2010 Bumps & Flushes & Dimples

MrsMils - Glad to have made you laugh :hugs: Triple test is done after 16 weeks. I see mymidwife at dead on 16 weeks and she'll take my bloods then. If you get extra BP checks you might hear babys heartbeat more often :winkwink:
Oh yeah......you have preggo brain with regards to spelling and words......i haven't noticed much difference ths time as i never recovered from the preggo brain while having Jac :rofl::rofl:

Oh yes - and is anyone else having issues with basic speech and spelling?! Seriously, I've lost the ability at the moment!! I keep mixing works up/making new ones up and can't spell VERY simple words...

YES! And from even before I knew I was pregnant!! I simply can't string sentences together any more.. oh and my typing has got worse!
Evening ladies,

How is everyone? Hope you are all doing fine.

I have a question. Since TTC I have not had a bath (only showers :winkwink:) as I read you need to be careful about the temperature. Up too now I was way too paranoid about the water being too hot, so decided not to bath altogether. But I really want to take a lovely bath soon. So I was thinking about buying a Bath Thermometer. I can use it now and continue to use it when the baby is here.

Has anyone got one of those? Do you have any recommendations?
I'm a big bath fan - I REALLY didn't want to have to give up my baths and shower instead for 9 months, so I did a bit of reading about it/spoke to my midwife. The main thing that I gathered was that baths were ok as long as they weren't too hot. The main issue now is just overheating, so my midwife said that as long as I can get in the water comfortably (i.e. not doing to whole 'getting in in stages because its that bit too hot') and I don't go pink, I'll be absolutely fine, so I gave in and have been having baths for the last few weeks rather than showering. In fact - when I'm feeling a bit achey/tired its really lovely to get in there and wallow with a magazine! :smug:

The thermometer sounds like a really good idea, have you found anywhere the ideal temperature that is recommended?

Oh - and thanks girls - its good to know I'm not the only one that seems to be going crazy. Some of my co-workers are now actually getting used to deciphering my jibberish!! :wacko:
Pip we have had several thermometers for the bath for mogster they dont tend to last too long though so I wouldnt spend a fortune if you can help it. Most of the time for baby ones say anything over 36 is hot, mogster prefers it a bit warmer say 37, we have tested and found that 40 is hot and what we like, it feels like it is not quite as hot as doing the washing up IYKWIM. Basically the best way to test before bubs IMO is to run the bath, leave the bathroom and close the door then return say 3 mins later and see first how hot the room feels and second how hot the water feels when you dip a hand then a toe, if it seems too hot then it is, if it seems just right then it is and if too cold then you guessed it, it is! Kind of like goldilocks and the three bears, just Piperette and the three bath temps! When bubs is here you can get a thermometer.

Hope this helps you enjoy lovely long relaxing baths!

Not much going on here, feeling tired and grumpy in the main, dont feel pregnant any more and ages til next scan or next MW appt, scan who knows when still awaiting date and next MW is 29/3!!!! No more movements and no symptoms, cant remember if it is normal but kind of just blah to the whole thing at the mo, cant even summon up the excitement to ....? Need cheering up ladies, any ideas??? Please????
MrsMils, I read that warm water is okay - anything up to your normal body temperature of 98.6° F, which is 37.0 °C.

I looked at this thermometer. It is digital as well, which I think I prefer.

Moggy, maybe take a nice bath with some candles and relaxing music? We have just about 2 months until our next scan, so I am also thinking about hiring a doppler for inbetween. First thought about buying one, but might just stick with hiring one like you suggested.
Piperette I can definitely help with advice i nthat department!

I am a HUGE bath fan...I have a nice bath almost every evening. When I got pregnant I read a lot of stuff about bath temperature. For a while my baths were really crappy because they were not warm enough and finally I decided to get a bath thermometer.

Mine isn't digital or very fancy. It looks like a normal thermometer we would use oraly but it is in a case the shape of a froggy. I read that as long as the temp of your water isn't more than 100 degrees Fahrenheit..which is about 37.77 degrees celsius...your good. I am the type of person who looks like a lobster after my "normal" baths and I find bathing in 100 degree water is really not that bad. Still pretty hot...better than warm.

Hope this help!

We had this for Rory and always liked it https://www.mothercare.com/Philips-...ing=UTF8&m=A2LBKNDJ2KZUGQ&n=42764041&mcb=core so i'll probably get one of them again.

My doppler arrived today! And I was scared shitless to try it... especially because I have a huge flabby belly in the way (size 20)... but after a scary few minutes, I found it! Oh, what a relief. Bean's heartbeat galloping away.. i'm so glad I bought it! (for now!)
My sister loaned her doppler to a friend who gave birth about a year ago. They are seeing each other in about 5 weeks so am going to have to wait until then. She did offer to post it but tbh I think I'd better stay away until I've more of a chance to hear the hb. x
Hi ladies..:flower:

13 weeks today :happydance::happydance::happydance:

As far as having bath goes i wouldnt worry about checking the temp unless you like a boiling hot bath! I don't so it's never too hot anyway and i still have to creep in slowly...LOL I had aloads of baths in the last tri last time just to relax and never bothered checking the temp....and Jac is fine :thumbup:

IF you need a temp checker anyway why dont you get something like this like i have....
The only thing that's rubbish is the decongestant and i've not used the comb yet as Jac doesnt have enough hair so i use the brush....oh and i forgot there was a toothbrush in there so i'll use it once the one i have needs throwing away.

