2010 Bumps & Flushes & Dimples

Your day sounds lovely hun. We went round to friends for a meal and I'm just getting so fed up with making excuses for not eating much and not drinking. I can't wait to let everyone know. x
Hi Ladies! Moggmay, I agree with the others, best not to tell anyone because they'd probably be upset either way if they found out that you didn't tell them to be sensitive (my sister had this dilemma over christmas, she got engaged on Christmas day when her best friend came back from the US the day before because she'd split up with her fiance (who she's been with for 13 years). She decided to wait a few days before telling her and then her other friends because she didn't want to upset her (but then knew that she'd be really upset if she thought that she hadn't been told because of her situation iykwim?). Hopefully the IVF will be successful and then you can all celebrate together, fingers crossed.

I had my scan on Friday, it all went really well, we saw the heartbeat straight away :happydance: , flashing at 134bpm, she said this was normal? The relief I felt was amazing, after all of the cramps I'd had I was sure something had to be wrong. They've dated me at 7+5 now, due August 31st. DH's face was a picture, August bank holiday is THE busiest day of the year for him at work... whoops! :blush: Anyway, it was SO worth the £99, I've relaxed so much since and am sleeping better already. I've got some pictures, it really does look like a jellybean with a heart sticking out the front! I'll try and get our scanner working this week so I can show you, although its nothing like as amazing as DeDe and pinkandfluffy's pictures!

Off for a walk on the beach with my friends now - two of them want to swim??!! Insane in my opinion, but it will be a giggle watching them! They guessed straight away (one had even bought me a present - 'This little piggy went to Prada' nursery rhymes book!). I'm not that upset that they guessed now I know there's a heartbeat, they're my best friends, so I'd probably tell them if something went wrong anyway.

Hope everyone has a lovely Sunday! We might go to the cinema tonight (me and DH), any suggestions?
That's great news Mrs Mils! Can't wait to see the scan! Mine is next Saturday and I can't wait. I'm getting weird feelings in my lower tummy today, it's only in one spot by my pubic line and almost feels like a bruise. Anyone else had this? x
HI ladies...

pinkandfluffy- sounds like you ahd a great day hun...

fish&chips- I know how you feel about the makign excuses.....i found it sooo hard when expecting Jac...especially as i like my pint - so it felt like i was hiding away for 12 weeks and people were wondering where i was LOL....but this time round it's so much easier to hide as i rarely go out now and have the excuse of looking after Jac.

MrsMils- Glad your scan went well hun...post pics when you can.

Well....i saw my midwife this morning and it went really well. I know her from my last pregnancy so it felt personal which is really nice. She did mention that i can go for a VBAC if i wanted this time ....but i told her i'm edging towards an elective c-section....especially from my last experience and from what ive read up on this week. I'll discuss with a consultant at 32 weeks...but it seems it is my choice which way i want to go. I get to see her before my next scan for bloods and all that...even though i did them all last time.....but it's more to chech my iron levels after having Jac.
My worries about my twinges have gone now and i havent had any spotting of any sorts so i didnt mention anything to her.....i'm convincing myself if i could wait till 12 weeks last time to check on the baby.... i can do it again this time.:thumbup:

Exactly, not long now anyway - do you have a date to look forward to?

Seems wierd to think last time we waited to the first scan and had no worries etc, this time I am still paranoid and until I see lil one on the screen I still worry he/she could have fallen out - not sure how but YKWIM - I hope - either that or Im going mad.....?

Decision is we will tell them on Thursday evening if all goes well at the scan and then we will tell everyone else after the weekend, that way they get some time to process it before they are confronted by everyone else discussing it...

Only change will be if they have the embryos put back in on the Saturday as we dont want to cause them any stress etc. Hopefully they harvest the eggs tomorrow and they go back in on Weds, she has to rest for 24 hours and then can get up and go so to speak.

Still worried about doing the right thing but we have to tell everyone at some point and last time everyone knew by now as we told them after the first scan which was 11.6, this time scan is 12.5 so later but hopefully it means we will see more cos B is bigger?

Anyway off to the garden centre with OH and lil mogster now so he can see the bunnies then going to do a spot of puddlejumping as he loves to jump in the puddles and its such a lovely day now be nice to be outside for a change after all the cold!

Have a great day ladies!

Forgot to say :wohoo: for 12 weeks
Fish&chips - sorry hun i missed your post earlier. Hmmmm i dont know....could it actualy be some sort of bruise... in a moment of passion or something? :blush: I worried last week of some localised twinges i had.....felt like i pulled a muscle when i moved over in bed...i still think they're preg related but this morning i felt to the side of my c-section scar and it feels a bit tender and that's where i felt the aches before....maybve somethings going on underneath iykwim ......similar to what you feel maybe :shrug: :wacko:

moggymay - i know what you mean....i dont have the feeling that bubs has fallen out but worried that after all this time nothing will be there iykwim ....like ive imagined it all :wacko: Oh...my scan is on 19th Feb.....less than 5 weeks away....tic toc....
Try not to worry to much about your friends hun...they will be ok (im sure they've dealt with it before if they've come to this point iykwim)...you could end up masking your exciting news and you dont want to do that as this is so special for you.:hugs:
Hope you ahd a good time with the bunnies and puddles :thumbup:

Thanks hun. It's gone now so I'm not sure what that was all about! xx
Moggymay - :dance::dance::dance::dance::dance: for being 12 weeks ..... sorry i forgot to write it yesterday...me bad...forgive me :blush:

This afternoon is going to be so weird.....i take Jac to Nursery for the first time for 2 1/2 hours for his 1st test run and familiarity time.....it's going to be soooo weird being home alone especially tilll hubby comes home form work at 2.30..:wacko: wish me luck LOL

thanks Penguin, my new one is :wohoo: 3 sleeps!

