2010 Bumps & Flushes & Dimples

21st for me so got to wait til nect thurs - humph, will be 2 days short of 2nd trimester then so can tell all and sundry once we have seen everything is ok...so paranoid after MC last year.

Think the worry penguin is cos we are scurrying around after little people all day so you dont get as much chance to rest as perhaps we did last time so you notice everything however minute it may be. Im with you though cos will feel so much better when have seen bubs.

How is your little man today?

I think you're right about the scurrying around......and not getting as much rest as last time. I've slept so well the past few weeks...and i'm not the most settled sleeper as i usually wake up loads during the night even though i get enough sleep...but now i sleep through most nights :shrug: so i must be making sure i get my rest LOL.

Jac can't crawl yet but can still move across the room at lightning speed by rolling and moving sideways LOL ....the rolling he could do before but wasnt fussed.... but in the last few days hes noticed that its a good thing...so he's into everything for real now and i need an extra pair of eyes :haha: Other than that he's a really good boy...but i'm sure that will change as he grows lol.

I remember seeing it on a thread...was liitle mogster ok after the jab? I'm taking Jac next week for his.

DeDe - they're brilliant pictures!!! I really hope they can see that much on mine, I'm a wuss and don't want an internal, so I'm going to drink as much as possible!
pinkandfluffy, I hope yours went well too.

Those of you that have little ones already, I really don't know how you do it, I'm shattered and I've only got myself to worry about (and I've been taking it pretty easy for the last week).

My cramping seems to have subsided, it hasn't woken me up for three nights now - hoping thats a good sign. For the first time this morning I woke up very bloated - I was in hysterics, it was like someone had blown a balloon up inside me overnight!!! DH didn't find it as funny (he was asleep when I told him...). I've only ever been bloated in the evening until today. When will I stop bloating and start getting an actual bump? start of second tri?
Moggymay - Forgot to mention....less than a aweek to go till your scan :happydance:

Mrsmils -Have been sleeping really well the past few weeks so i think my body makes the most of the rest time :thumbup:
As for bloat....i also expand as the day goes on....but i also have days when i wake up bloated...but not that often though. The bump slowly forms around the end of 1st tri start of 2nd tri but everyones different....i cant really remember with Jac but i know i had to wear maternity pants from 10 weeks or so onwards which was a mixture of bloat and belly starting to grow i think. Oh and you'll probably think it's huge but nobody else will really notice till 18 weeks :haha:

Since moggymay is nearly 12 weeks she could maybe tell us how she is now bump wise? :thumbup:

bumpwise I am actually in need of a belt! My tummy is a little harder under my belly but have actually lost weight, think it is because I have been hungry at lunchtime and not really wanting anything in the evening - except rocket lollies!!!! Bizarre but so long as the desire to chew sponge stays away I will munch rocket lollies happily!

Little Mogster had his swine flu jab on Tuesday and we have had absolutely no after effects. We gave him Capol before bed on Tuesday but only because we thought he might have a sore arm and he likes to sleep on his side. He isnt fussed by it at all and was the first jab he hasnt cried for when they actually jabbed him - might be because they did it in his arm so we didnt have to pull his trousers back up over the jab mark? Sure Jac will be fine, just remember the chocolate buttons!

I am just about coping with the running around after mogster, the bit that is stressful at the moment is that mogster has just started really talking, he has had words for a while but now he is like a parrot all his waking hours, he only shuts up to eat or for CBeebies and that is only on for a little while mid morning when he has a snack so you can imagine by the time OH is home I am glad of someone else for him to talk at!

Less than a week now for me as it is 1840 and my scan is at 1430m - makes a difference when you are counting down. just want to know all is well and that teeny mogster is growing ok.

Still lurking for pics of scans, loving Dede's and waiting for the next lot, it is so exciting even though they arent mine. Sharing this stuff with you is all I can do as we havent told anyone else yet!

:hugs: to all
Moggymay - Lucky you needing the belt.....i know that will never be the case for me :haha: I'm still quite happy as i'm a stone lighter being preg this time and have only out on 2-3 lbs which also includes xmas...las time i think i had put on double that at least :blush:

Glad mogster was fine after the jab...and thanks for the choccy buttons tip.
Oh and about the talking.....it might be stressful but im sure it's so cute to hear him jabber on.... especially when he's talking to daddy LOL.

Everybody else's scans keep me going too....the next 5 weeks will drag as i dont think we'll go for one sooner.....will mention it to hubby over the weekend and see what he thinks.

Huge :hugs:

Dede love the scan pics!!!!

Well our scanner is screwed so have had to try taking a photo and uploading that (hope its okay with admin - it's not too clear).

Whilst the pic may not look so clear it was SO clear in real life....the baby was going crazy moving and wriggling, waving its arms and legs - turned over and showed its bum to us :haha: I was so overwhelmed.

Hopefully it's attached for you to see - they have changed my date also by 1 day, so I have skipped up to 10 weeks 6 days now :haha: due August 6th!!! Will try and scan it properly at work tomorrow but may not be much clearer lol.

