2010 Bumps & Flushes & Dimples

Oh god- dreams- I freaked myself out by dreaming I gave birth to a kitten last week! And when I refused to breastfeed it, the nasty nurses kept telling me not to be petty! :rofl:

Ahhh babies are so unpredictable with new people! Your own baby will love your scent, and your skin, and just you, basically x

:rofl: That even beats most of my weird ones!!!

Fortunately I saw the funny side of the baby situation, but I did warn my colleagues that it might set me off if he started crying, convincing me that I'd be a 'bad mother'!!!

I actually managed to have a decent night's sleep past night, only up 3 times to go to the loo and then went back to sleep - that hasn't happened in ages! Usually I'm up 5 or 6+ times and then will stay awake from about 3am (which DH gets slightly grumpy about as I'm not very good at not laying still.... :haha:)

Wow.....so we have 4 scans over thursday and friday this week....:happydance::happydance:
Piperette and Mamabird - Thursday?!
F&C and Me -friday! Anyone else.....

Mamabird - Hope you feel better soon hun :hugs:

Moggymay - Yum yum chinese food .....we had some last weekend :thumbup:

Jetters - The BB looks cool...gutted that we need a double so limited in choice.....already got our P&T so i hope it does the job :thumbup: KNowing that we'd fall so soon for #2 i would have opted for an icandy 1st time so we could convert to a double.....far too expensive to do it now :wacko:

MrsMils -Dont worry hun.....the bond with your own baby is totally different...you'll be great :hugs:

Hope you all have a great valentines....dont do too much fuss here as we buy each other nice pressies quite often.....and show our love for each other too :blush:
Hubby gave me a card this morning and then went to get a paper with Jac...came back though the door and shouted 'mam' like it was Jac shouting.....and Jac was holding a single red rose for me .....awww :cloud9::cloud9::cloud9: Cheesy but lovely anyway especially as he got my special boy involved.....

Having an indian takeaway tonight too...cant wait....yum yum.

^ Aw that sounds dead sweet!! Bless!!

I'm single on valentine's day for the first time ever, eeep! But how can I be sad about it when i've got this little bean beating away inside me eh? And I only think of the silver lining now... how crap the last few years with the horrible ex were anyway!!!

Yay more scan pics to come, exciting! The only downside of the 12 week scan is the almightily long wait to the 20 week one after that!! I've got my gender scan in 3 weeks...:D
Jetters you have a lovely bean to keep you company for valentines, beats any other half :thumbup:

I've had a nice weekend - managed to try out the britax b-smart (new version of vigour) yesterday so happy with that, and starting to empty our conservatory today (sounds glam - it's basically a bit of a lean-to that is well overdue for falling down!) ready for it being knocked down and replaced with an extension (woohoo for a baby bedroom!).

Now I have sorted my pram choices out, I have a question ladies. What are you doing (or have done in the past for those of you with LO's already) for sleeping? Moses baskets? Big cot straight away? There is just so much to figure out :dohh:

Hope you're all having a lovely valentines day or weekend :hugs:
We have a crib for sleeping at nighttime and then a cotbed for when he/she outgrows the crib, with mogster we used it as a cot from 5-23 months then converted it to a bed, he now is in his bed so crib and cotbed both free. In the daytime he slept in the carrycot of the buggy (easy to pop out if you need to then) or in his bouncer chair. We didnt get on with a moses basket as we have a cat - didnt want her to jump into it - and also cos I think theyre difficult to move around - am wary of carrying someone so precious in a basket :shrug:

Just watched the england match and thought we played cr@p! Ah well time to cook dinner now then eat and get mogster bathed and to bed. We have the midwife tomorrow so hopefully hear the heartbeat as it is our first appt after 16 weeks (thats today) Just want the scan date to come through so we know when we can see bubs again.

Makes it better though knowing we will have so many scan pics etc this week on this thread, so excting, wonder what we will all have?

Still waiting for my blooming phase to kick in! No symptoms etc any more except Im knackered after lunch til about 4pm then I ge a second wind before flagging and heading to bed around 10pm - when will I get the blooming blooming phase!!!!

Hope you are all well, catch you later :hug:
Jetters - Your little bean is the best valentine ever hun.....just think next year your bean will be approx 6 months old so he/she can be your valentine :thumbup:

p&f - we had a moses basket for the first 7-8 weeks....would have used it longer but Jac was loving his milk and got big real fast. I still found it worth every penny though as we used it in the living room during the day and carried him up to the bedroom when we went bed. and i knew i would use it again :winkwink: Oh..and we dont have pets...only fish so i know they wouldnt tamper with it LOL
I then moved Jac to a cot (2nd hand with new matress) and he was happy in there straight away...which was in our room till he was 5 months old. Luckily we had the room.

moggymay-do you have to wait for your next scan date? when expecting Jac they gave me the 20 week date straight after getting the 12 week one.. All trust/hospitals are different though....ours doesnt do the NT scan as std. According to peoples comments i bloomed at 17 weeks last time....i still reckon they were talking about my waist and thighs blooming though :haha:

ooh forgot that P&F - mogster was in with us til 6 months when he went solo, also meant to say he slept in a baby sleeping bag from about 3 months, he was too small before that so was swaddled in his crib. He was to small for anything but newborn clothes for a long time! He was gorgeous though and still is, he is my valentine today, hubby can be my valentine once mogster goes to bed :wohoo: Love my little man :happydance:
Hi ladies,

OH made some lovely tea tonight with lots of candles and roses and Shloer. :cloud9:

penguin, our scan is on Wednesday evening.
Piperette - sorry i got the wrong day hun.....if i hd checked back in the thread a page or so i would have known (and i had a feeling i had the wrong day thats why i put the ?) :blush:

Thanks ladies :thumbup:

moggy - I am also at midwife tomorrow, though don't know if she'll listen to heartbeat or not as not hit 16 weeks myself yet :shrug:

Will your scan date come through in the post? I was lucky with mine and just booked in at the hospital as I see the consultant/medical disorders clinic so have a date to look forward to (25th March so nearly 21 weeks to be fair).

