2010 Bumps & Flushes & Dimples

Thanks Moggymay and everyone. I've got my best friend and dad snuggling up on the sofa watching crap tv with me! :)x
Moggymay- Hope you and mogster feel better soon :hugs: Nothing worse than being preggers and feeling lie s#*t!!
I cant help you with your trip as I'm in North Wales...unless you want to see suuny Caernarfon and the Castle that Prince Charles had his investiture :haha: So i'm usless LOL :hugs:

MrsMils - Ive been wearing maternity jeans and work trousers for nearly 3 weeks :blush: I was the same with Jac....they are so much more comfy and dont dig in so i just make sure i wear longer tops to cover the band...one problem....my works trousers keep and falling down and there are no belt loops :wacko:

3 doses of horrid orange medicine and he seems much brighter, still very hot and not got any appetite but he is less clingy which is a start, really feel for him cos the medicine tastes foul - sure we had banana stuff last time he was ill? :shrug:

So glad today has brought good news for you and Jetters, Claire, we have a scan to look forward to on thurs and then it must be your and Piperettes scans too soon - more pics :happydance:

I have broken out the maternity jeans etc but am not yet wearing them, am finding some old jeans with stretch in them very comfy and they dont fall down which helps a lot! Main thing I have found is my old feeding bras are soooo comfy, bit generous in the cup but sooooo comfortable.

Also I have exciting news......not 100% but getting more and more sure that I have today been feeling bubs move, just a flutter or two down by my right hip, kind of in front of it, told OH when he came home and he said quite possible as its baby 2, mogster came and gave bubs a cudde and then I felt it again, almost like he or she knew to move so we knew it was him/her. So exciting and cant wait til monday til we hear the heartbeat with the MW :happydance:
Well i'll tell you about my morning...

Apptmt at EGU (not EPU in our hospital :wacko:) was at 10.20am so got there just in time and checked in. 11am she takes my details and asks for an urine sample ....and decided i was going for a scan first as they had said they were going to do an internal...:wacko: I think as i was waiting so long.

So eventually got to the scan waiting room at about 11.30. Went in and had a lovely woman...she confirmed why i was there and siad its always better to get checked out. She started on the scan and showed me the HB straight away...the arms legs head and so forth.....she said all looked ok. The relief was incredible. I must say it was the best scan ive had as it was so clear even at 11 weeks... it was clearer than my 20 week scan with Jac...so i dont know if the equipment has been upgraded. She said she was going to keep my 12 weeks dating scan so we can check again and ease my worries again that all will still be ok.

She said she'd do my notes at the 12week scan...thats how busy she was. So i didnt ask for a pic. Knowing bubs is ok was enough at the time...but i regret not asking now :dohh:

Went back up to the ward to see the doc...went though the details...gladly he didnt think an internal was necessary as the scan hadnt picked anything up....phew :haha: And then he decided.....so i dont think you need your 12 week scan now as you just had a scan......i told him what the scanner had said and that i didnt get any pics either as she said we were coming back ...so he just mumbled and said oh ok then if she kept your aptmt! Bloody cheek LOL.

So...i'm lucky to get my 12 week dating scan next week and see bubs again...i just hope i get a good pic....one thing is for sure i wont be drinking much water before as i think i got better pics :shrug:

We left at 11.45am...so a quick scan and doc visit took 1 1/2 hours.....

Sorry for rambling.
yey for the sonographer overuling the doc :loopy: you gotta have pics!

Maybe go with fair bit in your bladder as they can always ask you to pee - most ultrasound rooms have a mini ensuite fr just that reason.

My first scan with mogster I peed twice and this time had to pee cos had drank too much!

Maybe they should change the wording - full bladder not so good, especially when they put pressure on you with the scanner probe thing :blush: Im sure one day they will get peed on!
3 doses of horrid orange medicine and he seems much brighter, still very hot and not got any appetite but he is less clingy which is a start, really feel for him cos the medicine tastes foul - sure we had banana stuff last time he was ill? :shrug:

So glad today has brought good news for you and Jetters, Claire, we have a scan to look forward to on thurs and then it must be your and Piperettes scans too soon - more pics :happydance:

I have broken out the maternity jeans etc but am not yet wearing them, am finding some old jeans with stretch in them very comfy and they dont fall down which helps a lot! Main thing I have found is my old feeding bras are soooo comfy, bit generous in the cup but sooooo comfortable.

Also I have exciting news......not 100% but getting more and more sure that I have today been feeling bubs move, just a flutter or two down by my right hip, kind of in front of it, told OH when he came home and he said quite possible as its baby 2, mogster came and gave bubs a cudde and then I felt it again, almost like he or she knew to move so we knew it was him/her. So exciting and cant wait til monday til we hear the heartbeat with the MW :happydance:

Glad he's getting better...the nicer medicine would help though.
I forgot....i see MW tomorrow morning too...but only for bloods so nothing exciting..but i can give her an update on the events.