Over the moon!

PS - re weight gain - I am already a fatty but I think it's more food than bump :haha:


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wow - I love it pinkandfluffy! Cant wait til next week now :yipee:
Pinkandfluffy, I love your pic!! :wohoo::wohoo::wohoo:

You can see your little one really good.
Thank you ladies so much :happydance: I am emotional all over again lol. Was ridiculously clear on the screen did not expect, DH could see heartbeat fluttering away and then it just went crazy dancing lol (had a sneaky pepsi in the afternoon :blush:)
DeDe and pinkandfluffy, I love your scan pics. You must both be on :cloud9:

Can't wait for our scan next week.
Pinkandfluffy - I love the pic hun :happydance::happydance:
Oh...i'm no skinny minnie either and my bump will be mostly food for a few months too :haha:

Evening ladies,

How is everyone today?

I am great 'cause it's weekend. :thumbup:
Hi piperette.....

I'm good and also loving it's the weekend....so that we can spend time with hubby :thumbup:
Felt really crampy this morning but that's gone now....it was actually a relief to get some general pains rather than localised int he same area iykwim.
Oh and i feel super bloated today.....felt like my belly was hanging over my jeans :cry:

Hows the MS.....has it eased up now hun? :hugs:

Evening all! :flower:

Can I ask you ladies for some advice?

We have some friends who have been ttc for ages, little mogster is 2.5 and they had an ectopic when he was a few weeks old, they have been trying ever since and last month they started an IVF cycle, she is due to have her eggs collected on monday and then they put the embryos back either Wednesday or Saturday. Dilemma now is what to do about telling them about our pregnancy?

Have my scan on thuursday so was planning to go public thursday evening so long as we get the all clear at the scan. Now in two minds what to do...

On the one hand feel we should tell them same as everyone else, on the other hand dont want to seem we are rubbing their noses in it IYKWIM. Trouble is if we dont tell them and someone else does that is just wrong, if we tell them it seems a little insensitive but if we wait til they hear about if they have been successful we cant then say oh and by the way we are 14 weeks which is what we will be by the time they find out. Other possibilities come in case they arent successful - but we are thinking full on PMA that they will be - I really hope.

My current inclination is to get OH to tell her OH but dont want to wimp out of the whole situation - what should we do/say? Let me know your thoughts cos I am starting to stress:nope:

Not helped by the fact I feel really :sick: with heartburn at the moment :cry:
Moggy it is a tough situation to be in :hugs: my thoughts would be to tell them before you tell other people.....I have friends who are struggling ttc and are going through treatments etc at the moment, and I told her before we will tell other people. She seems to have taken it well and is showing genuine interest - I just felt it was better coming from me rather than her finding out with everyone else :shrug:

Waiting til you are 14 weeks, well, they may still not be successful (though I certainly hope they are) and it may be harder finding out about it after a bad result than it would be whilst they still don't know their result? Does that make sense?

I hope you find a good solution, just my thoughts/situation there :hugs:
Moggymay - I defo wouldnt wait till 14 weeks to tell them..... if successful they could feel you're stealing their thunder or if not may feel a bit resentful.
So i would tell them next week the same time as everybody else (i woudlnt get your oH to do it either) ....so either way they get the time absorb you pregnancy befre they get their result. You could lighten up the mood and maybe mention that it would be great it would be with both of you pregnant at the same time......so it then shows you're still 100% supporting them iykwim.

It might feel a bit awkward but in the long run it's better to tell them next week i think.:hugs:

OH and I have been talking about it tonight and have come to the same conclusion, we will see them the weekend before they find out and would rather they know by then so we can focus on them and supporting them through the results of their cycle whatever the outcome, think they find out a fortnight on Monday so not long, really hoping they get lucky, maybe even they will get twins!

Thanks for the advice Pinkandfluffy and Penguin, it is nice to have someone say what you think especially in a situation like this, really hoping they are lucky this time as dont know how long they have to wait for the next attempt - they get 3 goes here.

Have a great Saturday, will catch you all later tomorrow
I totally agree with the other ladies moggy.. I would try and tell them first before other people so you can guarantee they won't hear it 2nd hand. FX they will be celebrating themselves soon! x
hi everyone, did ya mis me? lol, moggy im also witht he others is best to be upfront and tell them before anyone else does. not much happening here, except the snow has been washed away by the rain and i can go out:happydance:, bad news is its meant to be back on tuesday:wacko:
Hi ladies :flower:

Been to York today - bit of a nightmare, DH suggested we go by train so he could have a drink at lunch and stuff (I don't drive...). Little did I know there were some buses instead of trains due to railworks so it has been a bit of an epic!

Met up with friends while they were in York - they are normally in Lancaster which is a bit of a journey! Had lunch and a shop about and a nice day :thumbup: she got me some nice baby-related things for Christmas (belated - we've not seen them to swap presents sooner!) some non-alcoholic wine and a lovely little box with things in to record details of pregnancy/baby and memories, really cute.

Now home and SHATTERED!!!!! Hoping you are all having an MS free day :hugs:

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