I would happily walk further to the shop if there was a safe pathway and bigger spaces with guaranteed access to the car, I worry about Mogster running off into traffic whilst we get Moglet out if we cant get a baby spot. It would be a lot easier if ALL spaces were bigger though
Yas - it is worth trying out a BF cafe or support group, you gain in confidence the more you do it

Its also nice if youre out with another mummy who BF's as you can do it together - tbh I find a glare stops most folks watching or glancing at you in amazement/disgust/who knows what....or the simple but blunt "Would you like me to move slightly so you can get a better gawp?" Again it is the selfish few that make you feel awkward BFing in public but you should be able to find the local BF friendly places to go and it does get easier - honestly! When K gets to 8lb you will notice a marked difference to the 6lber you started out with. It amazes me that it took days to establish feeding with Mogster and weeks for me to feel confidence doing it even at home and this time with J as he is so much bigger he knows what he is doing and it is quicker and easier than with Mogster was at a few weeks even now at a few days! Bizarre but it honestly is worth persevering, it is just so much harder with a little one
Its true about the weight and the fluid - I felt like I lost pints of fluid on the kitchen floor at home, down the loo, in a trail down the hospital reception/corridor/stairs - was scared I might get stuck in the lift and yet still there was more to leak in the delivery room to the extent I just was stood on a towel/pad/mat a lot of the first hour in hospital - gravity always helps though
Mogster and Moglet both in bed by 7.15 again, more washing though - where does it all come from????? Bit of TV wit hubby then off to bed whereupon Moglet will awaken just like magic and if last night is anything to go by demand feeding then take an hour to go back to sleep

Dont mind though as I could just look at him for hours and I got a good 4 hours sleeop last night if you add it all up 15 mins here and a 2 hour stretch there, dont mind being up early but hope he makes 6am tomorrow....
Have J's PUK test and newborn hearing screening booked for tomorrow morning at hospital, be strange as we have only seen MW once the morning after we got home so far and we arent due to see one til we're discharged to HV on 23rd - she flies home the 21st! Yas/Lia - how much have you seen MW?

to all hope you are all doing well, still thinking Brig is next....