Told work on Monday that i'm preggeres AGAIN! My supervisor was great about it :thumbup: and my Line Manager was ok too, but i have an underlying feeling he was pissed off deep down. He couldnt understand why i had waited to tell them and hadnt trusted to tell them i was pregnant when i was due back in work mid january WTF :growlmad: Family only found out this weekend...cheeky tw@t! I should have told him that i wasnt obliged to say anything till 25weeks but thought better of it :haha:
Hope all you lovely ladies are well.

Congrats on 13 weeks Claire! So when does your box go up? Is it tomorrow? x
Penguin - glad work were okay (mostly!) and what a muppet....do they not realise every pregnancy is worrying and you often don't want to blab til the reassurance of the scan???

Not a lot going on my end.....struggling with my hips and back etc still but work are being really good and helpful about it.

One of my good friends has just found out she is pregnant - early days yet but exciting all the same as she has not been ovulating often at all so a bit of a miracle!

Can't believe I am almost 17 weeks.....it is going so quickly now!

Hope you are all well? We had a little more snow but nothing major. Ohhh but I start driving lessons tonight.......eeeeeeeep :blush:
F&C - Nope still havent moved a box :shrug: I guess it'll move tomorrow or Friday as then i'll officially be 1/3 the way through (40 weeks divided by 3 is 13.something weeks :haha:) and into 3rd tri...who knows LOL.

p&f - not long till you 20 week scan now then :thumbup: Hope you had a good driving lesson...as good as they can be as i hated mine and didnt learn to drive till i was 24! Dont know why i waited as i love driving now.....

Penguin: I just found out last week that our tickers will be moving up at 13w+3. If I remember correctly I think that's what I saw on another woman's pregnancy journal. Only a couple more days for you!!

P&F: I also feel like time is rushing by now. Well some of the time atleast. I can't believe I will be 13 weeks tomorrow!

Not much going on at my end. I am stuck doing extra hours at work this week because my boss waited too long to hire a replacement for the teacher who quite two weeks ago. I can't wait till the end of March when our other staff are done their teaching placements and our back working their regular shifts!

Also Friday is DH birthday and since I am off on Fridays I will bake him a cake and cook him a nice supper. No clue what to make yet. Maybe shepherds pie? That's one of his favourites!

Anywho! Hope all you ladies are doing fantastic!

Hi ladies,

How are you all? Hope you are keeping well.

Thanks for everyone who replied to my bath question. :thumbup:
Jetters and Penguin, could you let me know what products you were referring to as the links only took me to the main page?

Not much new here apart from that I went to see the midwife yesterday to have my bloods taken. Only MW couldn't find the vein. :wacko: So I now have this really bad bruise and the bloods were postponed till week 16, when I need my bloods taken again anyway. Only thing is I am now a bit worried I will get the same MW again. I'm not really a huge lover of needles at the best of times. But the good news is that MW also listened to baby's heartbeat and OH and I were smitten. :cloud9:
Mambird -thanks for 'moving box' info....i'm excited about it already and it wont move till friday :haha:
Shepherds pie sound good :thumbup:

piperette - i'll try the link again for you.... if it doesnt work its the ergonomic grooming set...all useful at some stage except the nasal thingy......and the bath thermometer has been great and lasted nearly 10 months so far :thumbup:

how weird.....i posted the link..checked it and it worked...tried again a few minutes later and it now directs to the home page... :wacko:
So the mothercare website must have a mind of its own...

Pip we have this one for mogster and we "borrow" bits every now and then for us too :blush:

Its great for when you go away as you dont forget bits - except if you have an OH who forgets to put the nail clippers back:haha:

All good here now, went to GP as was so tired and had stonking headache and the grumps, he diagnosed UTI and gave me antibiotics so now feeling much better as have had 48 hours of antibiotics kicking in. He did bloods too to check kidney function and have to wait for the results and have more next week.

Hate having bloods done:dohh: was a good nurse this week though and she said the harder I press with the cotton wool after she has taken the blood the less I will bruise - looking at my arms now the only clue to where she took it is a tiny pin prick. Hope you get a good bloodtaker next time hon!

Still no news on when we have our next scan, starting to think we might be like Jetters and nearer to 22 weeks...mogster is still convinced it is a girl and now says her name is milyee (Emily) or pipca (assuming Pippa or Philippa)

OH is away til Friday night so having junky dinner - pizza and salad, got me some chinese leaf this afternoon I LOVE IT!!!!!!

Hope you are all well, will be watching to see when you go up a box, think you are right about 13.3 tho... :hugs: to all
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