Hey girls!!! Brilliant Claire! So please everything went well! Well done on the test Lia! Hope everyone else is well, I haven't really been on properly for a few days, the site keeps crashing for me, and now I'm on hols for 4 days - up to Harrogate to celebrate DH's 30th with his family. The boys are playing golf and the girls are shopping/relaxing/spa for a few days!
I'm having the weirdest nightmares - constantly and then when I wake up the baby does not stop racing around in my belly and keeps me awake even longer!! Grr!!
I also went to preggers yoga on Sunday which was nice, its every other week and focuses on breathing/comfortable positions for later in pregnancy etc, so will hopefully be useful. The teacher was great, kept reassuring us that she wouldn't go on about "the lentil hippy stuff" too much! When we had our 'relaxation' at the end I actually fell asleep, how embarrassing!!

She then said to go home, relax and eat something light, so I went to the MaccyD's across the road and bought these new chicken things they do with a sour cream dip, whoops! I felt like a naughty school girl and kept looking over my shoulder to check she wasn't watching me! I never buy McD's but now its all I can think about!!
Ann, I hope you get to see the midwife soon and get it sorted
Have a great week everyone, will catch up when I'm back. Oh, and 20 weks to us Claire!!