2010 Bumps & Flushes & Dimples

I have not heard from DeDe. I sent her quite a few PM's, but no response yet. She hasn't been on since 22nd August, which makes me think that she probably had her little one and is just really busy with him.
Looking forward to hearing from F&C about her sweep...:coffee:

To the breastfeeding mummies: How often do or did you feed your little ones at about two weeks old during the day?

At night, S feeds about every three hours and sleeps the rest of the time, but during the day, he doesn't drink as much in one go and only settles for shorter periods. :shrug:

J goes at least 2.5hours between feeds in the day and then has a feed at 7pm ish then gores to bed, he will wake then around 11pm and 3am then it is random how long he sleeps after that. If he has a long feed at 7pm he can easily just wake once only before the 5am wake up call.

My little man celebrated being 4 weeks old today by having a 30 minute poo! Mogster was helping me change a wet nappy when he started pooping and continued to do so on and off for the next half hour :dohh:

Currently loving his swing and his big brother :cloud9:
Well ladies, I had my MW appointment today for my sweep. I mentioned that I've been a bit wet down there and she sent me to the hospital to be checked. Well it's just discharge, the baby is not as engaged as my mw thought and my cervix is so high she couldn't do the sweep. :(

The lady said it looks like I'm a way off yet. My mw is booking me in for another attempted sweep on Thursday and then an induction for the 14th if it's free. It is looking like I may not get the birth centre and birthing pool that I really want.

On the very much plus side, little fishy is very healthy with a good heart beat! We saw him on the scan and he's gorgeous. Also they put a belt on me and I was getting BHs every 5 minutes so my body is very good at practicing.

Well at least now I will stop looking for signs constantly and can hopefully relax a bit. My dh has promised me a nice take out on Weds so that we have something to look forward to.

Pip - Dylan did and still mostly does feed every 2 hours during the day, and not much different at night. Might get 3 hours if I'm lucky :dohh: One night, I got a 4 hour block, and I woke myself up as I had no idea why he hadn't woke up lol.

Moggy - 30 min poo omg!!!!!!

Ann - sorry bubs is not ready to make an appearance - but excellent news that all is well and healthy :thumbup:
F&C - on the positive side when a baby is ready to come your body can do it in the best way it ever would IYKWIM, if you get to induction on 14th you potentially could have a baby sharing a birthday with my little bro and induction is likely to go smoothly as the body is primed and ready and the baby a good gestation

On the uber positive side I was told at 10.15am I was not in labour with Mogster, that i was experiencing BH's and had an irritable uterus - he was in my arms by 11.55am Just because it doesnt look like little Fishy is gonna come soon both Pip and I are proof it can just happen and your body take over!

Main thing for you to do now is have a treat each day to look forward to and to enjoy being just you whilst you can, in a weeks time it will take ten times longer to do anything and you will no longer be able to put yourself first - you will have little Fishy there though so it wont matter a bit - even if he does a 30 minute poo!

I reckon you will go before the 14th but that may be me hoping you both have babies on Wednesday - it would be 8.9.10

Chin up whislt you wait for fishy you could look into the boat with an airstrip at the midpoint between us all....:wacko:

Can send you my lucky ball if you want...bounced on it just once and waters went later that day...? If you want me to PM your addy and will ask OH to post tomorrow! x
Hi Ladies!

Pip: P is feeding every 3 hours during the day and at night she is up every 4 hours or sometimes 4 and a half. Since I am trying to fatten her up my Midwife said it was fine to let her sleep longer at night but during the day be sure to feed her every 3 hours.

