Pip we have this one for mogster and we "borrow" bits every now and then for us too

Its great for when you go away as you dont forget bits - except if you have an OH who forgets to put the nail clippers back
All good here now, went to GP as was so tired and had stonking headache and the grumps, he diagnosed UTI and gave me antibiotics so now feeling much better as have had 48 hours of antibiotics kicking in. He did bloods too to check kidney function and have to wait for the results and have more next week.
Hate having bloods done

was a good nurse this week though and she said the harder I press with the cotton wool after she has taken the blood the less I will bruise - looking at my arms now the only clue to where she took it is a tiny pin prick. Hope you get a good bloodtaker next time hon!
Still no news on when we have our next scan, starting to think we might be like Jetters and nearer to 22 weeks...mogster is still convinced it is a girl and now says her name is milyee (Emily) or pipca (assuming Pippa or Philippa)
OH is away til Friday night so having junky dinner - pizza and salad, got me some chinese leaf this afternoon I LOVE IT!!!!!!
Hope you are all well, will be watching to see when you go up a box, think you are right about 13.3 tho...

to all