2010 Bumps & Flushes & Dimples

Like i said it's not much...but it's the fact that it is there. I'm worried but not stressing at the moment...just waiting it out and hope it goes way.

F&C that's how I felt! I had three scans, every Thursday for three weeks and it is crazy how different the 10 week one is to the 12 week one. I've got a real person in me!!

Penguin, i'm really thinking of you, no doubt you *know* spotting etc is totally ok and normal a lot of the time, but I bet that's not putting your mind at rest. Hope your MW can, xxx
Penguin, I am sure that its nothing to worry about, but I know thats better said then done. I hope your MW can help ease your mind. Are you still getting it or has it went away?

How are the rest of you ladies doing?
:hugs: penguin

I am sure it's nothing to worry about, but worth a chat to the midwife if it will put your mind at ease. Is there any pain? If not they usually say not to worry? :hugs;

I am feeling a bit knackered as work is busy at the mo, but on the bright side we have our little jolly to mallorca booked for the end of March. We went to a charity ball in September with the inlaws and won 3 nights in mallorca in a lovely villa. Managed to get the flights for £35 return so ready to rock - and the bonus is we contacted the airline and have got reserved seats (you may remember I'm a poor flyer!) so looking forward to that!

How is everyone doing? Nothing to report here on the bean front, though I am still constipated (tmi sorry!) and had a bit of a nightmare on the train today with a random dizzy spell :wacko:

Hope you're all well :hugs:
Penguin - have you spoken to the midwife? Hopefully she will be able to put your mind at rest, as pinkandfluffy says usually nowt to worry about unless there are cramps and pain too.

Pinkandfluffy - good news on the airplane seats, result on the price as well, you will be able to relax properly and by then you might have some bump which makes it easier to bare all in the sunshine cos youre preggers. Re constipation - my best friend who has 3 little people recommended I try drinking lilt - it worked eventually (after 2 days and 3 long nights!) and I am now pretty much back to normal regularity - sorry if TMI. I am glad it worked as when I was pregnant with mogster I had to have lactulose which is yucky if you dont like sweet drinks!

My bump buddy has a scan tomrrow to see if her bean is in the right place, then the next day one of my old friends who moved to south africa has hers and the same day we find out the results of the ivf - as far as this afternoon she has had no period but has a very sore back so is signed of work for a fortnight, blood tests at the clinic on friday - have everyting crossed for them all.....

Penguin please let us know how you are doing today, hoping it is all stopped and you have your feet up - they dont have a grapes smiley so :flower: :hugs:

Everyone else hope you are doing well and your beans are being good to you - off to read mogster his bedtime story as can hear the chaos as OH is getting him out of the bubblebath as we speak...Mr Matey has a lot to answer for lol

:wohoo: have officially passed the 100 days preggo mark :yipee:
Hi Claire, any news?

I've been getting a stabbing pain all day today. It's always in the same place - quite low down and to the right.

Well I had to tell my work today as my boss told me I had to do lots of manual work on Tuesday. He took it really well but I just hope that when he starts his new company (he's closing the current one down) that he will still take me with him.

Hope you are all ok. xxx
penguin, I hope you are okay and the MW has put your mind at ease. :hugs:

F&C, hope all is fine with you too. Maybe muscles and ligaments stretching? :thumbup: on telling your boss, so you don't have to do all the manual work on Tuesday.

pinkandfluffy, I am sure your flight will be fine and a few days away sound like just what you need at the moment.

moggymay, :happydance: for passing the 100 days preggo mark.

Everyone else, hope you are all doing okay.

Things are okay with me. My ticker says I am 20% now, :happydance:

Not happy about the snow again. Sat in traffic for over an hour and a half for a journey that should only take me 15 minutes. But at least we're home now. :coffee:
Hi ladies....thanks for you concern :hugs:

Glad to report that i've had no spotting today....so feeling a lot better. I have had twinges this evening but not cramps and they were under my ribs rather than lower down and no real pain iykwim......don't know if this is my insides streching but i think it's too early for that and maybe too high up :shrug:

Will see how things go tomorrow...on a half day so might give the MW a ring in the afternoon for a chat.

DeDe/Jetters - Thanks :hugs:

P&F - Glad you got to reserve seats..you'll have a great time :thumbup: Make sure you put your feet up tonight...you might be over doing it if you had a dizzy spell :hugs:

Moggy - Feeling better today..thanks hun :hugs: Wow...so many exciting news coming your way.....really hope all turns out well for them all.Oh..cant wait to buy Mr Matey LOL

F&C- i agree with piperette...does sound like streching...as long as it isnt painful you should be fine :hugs: If you have a good boss he'll keep you on...i applied for my job when 28 weeks preggers and strated the job 3 weeks before i went on leave. :thumbup:

Piperette - :yipee::yipee: for being 20% (booooo for snow LOL)

:wohoo::wohoo: 10 weeks today...here's to the next 30 weeks and this little bean to stay put :thumbup:

Moggy - Did you get your piggy jab? curious if you were ok after having it. Oh....and has the sexy car arrived yet?

Moggy - Did you get your piggy jab? curious if you were ok after having it. Oh....and has the sexy car arrived yet?


No piggy jab yet....will have it when they ask though and surgery quite hot on sending letter to say come have it.

Sexy car pick up on Saturday - will be sad to see Foxy go (current car) :nope:as have been through a lot with her and she is the only car Mogster has ever known :shrug:

Good news bout the spotting being gone,:thumbup: make sure you tell the MW tomorrow though, you may even get a scan a bit sooner and that would I know put your mind at rest. :wohoo: for 10 weeks, the milestones make it all seem so much more real and nearer. Just think once you have the scan pics you can tell Jac and then when you get to the flavour scan if you find out what you are having you can tell him about baby girl/baby boy and he will maybe even start to know what is really going on. Mogster knows baby is in mummys tummy but he thinks if he gets his stethoscope out he can listen to bubs in his tummy - very cute but think when we know boy/girl he might understand a bit more as we plan to get him another baby doll and some nappies etc so he will understand what is going on - saw dolly disposables in Asda last week cant believe what you can get these days but if it helps him understand then all good.

