Hi everyone! Thanks for your sympathies!

I got home to an e-mail response just now (despite having asked them twice in my e-mail to call me rather than e-mail), I AM FUMING!

They are trying to tell me that I am wrong, very patronising e-mail. Basically, they have calculated my mat pay on my sabbatical salary (which was 20% of my normal salary if that makes sense?), when I agreed to take the sabbatical and when I first informed HR that I was pregnant it was agreed that bonuses and mat pay would be based on my normal salary. So instead of getting 6 weeks at 90% of my normal salary (i.e. what everyone is entitled to by law), they've decided to pay me 90% of my 20% salary - i.e. a pittance. I sent a very snotty e-mail back to her say that it was explicitly agreed etc and that I would be contesting it. I then went through all of the paperwork to do with my sabbatical (in a temper!) and found a FAQ sheet that they gave me before I took sabbatical which states that mat pay will not be affected by sabbatical pay and will be based on my normal salary. HA. So have e-mailed and quoted that. I'm just SO angry about it having already queried it last month and let HR talk me into thinking I was mistaken.
Anyway, vent over! (Thanks for allowing the venting, its so nice to be able to get things like this off my chest!). Sold my horse trailer today, which will hopefully mean that our mortgage payment won't bounce on Monday.
Claire - Grrrrrrr, I cannot believe how rude she was!

Surely they shouldn't be like that with you?! Like you say, its your choice, you've made an informed decision and shouldn't have to explain yourself! Roll on the 26th!!! I think its nice that you'll have close birthdays but not the same, my BIL and nephew have the same birthday (next week in fact) and my nephew doesn't really get that its his Daddy's birthday too as he's too caught up in his own. Although when nephew is 18, his Dad will be 50, so it should be a good party!!
Moggy, glad scan went well

, my sister was back-to-back with her second, she said it was ok, just the labour was drawn out and long, but the pain was all in her back, which she actually found better to manage through massage/hot-water bottles etc. 9lbs - lovely! I really hope your mum feels better asap, she must be frustrated not being able to help you as much as she'd like.
Brig - Yay to you being finished!!! Hope you're going to make plans to do fun things!
Hoping I come home tonight to good news from Lia! Glad she sounds relaxed, I'm so excited for her!!
Hi everyone else - happy weekend!! (Especially to Ann, weekends are still weekends for you!)