Is anybody planning to stay team yellow? I think we will find out - but maybe not tell other people (except on here of course!) and keep it as a surprise for them.

Having a lovely day with DH - we don't do valentines as a rule, but he did do me breakfast in bed and we are having a nice tea together from the new slow cooker mmmm!
Evening all! I've just baked some little cupcakes and will ice them with pink ready for when DH gets home, he's been at work since 7am and won't get back until at least 11.30pm again so I'm not expecting too much for my valentine's evening! The cupcakes are more for me - but I'm at least showing that I'm domesticated (it doesn't happen often!) Hopefully he'll have got me a card or something!

Penguin - thats so cute! And Jetters, that little bean is indeed the best valentine ever!!

Oh - and I think I'm staying on team yellow....
Piperette - sorry i got the wrong day hun.....if i hd checked back in the thread a page or so i would have known (and i had a feeling i had the wrong day thats why i put the ?) :blush:


Don't worry about it, hun. :winkwink:
will defo find out which team we are on but no name etc til after bubs is here!

Scan date will arrive in post, usually about 2-3 weeks before the date so you can reschedule if needs be...

Am finding the need to stand up and say I am addicted to the Winter Olympics - its fab. Cant wait til 2012 we will be taking mogster to whatever we can get and can afford tickets for!

Roll on the scans ladies :thumbup:
PIperette- Glad to hear you got some pampering form OH :thumbup:

P&F - I think we'll be staying team yellow again.......hubby wated to find out last time but respected my wishes....i mentioned this aagain a few weeks back and he was happy with a suprise again. Will he feel the same when the 20 wee scan is looming though :haha:

MrsMils - hope hubby got you something nice for valentines :hugs:

Moggymay - i prefer the winter olympics to the summer one...hubby cant understand either :wacko: but i havent been able to watch much.....Sky Sports news is on 24/7 in our house....

Only 4 sleeps till scan...:yipee::yipee::yipee:

4 sleeps - or less if you get too excited and don't sleep :haha:

Saw midwife today, she took the bloods for the triple tests I think she said :)shrug:) and heard the heartbeat yay :happydance:

I have lost a pound or two but she wasn't worried.

So now the countdown to my 20 (21) week scan begins :happydance:

I think DH wants to find out girl/boy, and I don't think I mind whether we do or not, so I am planning to wing it on the day and see if I want to know then lol.

Was looking forward to a couple of hours to relax on my own after the early finish for midwife appointment but DH has sneaked home early too :dohh: am I mean for wanting a couple of hours sitting on the sofa without feeling like I should be doing housework when he's here?? :haha:

Hope you are all good :thumbup:
Not many more sleeps penguin - woo hoo! And p&f - how exciting! I can't wait to hear the heartbeat!!

I did indeed get something nice for valentines, we internet shopped yesterday morning in bed for my pressie - two yummy goodies from The Cowshed - a stretch-mark balm and a leg cooling thingy. So I was very spoilt!!! :blush:

I know I want a surprise, but know I'll be tempted to find out at the 20 week scan (mainly so I can shop/decorate in the right colours!) - but know I'll be disappointed if I did. DH would quite like to know though I think. Having said that - I read a post on here about the nub theory, and having scrutinised my scan pic, I think it looks like a girl (although I do not its not proved to be correct/accurate, but its fun guessing! - any other guesses from you ladies?!
MrsMils your valentines treats sound lovely!

Now I'm off to find out what the nub theory is....:coffee:
I googled the nub theory too but couldn't make heads or tails of it!!

Funnily enough, I was dead set against finding out the sex, until I started shopping at 12 weeks- I quickly changed my mind and now I can't wait to know! (less than 3 weeks to go).

Have you all got 'feelings' on what you're having? I feel like i'm having a boy- have since day one- but keep dreaming i've had a girl...
With mogster when we went for the scan we thought it was a girl - it was a boy!!!

This time everyone is saying girl, mogster said it first, he thinks both the baby in my tummy and in his tummy are girl babies, then when we heard the heartbeat it sounded like a racehorse, apparently an old wives tales refers to how it sounds...galloping is a girl and whoosing like a train is a boy? Who knows guess we will find out in 5 weeks or so....they do the scans here at 20-21 weeks so long time for us to wait :nope:

We are moving mogster into a big boy bedroom so can use nursery again, we had yellow and cream theme in there with Mamas and Papas Jenny Giraffe pattern - doubt we can get that anymore! Will have to match in stuff if we cant find things. Big sleeping bags we have but not sure what happened to the smaller 0-3 and 0-6 ones...?

Few sleeps left to go for those scans ladies - getting excited!

Am off to investigate this nub business!

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