Since noone has replied to the birth plan question, does that mean that noone has written one yet?
Afternoon ladies,
MW appointment yesterday. Went well although I did get the impression from the MW that she thinks LO might be a bit earlier than his due date. He is measuring 39cm, but she thinks that could also be due to the fact that his bottom is sticking out.Heartbeat, BP and urine were fine, next appointment is in two weeks.
Go for yellow...they look much nicer once they've been used. I got the 12pk white ones with Jac- muct say they are a godsend but they do look a bit yucky i have so more in yellow and they're much nicerI'm debating whether to get cream or yellow muslin squares. Just can't decide. Am wondering if the cream ones can be washed hotter than the yellow ones? Argh, I just don't know.![]()