As for birth control. DH and I will no longer be relying on condoms alone even though they have been foolproof so far. Before we didn't care if we got pregnant on accident since we knew we wanted one child. We never got pregnant till we actually tried...but still. The thought of 2 babies scares the shit out of me. So when I see my GP at 6-8 weeks I will asked to be fitted for a diaphragm. I figure that and condoms should be ok!?

and by the way...you ladies crack me up with your talk of cruiseships and the likes! lol

Ann: I think little fishy will be here real soon!! xo

Thanks ladies. To be honest Moggy it's kinda nice now thinking he's going to be ages as we can both switch off a bit and relax. Having said that your words have really helped :hugs: I still really hope he'll be here before so I don't have to have an induction though. Oh and thanks for the offer of the lucky ball!!! lol!! We have a ball here but unfortunately it's not a lucky one! xx
Oh Ann, I'm disappointed for you! That is exactly what I was saying to DH tonight - I bet my cervix is so high that they can't actually do the sweep. Sending big hugs:hugs:. But like you say, at least now you can relax a bit and try and enjoy the next few days.:thumbup: They have already said that they won't consider inducing me until the 14th, so you could well beat me to it!

Random question - did you take your OH in with you for the attempted sweep? I can't decide whether I want mine there or not?:shrug:

8.9.10 is the date that my DH is hoping for Moggy!! (At first he did say 10.10.10 - thinking that September was the 10th month....:dohh:)

we got 9.8.10 nut we are brits - if we were american it woukld work...

how bout 4.56pm and 7 seconds on 8.9.10
MrsM dont know OH would want to see that :wacko: maybe ask him if he wants to come with you but wait outside for that bit?

I was just wondering if F&C and MrsMils thought about nipple stimulation to bring on labour? I read about it before and like most things it seems to work for some people. Might be worth giving it a try? I think your OH's should do it for you though rather than yourselves for the full effect.
Hi everyone!

Ann can't post on here today (but can see what we're up to), she had a show this morning! :happydance::happydance::happydance: She's going to have another sweep later in the week, so fingers crossed things will get moving before she would be induced on Saturday (which they've brought forward because they're busy). So lots and lots of labour vibes for her!!!

I had a chat to my osteopath this morning (who is apparently very famous in the pregnancy/baby world?! She has books and stuff when I googled for her number yesterday), she was SO lovely and chatted me through everything to do with the baby being back to back. She has advised that I don't have a sweep today and give the baby a few more days to try and turn, if I have a sweep, it will soften the back of the cervix and the baby will drop further and then won't be able to turn. So I'm off to see her tomorrow and then request a sweep on Friday (she thought I should just wait until next week, but I'd rather have a sweep and a back to back labour than be induced, so would rather give it a go). I got quite emotional speaking to her and as soon as I was off the phone had an absolute melt-down:cry:, poor DH managed to calm me down, I just think that I'm so tired, fed-up and hormonal that it was bound to happen at some point!

I spoke to DH about being there for the sweep last night, he thinks he'd prefer to be there to support me, but will stay 'head-end'!:haha:

I was just wondering if F&C and MrsMils thought about nipple stimulation to bring on labour? I read about it before and like most things it seems to work for some people. Might be worth giving it a try? I think your OH's should do it for you though rather than yourselves for the full effect.

This was suggested at NCT and apparently you have to do it for at least half an hour?! I don't know that my nipples will take that!!:haha: I am getting desperate, I had a curry last night, but we didn't go to a dodgy enough place and it had no effect whatsoever!:dohh:
Go Ann!!!!

dylan glued to boob today and v fractious so not read thru properly yet :hugs:
6 week growth spurt :thumbup: Should mean better sleep is imminent!
had J weighed today - he was 11lb 7oz last week anyone want to guess what he was this morning?
6 week growth spurt :thumbup: Should mean better sleep is imminent!

had J weighed today - he was 11lb 7oz last week anyone want to guess what he was this morning?

I hope so, last night was pretty good!

I go for 12lb? I'm not well up on how many ounces in a pound to be fair lol :blush:

Dylan is locked on so I am one handed typing - Lydia I hope bubs moves for you get on the ball?? :shrug: nipple stimulation probably would have some effect as I felt twinges after / whilst trying :haha: so if I had been inspired to do it long enough who knows :haha:

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