Jac will have a whale of a time at nursery, it will break your heart to see him if he cries when you leave but then he may bry when you come to take him home cos he doesnt want to leave. He will have a ball with all the other children and he will defo benefit from having to share the adult, good practice for sharing Mummy with lil Penguino or lil Penguinetta :hugs:
How weird.....i was also thinking only 3 sleeps to go today for me...but mine is for going back to work.........boooooo :haha:

I know Jac will be fine.......i don't even think he'll cry at all...and i doubt he will when he gets to realise where he's going on a regular basis iykwim.....he's always been good with people and never been scared to go to someone for hugs attention and all that.......it'll be heartbreaking that he's not bothered that i leave him but better all round.
I love your names for new baby penguin...penguino or Penguinetta :haha: :thumbup:

last time around our bump was bambino or bambinetta this time its B!

Hard for you that he wont cry but so much better for him - he will be coming home with pictures he did for Mummy! Im a bit jealous even though lil Mogster draws them for me, when they come home from playgroup with one they did without you it is soo special - even if to the outsider it is just scribble, to a Mummy its is scribble full of love
I know it's good for him...because at a push my parents would probably look after him everyday for me (3 days) but i dont want him to be a burden on them as they are mid 60s .....and i think nursery can be a good thing for Jac to mix with other children and adults. So in this dumb brain of mine i know i'm doing the right thing.

I dropped him off and i had a lump in my throat. :cry:... he looked a bit confused as to where he was and what was happening but he was fine....actually quite nosy :haha:
I think he's having a whale of a time by now :muaha:

If i get a huge smile when i pick him up i'll be happy :hugs:

He loved it :thumbup:...and they we're so impressed how good/happy he was. Didn't get much of a second glance when i came through the door though....but he was filling his face with a snack :haha: (that's my excuse!)

And they managed to get him to nap which i wasnt sure if he would. I'm so happy it went sooooo well. We have another trial run on Friday morning.......i bet Jac can't wait :haha:
Thanks for the massive encouragement/support moggymay :hugs::hugs:

Oh...next step is swine flu jab tomrrow morning.......i spoke to my mW yesterday and she recommended i wait till 12 weeks to have mine which i was going to do anyway. Are you having yours hun?

Im having mine soon as I get thru the scan and hit 2nd tri, Mogster had his last week and no side effects at all - just remember the bribery chocolate buttons! Dose of Calpol before bed was all we needed and even that was more us thinking it would help than him wanting it!

Glad he had fun at playgroup, will make it easier for you when you go back to work. Happy baby is happy Mummy and happy Mummy is relaxed and one day nearer her scan of Penguinetta/Penguino!

Panicing now cos flight to states was 1 hour 25 late taking off, if it is the same coming home we may have issues with the scan as the scanroom is child free during the Nuchal Scan and our usual two babysitters are both busy thursday pm.....starting to think I will have to turn up with Mogster and make up story about babysitters children being ill with tummy bug so last minute drop out, fingers crossed everyone that his flight is on time thursday morning!

Any news from anyone else today?

Good luck for tomorrows scans :hugs:
Glad Jac enjoyed it hun :thumbup:

No news from me - telling work next Tuesday as have agreed to let the other girl on my team go first and her scan is on Monday (I am putting it off as long as poss to be honest :haha:)

Work was nice and dull.......lol...these 5 day weeks are killing me had lots of random days off before crimbo lol.... boooooo!!!

Hope you are all well :hugs:
Moggymay - I bought the choccy buttons the other day...thanks for the tip hun :thumbup: Try not to worry about the flight...i'm sure he'll make it on time.

Glad Jac enjoyed it hun :thumbup:

No news from me - telling work next Tuesday as have agreed to let the other girl on my team go first and her scan is on Monday (I am putting it off as long as poss to be honest :haha:)

Work was nice and dull.......lol...these 5 day weeks are killing me had lots of random days off before crimbo lol.... boooooo!!!

Hope you are all well :hugs:

Thanks hun..
I know how you feel.....deep down i dont give a s**t what work thinks but then again i dont want the crappy response either iykwim...i was the same last time though. Don't worry hun it'll be ok. :thumbup:

I'm so glad i'm going back 3 1/2 days...going from 0 day to 5 days would kill me :haha:

HI ladies....

I feel like pretty rubbish today..:cry:.....i have a cold and a sore throat....it came over me really quickly last night.
Bloody typical....i'm off work for nearly 10 months and nothing....the week i go back to work i get a damn cold....there's something to be said work making me feel like crap :haha:

Glad Jac had a good time hun! Gotta run as have a friend around in a minute but love to you all! x

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