I'm so excited about you feeling bubs move :cloud9:...i meant to ask you last week if you had felt anything.
I think i felt Jac at around 14 weeks last time...like a tickling feeling iykwim..and then regular movements at around 19 weeks.... But i never felt a real kick or outside movement till 25 weeks!!
Its getting more and more exciting now isnt it...

Oh Jetters, what a scare!! I have everything crossed for you but it sounds like your little one is happy and healthy.

Claire, I'm glad your scan went well!

Moggy, those throat infections sound nasty, you poor things. Hope you both get better soon. x
Yey Claire to the baby being ok and keeping you 12 week scan and yay to Moggy for feeling the baby moving!
yey for the sonographer overuling the doc :loopy: you gotta have pics!

Maybe go with fair bit in your bladder as they can always ask you to pee - most ultrasound rooms have a mini ensuite fr just that reason.

My first scan with mogster I peed twice and this time had to pee cos had drank too much!

Maybe they should change the wording - full bladder not so good, especially when they put pressure on you with the scanner probe thing :blush: Im sure one day they will get peed on!

I will drink some water before i go next week but not as much and not too soon either as i dont think it made any difference. I have a feeling it's down to the equipment to why it was so clear though.....even hubby said while we there there that the pic was so clear and better than any of the other ones we had with Jac..honestly it was incredible.....and for him to notice it must be true :haha:

Glad you get to keep your 12 week scan :thumbup: I hadn't had much water before mine as it wasn't mentioned and it was so clear - I guess equipment is likely getting better :shrug:

Must admit I've not fully caught up on the thread....and been a little awol - have had some sad news a couple of my friends who had also been pg have lost theirs...so was feeling a bit down (nothing compared to how they felt I'm sure but still..):cry: so tried to keep off til I was feeling a bit more positive.

Moggy how exciting to be feeling things - at the weekend I had a random feeling just the once and wondered if it could be anything to do with bubs, as it didn't feel like anything I've had before :shrug:

How many more scans do we have to come ladies? Feels like a long time til my 20 weeker so happy to enjoy your pics in the mean time! :thumbup: Hope you are all doing well :hugs:
f&c - thanks hun :hugs:

p&f - Sorry to hear about your friends :hugs: I know how you feel as we went though the same thing with hubbys brother and GF when we were expecting Jac.

Jetters how are you doing today? Any idea yet when they will scan you again, I know you said before it was next week but wondered if they said when? Hoping all is still well for you and bubs isnt playing up. Was chatting to my best mate earlier on the phone - she has 3 little ones and had a nightmare getting to 3 as in between 2 and 3 she had 2 mc and an ectopic, with number 3 she had bizarre bleeding around 14/15 weeks and clots etc coming out, only lasted a few hours then a few more of feint spotting, she thought that was it and was ready to give up but when they had hteir scan it turned out she had some clot thing in there that had grown alongside bubs, they hadnt seen it on the dating scan so didnt know it was there! She had another episode of bleding about 18 weeks but all was okay still with bubs, she went on to have a beautiful baby boy who was 10 days late and weighed 9lb 15oz - ouch!!!! Hoping most of that comes true for you, dont want to wish an almost 10lb baby on anyones downstairs bits. Anyway thats all, just wanted to let you know her story and that I am thinking of you and bubs.
Ahhh thanks!! I have so far resisted googling, even though I really want to look for "i bled but was fine" stories, because I know there'd be too many upsetting things too!

I've decided to go to the EPU tomorrow morning, there's been no more bleeding but lots of niggling pains and to be honest, I just can't relax at all- i'm terrified.
Hi Ladies,

I know I have been missing in action, but I have been studying for exams and work has kept me busy as it's tax time.

Claire, I am so glad everything went well. It's great that you get to keep your dating scan. I can't wait to see your pics.

Jetters, I am glad to see that the bleeding stopped. I hope the niggling pains go away too. I am sure that your lil bud is fine.

Moggy, I so excited that you have started to feel LO. I can't wait to feel LO moving around.

Pinkandfluffy, sorry to hear about your friends. News like that is never easy to take. I'm sure they will be back in no time.

How is everyone else doing?
Ahhh thanks!! I have so far resisted googling, even though I really want to look for "i bled but was fine" stories, because I know there'd be too many upsetting things too!

I've decided to go to the EPU tomorrow morning, there's been no more bleeding but lots of niggling pains and to be honest, I just can't relax at all- i'm terrified.

EPU is there for just that! The whole point of reassurance scans is reasurance, they dont give them out like sweeties but they give them where there is a need and a genuine concern and I reckon you should get one so youll know what is what, maybe they will give a picture - we need another baby pic we havent had one for a few days!

Resist google and the complications sections on here, most of the time people only tell you about bad news, its like service in a restaurant, if the food and waiters are great we say nothing but tip better, if its cr*p we dont tip and we tell everyone how awful it was :shrug:

Keep us posted how you get on, thats what we are here for after all.

Just wanted to say again YAY FOR US COS....COS COS TAN!:flower:

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