2010 Bumps & Flushes & Dimples

Quiet in here - you ladies must all be very busy with your gorgeous babies :cloud9: - I'm so jealous! I hope you're all really well and enjoying the long weekend :thumbup:

Ann - I'm not sure whether thats a sign of anything? But in my book at the moment I take EVERYTHING as a sign!!! Anything else over the weekend? :shrug:

Has anyone heard from DeDe? I hope she's ok, I think she's due today?

I had a lovely day out shopping with my Mum yesterday, bought some new shoes! :blush: I thought that the long day/walking would leave me in agony with my SPD last night, but randomly my pelvis hasn't been hurting at all?! Again, I'm taking that as a sign that somethings changing!!! :haha:

Off swimming now with my sisters and nephews - I wonder if that might get things going?:haha:
Oooh new shoes!!! What are they like? The Oedema in my feet has got so much better in the last few weeks but my shoes still don't fit. I think they may have grown as well. Oh well... guess I'll have to buy loads of new ones!!!

That's great news about your SPD not giving you grief. I reckon it's a good sign too. Our bodies are clever things and I'm guessing your stretched ligaments are now where they should be? Either way it's a good thing!

Other signs? I've been getting lots of cramps and BHs yesterday along with back ache so thought things were going to happen in the night (again) but nope, however I'm still getting the odd cramp today and generally feeling like I'm about to come on my period with that heavy feeling you get. Still not convinced it's anything as I've felt this all before. Also like you, now I'm so close to Sept I'm kinda thinking it would be nice to just make it a few more days! No pleasing some people I guess!!

Oh and can you remember my car dilemma (we only have the one)? Well my Dad has suggested that we take his Mondeo off his hands as he's planning on getting a new one! All we have to do is give him the money when the time comes to sell it! I love my Dad!

Hope all you ladies are doing well with your gorgeous babies. I'm loving the photos on FB!

Great news about the car ann - mine has been a godsend, and to think I didn't want one!!

Have been having the last of the visitors so been awol - and been making lots of mummy and baby friends locally!!!

Dylan doing well, getting some sleep of an evening which is nice! Typing one handed so brief, as Dyl is still surgically attached to me lol. Picking up a wrap tomorrow so hoping I can move about more without him telling me off lol!

Hope all mums / babies and bumps are doing well - get on those bouncing balls :haha:
I'm reading but not typing usually cos K is always attached to my boobicle too!!

How are the new mummies getting on?? Pip, Claire, Brig, Sarah??

Lia and Moggy I miss how much we used to be able to chat, these babies sure are demanding :rofl:

Ann and Lydia GET BOUNCING/WALKING/DTDing/Whatever it takes!! I neeeeeeeeed more babies to love on :rofl:
Oh and as for us... K is six weeks old today :happydance: when did that happen?! It's flying by soooooooo fast, he is now nearly 11lb and very chunky and cuddly and heavy :D he's just gorgeous and touch wood, a very good baby generally... he's sleeping really well at night (9-2 usually then 3-6) so we're both more rested and happier now xx
Girls, I'm impressed you even have time to read, let alone do some one-handed typing!! :thumbup: I'm so pleased babies are doing well!

I hope the sling gives you a little more freedom Lia, I convinced DH to let me buy one the other day - I got a Close one as we had 20% off at mothercare. My sister has also given me her BabyBjorn one, but it didn't look very comfy and I'm hoping to use it a fair bit around the house etc.

Yas - WOOHOO - 6 weeks - how did that happen?! Glad the sleeping is going well, it must make you feel so much more human if you've had a better night's sleep. Saw the latest pics on fb, he really is chubbing up isn't he? Absolutely gorgeous! :happydance:

Ann, they all sound like good signs, but yes, like you I'd definitely like to drag it out until the 1st - but no longer!! Demanding, moi?!! Shoes aren't too exciting, just some black flats from M&S, but they're wider fit ones, so really comfy:thumbup:, as I was about t o pay I saw another pair, in my size, reduced from £40 to £9! It would have been rude not too... :haha:

I'm bouncing away, going for a walk this afternoon (hoping that it doesn't kick the SPD back into action...) and will request to DTD tomorrow probably, DH is shattered from such a busy weekend, so I'm doubting he'll be too enthusiastic about it tonight!
Hi: all - busy with growth spurt and wrist number 2 out of action. Weigh in tomorrow at booby juice group! :hugs:

More babies please - have we had any due date ones yet?
Hi Moggy! I hope your wrist gets better asap. I wonder how big he's going to be tomorrow after your gold-top?! :haha:

Due tomorrow, apart from you Moggy I think everyone has been early? So I guess that means the chances are that I'm going to be late... :nope:

Just been for a walk with the dog, something has definitely changed, I was actually able to walk at a reasonable pace, which I haven't been able to do for a good couple of months. With that and my SPD being better for a day it had better not mean that the baby has un-engaged - can they do that?! Its been engaged for at least 8 weeks, so this would be typical:growlmad:. I see the midwife tomorrow, so I guess I'll find out then.
even if bubs had unengaged lydia some only engage at labour so dont worry :hugs: dont know if mine was engaged :shrug:

good sleeping from kia :thumbup:

moggy / yas - will dylan go longer between feeds as he chubs up??? sometimes I am still feeding very often :dohh:

another one handed hello all :flower:

ps - went out for lunch with friends and dyl today he was so good, felt normal again :haha:
Lydia and Ann, just think if they come after September they will be the oldest in their yeargroups at school instead of the youngest... :thumbup:

