Brilliant news Brig!!! Well done!
Ann - I was confused about them, so asked at my last appointment, but 3/5 is better than 4/5 (she told me that 4/5 was hanging around the brim and that 2/5 was as engaged as I was going to get until labour started). So 3/5 is good news!

And you'll have your sweep before me, they wouldn't let me even consider having one until I was a week over?! Lucky you!
No news from me, not even a hint at labour! Off to MILs for supper, surely thats enough to bring on some contractions??!! (Sorry, thats mean

I'm turning into a very angry person, I literally have NO patience left with anything/anyone. I JUST WANT THIS BABY OUT AND IF ONE MORE PERSON ASKS ME "have you not had it yet?" I'M GOING TO PUNCH THEM, DOES IT LOOK LIKE I'VE HAD IT?????!!!!!
Ahhhh, that feels better! I really don't know that I can take another week and a half of this. Sorry ladies - just needing to vent otherwise I'll cry again! (I cried this morning because I got a bit of mascara on my eyelid - thats how emotional I am at the moment!!)
Thanks everyone for putting up with me!