looks good pip
We used a medela mini electric pump which was fine, bear in mind that they recommend you dont express for bottle feeding in the first month to 6 weeks so your milk supply establishes...you may decide by then you are happy to feed in public under a muslin and only want to express for a bottle for OH to feed, we soon discovered Mogster asnt a fan of bottles so I fed him each feed but with night feeds OH would wind him and settle him so I could snooze

Also if OH gives a bottle you will need to express about the same time to maintain your supply.
Sounds complicated but it really isnt

we found OH was more awake for the first night feed so I would feed Mogster then crash whilst he struggled to be awake for the second so he would stay awake whilst I fed to keep us company and then he would go to sleep whilst I winded and settled him.
Check out that book, it is an interesting read even before you have bubs!