Claire hon it will be ok and you know where we are if you need the support at any time and for whatever reason, thats the whole point of this thread and I think it is fab - wonder which wise woman started it! :haha:
Yey to being at 20% Piperette and yay to being 10 weeks Claire!!

Moggy, my little niece was just like that when my sister was pregnant with my nephew. When you asked her where the baby was she would pull her top up!!

Hi Ladies,

Penguin glad to her that the spotting stopped.

Fish&chips, I know about the stabbing pains. I was having them and sometimes still have them. I agree with the other ladies about it being stretching pains. Thats what the doc told me as I was worried and asked him about it.

Well, I had another appt at the doc yesterday. Everything was fine, we got to hear the baby's heartbeat and the doc brought in his little ultrasound machine for us to see our LO. DH was really excited because when the doc was trying to get a good picture, LO jump and we got to see his little arms and legs move.

On a side note, he told me I had chronic high blood pressure, so they are watching it closely. It really wasn't a shock because I was dealing with high blood pressure before I got pregnant.

Here is my LO.


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What lovely pictures DeDe! Congratulations!

Thanks for everyone's advice re the stabbing pains. xx

DeDe - Lovely scan pics hun......:cloud9::cloud9: Try not to worry too much about the high BP.....i've always had borderline high BP and i had a trouble free pregnancy with Jac. I was monitored for a few weeks at 33 weeks but all was ok :thumbup: Relax as much as possible :hugs:

Had some more spotting last night and today....and been cramping a bit today too (havent had cramps since about 5-6 weeks)...nothing bad or painful though. The spotting is pink ....so fresh so it worries me more iykwim.
So i phoned my MW......she was off so got through to the on-call MW which was lovely. Told her my problems and that spotting has never happened with me....with Jac or up to now with this pregnancy....and also about the cramps.
She got in touch with the EPU doctor and phoned me back within 5 mins. Said that ectopic risk has gone as i'm 10 weeks...and my symtopms would be worse...which is a good thing. They we're mega busy there with emergency's today and couldnt really class me as one...which i agreed.....so i was offered a scan on Monday morning for reassurance. I'm so glad i get to go.......i'm not sure but i don't think i'll lose my dating scan but i'm not fussed as long as my little :baby: is fine on Monday. (was also told if anything does get worse in the mean time... to contct my GP who would refer me straight away to EPU...hoping i dont have to)

Moggymay - It's great getting mogster involved as he'll understand a lot of what's going on...don't think Jac will have a clue LOL But going to try all the same and involve him in everything about the new baby.
I hope this spotting is just an infection or something and nothing to do with our baby.......I'm trying not to think about the scan on Monday but it's hard not to. I was nervous for both my scans with Jac....cant imagine how i'll feel on Monday :wacko:
Oh....and i'm a wise woman when it comes to advising other people.....doesnt work the same way when you try and convince yourself:haha:
Thanks so much hun
Claire I have everything crossed for you and your bean for Monday. Light spotting is hopefully nothing to worry about but easier said than done. x
Claire, I've got everything crossed for you and bubs on Monday. I know it's easier said than done...but try to relax.:hugs:

So today I got a phone call at work. What do you know? The midwives finally got all their clients organized and called to let me know that they would take me on as a client!!! I had kinda lost hope and was starting to get used to the idea of my GP taking care of my pregnancy...but I am more than happy to be in the care of midwives!

My first meeting with them will be on Wed. March 3rd at 11am! I can't wait! By that time we will have had out 12 week nuchal scan, so hopefully everything is still ok. I'm still paranoid...anyone else feel that way??

Bean and I also had a lovely day today! It was my 27th birthday and DH organized a little surprise birthday party while I was at work till 7pm. It was his day off and he pulled it all together! I was quite impressed and of course I cried when I saw my parents, BIL, best friends. :)

Hope everyone else had a great day!:cloud9:
:hug: Mamabird! I didn't believe there was a real baby growing in me, in the right place, alive until I saw it at the scan. I burst into tears of relief and the sonographer said to me "oooh, bet you're one of the ones prepared for the worst by Google!" lol. xx
F&C - I know spotting cn be normal...but it unusual for me and that's why i'm worrying. I haven't had any today so hoping it's done with :hugs:

Mamabird - Glad you sorted your antenatal care. Personally i think MWs are better as they're specialized and see what happens with so many women on a day to day basis and they know what's 'normal' or not when you seek advice.
Oh...and Happy Birthday hun :yipee::yipee: .....i dont get that your hubby was off on your b'day and you had to work :haha: Glad you had a great party though :thumbup:
To be honest..you'll be worried and paranoid all the way through the pregnancy (sorry to be the bearer of this news LOL)...it comes naturally...but i does ease up for a while when you get a scan. There's always somethign to worry about......like when you start to feel movement you then get to the stage where bubs has a quiet day and you think something is wrong.....i had this around 22 weeks with Jac and saw my MW urgently but all was ok.

Spotting has stopped again today...so i hope it's gone for good.....i have some cramping but nothing significant so trying to relax. I just want to get to that scan now.
Hubby is off this weekend so i think we'll do some shopping, need to start getting the next size clothes for Jac as he's already outgroing some of his 9-12 months clothes at 9 months old.....i do have a big boy though LOL Luckily a friedn from work ahs some clothes barely used after her son so that will start us off.



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