2010 Bumps & Flushes & Dimples

Brigitte last time I checked I had put on 35lbs so we sound about the same. :hugs:

Glad things are going well Moggy!

All my 'symptoms' seemed to have gone now so obviously finishing work was very wise. Might go for a long walk today though to see if I can get things going again. x
Glad you're feeling better Ann:flower:, hopefully a walk might get things moving! Nothing I'm doing is having any effect whatsoever, I'm positive that this little one is not going to be coming out until it is well and truly ready! (Which is probably a good thing as we STILL can't decide on girls names!:dohh:).

Moggy - I can't believe you're able to be on here when you've now got two little boys to look after - you're my inspiration!!! :thumbup:

I have put on well over 40lbs now, I'm pretty sure that most of it is to do with the amount of doughnuts that I'm eating.... I had to throw my last two of the packet in the bin as I was worried that I'd eat them, I ate 3 yesterday...:blush:

Have a lovely weekend everyone! Who do we think is going to have a baby this coming week??!!
Thanks Mrsmils. So much for going for a walk, it's tipping it down.. grr. One minute though I'm wanting him to come out and the next I'm not so I guess I should just try and not think about it. Bit hard when I'm looking after the Sept Stars page and updating all the birth notices!!!

Also.. when I said I had put on 35lbs I kinda didn't mention that I lost 9lbs in the first trimester so really since loosing that I have put on 44lbs! No wonder I was told to cut down on the sugar!! lol x
Thanks hun, that makes me feel better! I was lucky enough not to get any MS, so I've been piling on the pounds from the start!!

I keep wanting to go for a walk, but same here, its tipping it down every half an hour, the dog came home from my in-laws looking like she'd actually been swimming yesterday - I then felt very guilty for asking FIL to take her for a walk! I love going out for a waddle, but with this SPD, even a 15 minute amble leaves me in agony later on that evening, so it doesn't seem worth it most of the time. Bouncing on my gym ball will have to do for now!

Does anyone know - does the baby's heartbeat slow down a bit towards the end of pregnancy? I was watching it today as it was lying in the right position for me to see and it seems a lot slower than say a couple of months ago. I think it might just be me being paranoid though! (Its moving around and wriggling as usual).

Friend has just loaned me "Remember Me" and "He's just not that into you" so I think I may have a chick-flick afternoon rather than sorting out our junk room!!! (Which was my plan!).
gotta love parental leave for Daddy's! Mogster just finishing lunch and watching bikes with Daddy, me n Jack are here to catch up....:hi:

Star little men were in bed by 7.15, Mogster slept til 6.45am today and bubs was up by 10 for a feed, then at 2, 4, and 5.30! :dohh: So far today have been inot Cambridge to get Mogster new shoes and little man is doing better on spacing feeds further apart, we are aiming for 3 hourly by end of week one - Monday and then to try to increase the gap at night.... He is a hungry guzzler and milk only just getting established...

I think its a girl next, was thinking Brig tbh...:shrug: lil Fishy is gonna be a few days early and MrsM have you down for after Claire...who knows though, saw my doc the other day when registered Jack and said what happened to his prediction of 16 July :dohh:
Cant believe how much baby/fluid/gunk etc fits in our bumps - where does everything that is normally in there go?:shrug:

I can help with this one :haha: - https://www.msichicago.org/whats-he...our-beginning/make-room-for-baby/interactive/
Hi Jack!!!! Wowee Moggy - I'm so impressed that you're out and about already! Feeds sound pretty reasonable to me, I'm going to read that book again and remind myself about what to do/when to do it, so I can hopefully avoid asking you a million and one questions when the baby is here!

My Mum has gone from saying the baby will be early to saying it will now be late, urgh! I just can't wait to meet him or her! I think I'll be in September, which is good for school year etc, but probably not the best for my sanity!!

Brig - you ready to meet Peyton??!!
Cant believe how much baby/fluid/gunk etc fits in our bumps - where does everything that is normally in there go?:shrug:

I can help with this one :haha: - https://www.msichicago.org/whats-he...our-beginning/make-room-for-baby/interactive/

Thats awesome! No wonder I have to eat every hour rather than a proper meal - my stomach is practically in my neck!!:shrug:

How are you and Dylan getting on?
I agree that Brigitte is going to be next. Plus she's posted in Sept Stars that she's been getting lots of cramps... oohhhh!!

Moggy I agree that it's so impressive that you've been out and about!

had lovely rant at some bloke in an xc90 who took the last baby space when was out with them both - he had a boy as tall as me! a-hem BABY space!!!:dohh: so frustrating as extra driving round to be able to park and get out of the car!

cmon lil lady Peyton we want to see you...:happydance:
im def 10 sleeps:happydance:

I'm so jealous!!! How exciting!

Moggy - I'd have lost it with him:gun:. Typical car too.... (Not that I can talk, I drive a 4x4 sometimes, but I do live in the middle of nowhere and make it my mission to get off the road if I need to pass another car, unlike a lot of the other 4x4 drivers around my way...).