Moggy can't wait to hear what he weighs tomorrow!!! Is your wrist out because of carpal tunnel?? Mine is still pretty ouchie especially at night and I struggle to support him while BFing without a pillow, but nowhere remotely near like it was when I was preg and it's slowly but surely going away- hope yours does too xxx

Lydia, I wasn't engaged and my bump hadn't dropped when I went into labour- was examined and my cervix was totally closed etc and right back- and 20 hours later he was here... so don't fret too much. Maybe you're walking easier BECAUSE the bump has dropped? Or the baby has dropped/engaged more than you realise??

Lia, yeah he will deffo go for longer between feeds as he gets bigger and his belly can hold more.. the last two weeks have been much better for me. He feeds 3-4 hourly throughout the day now for about 20-40 mins. And only once in the night :happydance: from 9-6ish :D but that's a relatively new thing, long may it last! It happened when I moved him on to his tummy to sleep... i was terrified of doing so because of the 'babies must sleep on their backs' advice, but he was waking up every hour and wouldn't go to sleep unless he was in arms- now I can put him down on his tum when he's sleepy and he goes straight off and stays asleep. But that said he's had two growth spurts so far, at 3 weeks and a few days ago, where each time he has been feeding the ENTIRE day at least every 1.5 hours!
Thanks hun - so good to be able to 'compare notes' as it were!!!!

Had such a good night the last 2 nights with Dylan. Got some 3 hour gaps in his night-time waking, and a 4 hour once....I woke up after 4 hours sleep and couldn't figure out why I was awake as Dylan wasn't :rofl:

But during the day he is still feeding quite regularly at the moment, and he doesn't feed for very long at all but I can't make him stay on longer lol...:blush:

Loving the new pics of Kia. And was just looking at the pics of little peyton again awww :flower:

Ladies awaiting the babies - are you making the most of time with your OHs? Because I missed out on going to see Inception at the cinema lol and can't go now :haha:
hello all.....missed you :flower:

Been home since saturday afternoon.....still settling in with 2 under 2 but getting there :thumbup: Loving being a mum of 2 even though its sooo hard at times :cloud9:
Jac is doing really well with Ana considering his age and his lack of understanding...we have to watch like a hawk but i hope we can trust him more in a few weeks time. Settled down to 3-4 hourly feeds which is good and have settled on 12am and 4am ish nightly feeds last few nights :thumbup:
Having to take it mega easy after the section and hubby is looking after us all which is stressful in itself poor thing. Healing slowly but feel better than i did after Jac as i think i know my limits more this time....sorry ive rambled on :dohh: Making up for lost time maybe LOL
We'll get our first weigh in stuff on wednesday...i have a big eater on my hands so dont think she'll have lost any weight :blush:

Moggy - I remember the growth spurts well..... feels like ur feeding 24/7 LOL hope youre all ok at the moggy household :hugs: Oh...cant wait to hear about the weigh in..

Yas - Happy 6 weeks birthday to K :happydance:

Lia - Glad the night are gettimng easier...there's nothing better than getting an extra few hours sleep :thumbup:

ann - The signs sound promising hun.....hopfully not long now :thumbup: great news about the car :happydance:

Lydia - Maybe your LO will be the 1st to arrive on due date hun...especially with the signs:winkwink:

Pip - congrats hun.....dont think i got a chance to post :hugs:

Brig - Hope you and Peyton are doing ok hun

Oh and can you remember my car dilemma (we only have the one)? Well my Dad has suggested that we take his Mondeo off his hands as he's planning on getting a new one! All we have to do is give him the money when the time comes to sell it! I love my Dad!

Awesome!!! How exciting! I think it will make a real difference when LO arrives :thumbup:
Hi Claire! So pleased you're taking it easy and getting on well now you're home - fab news! Great that Jac is dealing with it all well too - looking forward to more pics of them both on FB! :happydance:
Evening ladies,

Just a quick one to let you know that we are doing okay, but have just been too occupied with :baby:. I am loving being a mummy, although it still hasn't quite sunk in yet.

Can't belive that a week ago exactly tomorrow morning at 8.45 my waters broke and our little sunshine was on his way. :cloud9:

Hope you girls who are still waiting for your little bundles will get there soon.

Will try to get my birth story done tomorrow before I cannot remember all the details.

Good night.
Claire and Pip lovely to hear from you both glad you are doing well :hugs:

Off over the pennines in the mummy mobile today, first long(ish!) journey / motorway proper - wish me luck!
good luck - you probably already there by now tho :dohh:

J put on 12oz since last week so all good, hugging 98th centile curve nicely - at this weight Mogster was 11 weeks old :wacko:
7 more minutes and it has been a week exactly since I gave birth to our little sunshine. :cloud9:

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