if her waters broke on Wed evening.....same situation i was in with Jac :shrug: cmon baby time to make an entrance.......really hope you're ok hun :hugs:

Lydia - How rubbish about the pay :growlmad: They should defo know better.....if its a significant amount they should make an additional bank transfer for you anyway. Make sure you get it :thumbup:

Moggy - Great news about your friend :thumbup: How did the scan go hun? :hugs:

Had MW and consultant aptmt this morning...... BP great but had protein in urine...booo...so its being sent off and i get results on Monday.
Saw consultant who i did NOT like....when i mentioned that i had opted for Csection she went all sarcastic and suprised that i hadnt gone for a vbac and said i hadnt been persuaded enough in last apptmt....but i told her that i made the decision based on our feelings/experience and stats on what happened with Jac.....i also mentioned that i thought it was my decision...she backed up and agreed as i think she noticed i was getting agitated. Anyway she also asked if i still wanted a csection if i went naturally before the date i was given.....i said yes....and explained the same again :dohh: I dont think she realised from my noted that i did go naturally last time and ended up with csection....duh.....
She then examined my belly, fundal height and then wasnt sure if the baby was breech....and int he same breath said that she could also feel a head down below.....i presume that he/she wasnt breech but she never confirmed. But made me feel at the time like my baby had 2 heads.......:growlmad:
She then asked Jac's birth weight...told her he was average and short of 8 lbs....she said nothing and checked the heartbeat. When i checked my notes after i was only measuring just over 34 weeks (week behind) so was she concerned...who knows.....
Anyway i eventually got my date after being sent out to wait as she couldnt get through to the person at the hospital.
I am booked in for Thurs 26th August...and i go in for pre-op stuff on the day before. Soooooooo.....we'll be holding our 2nd special baby in less than 4 weeks :happydance::happydance:

Sorry...i needed to vent as she pissed me off. Some things would have concerened me in the past with my apptmt but she was such an arse i think she was just 'like that' iykwim

Lia is still waiting for room on labour ward, shes in good spirits though so thats good. She is chatting to a lady on the ward with her so sounds like she is relaxed which makes me :happydance:

Scan all finished, baby is fine and not huge at all! He is 3.7kg today so lookingabout 9lb for the birth which is fine, only issue now is he has turned back to back!

great news bout getting date for C-section, did they say what will happen if things kick of naturally before then? Not sure how it would work so figured they might have discussed it? Boo to getting the manky consultant - hope she gets berry bird pooped on the way to her car later!

Hi Yas :hi: spotted you on the thread whilst Im posting, hope K doing good and feeding getting easier, any probs make sure you ask the counsellor to come back and help - thats what theyre there for and ours always says her best days are those when she really helps a baby and his Mum get it right! :hugs:

Everyone else :hi: and :hug:
Moggy- Glad scan went well.....these people dont half scare us do they :dohh: If i go into labour naturally i just need to phone labour ward straight away so i can go in and have a csection.
I was also a bit disappointed i didnt get the date on my birthday...is that weird....:wacko: as it's on the 23rd and i know they only do electives on Monday and Thursday so i had a good chance.
It makes me feel a bit antsy as it's later than i thought it would be as my sction is planned for 39+2 and my waters went at 39+4 with Jac...btu all pregnancies are diffferent.....you testify to that with Mogster being early and now being full term.
How's your mum?

still a bit down that she cant help out more but shes resting up to come look after Mogster when I go in...does anyone know about back to back labour at all? I only know its meant to hurt more...
Hi Ladies!!

I can't believe poor Lia is still just waiting around!! :growlmad: Gosh it's been over a day now! Isn't it important to deliver not too long after your water breaks? :shrug: Atleast she's in good spirits!

Lydia: I would be fuming as well!! I hope it all gets sorted out!:hugs:

Moggy: YAY! :happydance: for a good scan!! And your friend! I find it so odd that all you ladies are getting growth scans?? Here the last scan you get is at 20 weeks unless they suspect something is wrong with you or baby. Like being breech, low lying placenta, not growing well etc. :shrug:

Claire: Happy to hear you got your date!!!!! It's kinda scary that it's so close to your actual date!? I thought they tried to schedule C-sections about 2 weeks before due dates? But yay anyway!! :happydance:

Well my first day off and I'm not sure what to do with myself! :haha: I have plenty to do...not sure what I want to start with. I only want to do a couple of things each day that way I don't get too tired. Maybe I will start by ordering that nursing vest I want. Which we call nursing tank tops here I found out! :-) Then who knows!?