Just popped out to my local baby shop (well, its not particularly local at 40 minutes away, but its the closest one!), they now know me well enough to give me 10% off anything full price!! Nice surprise!! Bought a cute 'peas in the pod' rattle to cheer me up (as well as some sheets that I needed), I'm slightly embarrassed that I obviously shop too much:blush:, but a nice treat at the checkout (thank goodness I didn't know that when I was shopping or I'd have gone mad!!)
I would have lost it too! I see it all the time. People just completely ignore the fact they are parent and baby/child spaces. Every time we go to our supermarket I see them being abused. Apparently you can get stickers from a campaign which you can whack on the offending car. If I'm not using them yet and am struggling to walk, they sure as hell shouldn't be blimen using them! Grrr..
Hi Ladies!!

Thank you for sharing your weight stories...it made me feel a little better...only thing is Lydia and Ann...I saw pictures of you two on FB and you are both very slim so 35-40lbs is expected. I was chunky so I really didn't expect to gain 35lbs. Everyone keeps telling me it's all i nthe belly though?? So who knows what will happen after P is born!? :shrug:

Speaking of which...you ladies are freaking me out! :haha: Peyton can come out and meet her mommy and daddy in about a week and a half I think! then I will be ready! :haha: But yes...I have been getting moderate period like cramps at the bottom of my bump, my pelvis REALLY hurts, I can't sleep and my BH contractions are getting painful? :shrug: But to be honest...I don't know if I'll be next!? I think it might be costgang if she has only 10 sleeps!

Ooooh Brig - sounds like progress at least - I haven't had any signs whatsoever!!! The other evening I thought I did, but it turned out I just needed the loo!! :blush: Have you got much more to do then Brig?

I'm not sure that being slim to start with is supposed to make a difference, I certainly don't need all of this weight on my thighs and chin!!! Never mind, I can't worry about it now, I'll wait until after the baby until I start stressing!!
Well that's exactly it Lydia...not the time now to start stressing about weight right? As much as it sucks we have bigger things to think about!

Everything is pretty much done. Now I just have to give our place a really good cleaning. Some odds and ends are out of place, mop the floors, vacuum the car and install the car seat. Nothing that is MAJOR...if Peyton is born now... her bassinet and crib are ready all her clothes is washed her room is set up. Just a few things left to put on the walls.

Oh...as for eating...I am eating all the time as well. I am addicted to the chocolate chip muffins from Tim Hortons! lol
You're all more pregnant than I was when I gave birth now :happydance:

Brig don't worry too much. I swear my waters broke and I was instantly two stone lighter... LITERALLY my belly shrunk and when we got out of the car to go into the hospital, my pj bottoms were falling down :rofl:

Cant wait to see who is next! Oh and I got so excited the first time we parked in a parent and child bay at the shops... :blush:

Lydia it's so cool you get 10% off now!! I need that for Mothercare and Next!

Moggy, so glad you're all doing ok!! I still try not to leave the house if I can help it cos I don't know how i'll manage to bf in public yet... :dohh: I can barely manage to get him latched on first time at home, nekkid, with my bf'ing pillow to hold him up!! I have bf'ing tops etc but my arms ache really quickly and I have to get my whole boob out to squeeze it to get milk flowing/hold it away from his face so he doesn't suffocate :dohh:
I would happily walk further to the shop if there was a safe pathway and bigger spaces with guaranteed access to the car, I worry about Mogster running off into traffic whilst we get Moglet out if we cant get a baby spot. It would be a lot easier if ALL spaces were bigger though :shrug:

Yas - it is worth trying out a BF cafe or support group, you gain in confidence the more you do it :thumbup: Its also nice if youre out with another mummy who BF's as you can do it together - tbh I find a glare stops most folks watching or glancing at you in amazement/disgust/who knows what....or the simple but blunt "Would you like me to move slightly so you can get a better gawp?" Again it is the selfish few that make you feel awkward BFing in public but you should be able to find the local BF friendly places to go and it does get easier - honestly! When K gets to 8lb you will notice a marked difference to the 6lber you started out with. It amazes me that it took days to establish feeding with Mogster and weeks for me to feel confidence doing it even at home and this time with J as he is so much bigger he knows what he is doing and it is quicker and easier than with Mogster was at a few weeks even now at a few days! Bizarre but it honestly is worth persevering, it is just so much harder with a little one :hugs:

Its true about the weight and the fluid - I felt like I lost pints of fluid on the kitchen floor at home, down the loo, in a trail down the hospital reception/corridor/stairs - was scared I might get stuck in the lift and yet still there was more to leak in the delivery room to the extent I just was stood on a towel/pad/mat a lot of the first hour in hospital - gravity always helps though :thumbup:

Mogster and Moglet both in bed by 7.15 again, more washing though - where does it all come from????? Bit of TV wit hubby then off to bed whereupon Moglet will awaken just like magic and if last night is anything to go by demand feeding then take an hour to go back to sleep :dohh: Dont mind though as I could just look at him for hours and I got a good 4 hours sleeop last night if you add it all up 15 mins here and a 2 hour stretch there, dont mind being up early but hope he makes 6am tomorrow....

Have J's PUK test and newborn hearing screening booked for tomorrow morning at hospital, be strange as we have only seen MW once the morning after we got home so far and we arent due to see one til we're discharged to HV on 23rd - she flies home the 21st! Yas/Lia - how much have you seen MW?

:hugs: to all hope you are all doing well, still thinking Brig is next....:flower:
mamabird dont worry bout the weight, i was over 15 stone before i started, i still say it was josh baby weight,hmmmm:haha:

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