Have a good day ladies!
Moggy - I know its probbaly hard hun..but battle on...it wont be long now...at least your mum can help out when you need her most ...when moglet is on his way :thumbup:
This is what i found for you...
What's a posterior position?

A posterior position is where your baby has his head down, but the back of his head is against your spine. By the time labour starts, about one baby in 10 is in this back-to-back or posterior position.

Most back-to-back babies are born vaginally, but this position can make labour more difficult for you, particularly if your baby's chin is pushed up rather than tucked in. As a result:

•you may have backache as your baby's skull is pushing against your spine
•your waters may break in early labour
•your labour may be long and slow
•you may feel like pushing before your cervix is fully dilated (Coates 2009)

When your baby gets to the bottom of your pelvis, he'll need to turn through almost 180 degrees to get into the best position to be born.

This can take quite a while, or your baby may decide he's not going to turn at all! In this case, he will be born with his face looking up at you as he emerges. He might need forceps or ventouse to help him out.

Brig - The normal is to have a 12 week scan and 20 weeks scan over here. You only get more because of either previous or current preggy issues...like growth and stuff. Lats one i had was at 20 weeks and i wont get another one. Good plan wiht only doing a few things at a time:thumbup:

Brig - we only got extra scan cos FH was 7cm ahead! Second extra one was to check measurement variance of the first growth scan :dohh:

Lia is still waiting but hoping to move over soon....
Oh I see! Wow! 7cm is a lot! It just seems like a lot of women on BnB are getting scans around 33-34 weeks? I guess they all have a medical reason?:shrug:
Hi everyone! Thanks for your sympathies!:flower: I got home to an e-mail response just now (despite having asked them twice in my e-mail to call me rather than e-mail), I AM FUMING! :gun::gun::gun: They are trying to tell me that I am wrong, very patronising e-mail. Basically, they have calculated my mat pay on my sabbatical salary (which was 20% of my normal salary if that makes sense?), when I agreed to take the sabbatical and when I first informed HR that I was pregnant it was agreed that bonuses and mat pay would be based on my normal salary. So instead of getting 6 weeks at 90% of my normal salary (i.e. what everyone is entitled to by law), they've decided to pay me 90% of my 20% salary - i.e. a pittance. I sent a very snotty e-mail back to her say that it was explicitly agreed etc and that I would be contesting it. I then went through all of the paperwork to do with my sabbatical (in a temper!) and found a FAQ sheet that they gave me before I took sabbatical which states that mat pay will not be affected by sabbatical pay and will be based on my normal salary. HA. So have e-mailed and quoted that. I'm just SO angry about it having already queried it last month and let HR talk me into thinking I was mistaken.

Anyway, vent over! (Thanks for allowing the venting, its so nice to be able to get things like this off my chest!). Sold my horse trailer today, which will hopefully mean that our mortgage payment won't bounce on Monday.

Claire - Grrrrrrr, I cannot believe how rude she was! :growlmad: Surely they shouldn't be like that with you?! Like you say, its your choice, you've made an informed decision and shouldn't have to explain yourself! Roll on the 26th!!! I think its nice that you'll have close birthdays but not the same, my BIL and nephew have the same birthday (next week in fact) and my nephew doesn't really get that its his Daddy's birthday too as he's too caught up in his own. Although when nephew is 18, his Dad will be 50, so it should be a good party!!

Moggy, glad scan went well:thumbup: , my sister was back-to-back with her second, she said it was ok, just the labour was drawn out and long, but the pain was all in her back, which she actually found better to manage through massage/hot-water bottles etc. 9lbs - lovely! I really hope your mum feels better asap, she must be frustrated not being able to help you as much as she'd like.

Brig - Yay to you being finished!!! Hope you're going to make plans to do fun things!

Hoping I come home tonight to good news from Lia! Glad she sounds relaxed, I'm so excited for her!!:happydance:

Hi everyone else - happy weekend!! (Especially to Ann, weekends are still weekends for you!)

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